Nitro Member

Don came riding through the vendor area on his scooter and stopped right where I was chowing on my smoked turkey leg (mmmm) and when he came back I stopped him for a hat signature and told him how I appreciated him keeping the guys out there running and taking the time to stop for a fan...I knew he was busy. The guy was super nice.
I had never talked to Don one on one, just on here, so it was nice to chat with him briefly in person.
I know some of you don't care for him, but I think he's a stand up guy, and without the likes of him and the other multi car teams, a lot of guys just might be sitting on the sidelines watching.
Thanks Don for all you do for the NHRA and drag racing - and thanks for taking time for the fans.
(Not a butt kissing post really, just saying that I think some people get a bad reputation before you ever even speak to them).