I was hoping to come up here and tell you some exciting news that might happen as soon as tomorrow for one of the most respected and loved Top Fuel drivers in the NHRA, that has deserved the help more than anyone, but that will have to wait, because there is something far more important than that here....
First, lets all please say many, many prayers for all of the people that were hurt, the seven that were killed, and for their families and loved ones....That is the most important thing that any one of us can do right now...
Second, there is something that really needs to be said here..I hope you all read this....
Godspeed to those who lost their lives...their families, and MANY prayers to those who are fighting injuries as a result of this tradgedy....And Troy's heart was in the right place to help the event...He is not a criminal, rather he is guilty only of using terrible judgement....And pray for him, too...I could NEVER imagine the eternal pain that he will feel from this terrible day....
In the hope that you can try to someday peer through the little crack at the end of this horrible tunnell and see a bit of light, the onus is now squarely on the shoulders of the NHRA to step up to the plate and understanding that the loss of ANY life is horrific, let the losses of THESE lives help so many others in the future keep theirs by not street racing with 3000 pound land missles...The lessons that can be learned from this can save countless numbers of lives in the future...If these 7 people got their call from God early, let their sacrifices, and those of their families and loved ones be meaningful in saving many more...
It's time for the NHRA to use this tragedy to help save the lives of kids and go on a mission to help them keep it on the track...
Goodspeed to all....
First off, I have not heard with absolute certainy that Troy was driving. If I have just missed someone confirming this, then please speak up and set the record straight. Knowing a little about their operation, I feel that he probably was, but at this point it's just a gut feeling.
Secondly, how about a little compassion for the condition of the driver (possibly Troy). There has been no shortage of pointless rambling regarding bad decisions and probable criminal prosecution, but very little if any about the driver's condition. All I know at this point is that he was taken to the emergency room. This tells me that he has some injuries and we need to remember this. I hope and pray that he is okay, and ask everyone to do the same.
Troy was taken to the emergency room in a car... Not the back of an ambulance with hysterical, shocked, screaming, and grieving parents... Or in the back of a coroners van... So if you will excuse us/me for only thinking of the innocent victims here and not your friend, maybe it will sink in what a tragedy this truely is...Secondly, how about a little compassion for the condition of the driver (possibly Troy). There has been no shortage of pointless rambling regarding bad decisions and probable criminal prosecution, but very little if any about the driver's condition. All I know at this point is that he was taken to the emergency room. This tells me that he has some injuries and we need to remember this. I hope and pray that he is okay, and ask everyone to do the same.
I know it is very tempting to become just another Monday morning quarterback, but please remember one thing....each and everyone of us can think back on some decisions we have made that just leave us kind of scratching our heads with that what was I thinking look on our face. Unfortunately, this one had an absolutely tragic outcome. Going on and on with this thread about all of the 20/20 hindsight is pointless.
Please continue to pray for everyone affected by this horrible accident.
I have moved the thread back to the forum view. If people continue to attack members don't be so SURPRISED when your post get deleted. Topics can get heated very quickly. So repect others opinions and you won't get your post deleted. I know that we all can get along. lol
The accident may not have happened at a drag race, but it most definitely does have something to do with drag racing.
Now you have truly made the stupidest statement possible!!! Did all you people know that there were 4 other pro-mod cars behind Troy that were all going to do a burnout also???? Yah, it happened to troy, but it could have been any one of them it happened to. This has nothing to do with image!!! It was a charity event not a drag race. You people make it sound like he was out street racing. Give the guy a break, He was there for charity giving his time to a worthy cause and a tragedy happened end of story. To make an assinine statement he should be banned is the stupidest comment I have ever heard!!! I'm sure your ridiculous comments make him and his family feel great!!!!!!!! Read this story it say there were others behind him going to do the same thing. and no nothing should be deleted on here we all pay to be here. we all have opinions, agree or disagree. If people are attacking others personally thats one thing, but to have moderators delete a legitimate post from a paying member because someone doesn't like it is wrong.If the driver doesn't voluntarily retire, he should receive a lifetime ban from participating in sanctioned drag racing.
Racers have tried to improve the image drag racing for the past 50 years only to have this tragedy occur and do irrepairable damage to the cause. Race cars belong on race tracks.
My biggest concern is the victims and their families. Condolences to them all.
Now you have truly made the stupidest statement possible!!! Did all you people know that there were 4 other pro-mod cars behind Troy that were all going to do a burnout also???? Yah, it happened to troy, but it could have been any one of them it happened to. This has nothing to do with image!!! It was a charity event not a drag race. You people make it sound like he was out street racing. Give the guy a break, He was there for charity giving his time to a worthy cause and a tragedy happened end of story. To make an assinine statement he should be banned is the stupidest comment I have ever heard!!! I'm sure your ridiculous comments make him and his family feel great!!!!!!!! Read this story it say there were others behind him going to do the same thing. and no nothing should be deleted on here we all pay to be here. we all have opinions, agree or disagree. If people are attacking others personally thats one thing, but to have moderators delete a legitimate post from a paying member because someone doesn't like it is wrong.
Dragster's fatal tricks questioned - Yahoo! News
Now you have truly made the stupidest statement possible!!! Did all you people know that there were 4 other pro-mod cars behind Troy that were all going to do a burnout also???? Yah, it happened to troy, but it could have been any one of them it happened to. This has nothing to do with image!!! It was a charity event not a drag race. You people make it sound like he was out street racing. Give the guy a break, He was there for charity giving his time to a worthy cause and a tragedy happened end of story. To make an assinine statement he should be banned is the stupidest comment I have ever heard!!! I'm sure your ridiculous comments make him and his family feel great!!!!!!!! Read this story it say there were others behind him going to do the same thing. and no nothing should be deleted on here we all pay to be here. we all have opinions, agree or disagree. If people are attacking others personally thats one thing, but to have moderators delete a legitimate post from a paying member because someone doesn't like it is wrong.
Dragster's fatal tricks questioned - Yahoo! News
Yes it does Sir !!!!It is understood that Troy was there with good intentions. And people were lined up on their own to watch. But of course, now Troy's actions will be questioned. And watch for the civil suits, I'm sure. If the highway patrol ok'd it, they'll be named too. The new name of the thread describes the whole thing perfectly.![]()
I didnt know there were others either Joe till I saw the yahoo story. Thats why it pi$$ed me off, Troy was not the only one involved, others were gonna do the same thing. Dragster's fatal tricks questioned - Yahoo! NewsKelly I had no idea they had other PM's there as well! LIke I said earlier in this thread, the Town Mayor or Sheriff or whoever OK'd this kind of exhibition should shoulder some of the Blame here.
but it could have been any one of them it happened to. You people make it sound like he was out street racing.