Nitro Member
This is the best post that I've seen to date on this tragedy. Your quote above "...and suddenly what seemed like a perfectly sane act of showmanship and team building, now seems foolhardy, risky, and negligent!" Everyone on here thought it was cool when Jeggie did his burnout down mainstreet, if we still could view the Mater archives from last May, we would be able to read everyone's posts on how cool it was. So many of the same people that are blasting Troy, the Promoter, the Selmer Police, these same people posted a year ago on how cool that burnout was, even NHRA endorsed it at the time.........On Thursday, the 14th of June, I took my truck, trailer, and racecar to work with me, because I was leaving for the Denver Divisional from work at noon.
My Boss is a younger guy who is in love with my car, and he started on me early in the day to unload it and let them wash it in our wash bay. I relented, and as I prepared to load it on lunch break, all the mechanics gathered around chanting "Burn out!!" I relented, doing a nice, smoky 2 gear burnout, for 20 feet of washbay and a good half of the 55 foot concrete pad in front. Then loaded up to the cheers of my co-workers and headed to Denver! My boss slapped me on the back, "That's cool, we'll remember this for the rest of our lives."
I returned on Monday to this...and suddenly what seemed like a perfectly sane act of showmanship and team building, now seems foolhardy, risky, and negligent! I can't even imagine the consequences of hurting one of my co-workers, let alone maiming and killing innocent by-standers.
I feel absolutely horrible for Troy, but in the end, he is reponsible for the tragedy...He was the one person most qualified to determine what the conditions warranted, the one with the most experience in handling a Pro-Mod Racecar, the one who decided how long and how hard to do the burnout, and ultimately, the one who lost control. Troy's own website described him as "A professional racer with over a 1000 exhibition burnouts to his credit". Such a statement certainly makes him more qualified to say what proper spectator containment is than a Promoter or small town Sheriff.
The title of Professional is a heavy burden, as a CDL Driver, I know that all to well..when I get behind the wheel of an 80'000 lb rig, I understand the potential for destruction in my charge, and I fully accept the responsibility I have to watch out for the amatuer drivers I share the road with everyday who have no Idea how much peril they face when they lane change 20 feet in front of a Semi running 65mph.
I'm not condemning Troy as a human being, or as a fellow drag racer, and it sickens me to see him demonized in the regular media, but there is no spin that can possibly be put on the deaths of 7 people, the racing community has to understand that.