turbo ken
Nitro Member
I understand where your comming form Doug (no disrespect taken), but remember KJ hit the standing water backwards with the ass end of the car coming down, those big slicks are going glide across water (they will also glide accross that "sand" too if a car goes into it backwards, the slicks also make nice high floatation tire, just like the high floatation tires that are used in farming, and construction). Alot more often than not the car will go in front first, the narrow front tires will go into the water thus allowing the front spoiler, or wing to catch the water thus causing less damage the a vehicle, if Alexis car would have went into a water pit her car would have some body damage, and more than likely little to no chassis damage. I think that Alexis would have gotten hurt if her chassis didn't bend like it did when she hit those barrels with sand in them, her chassis saved her not the barrels of sand. After seeing her crash I was surprised (but very happy) to see she walked away from it, it was a nasty crash.