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Sad Day

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Re: Media Sucks!

What if the street was a little slicker than they thought and a LINE LOCK didn't hold the FRONT TIRES the way they thought it would?

You people throwing your fellow drag racer under the bus when they have to be at the lowest point in their life is damn sickening. Many of you probably do things every day with much worse INTENTIONS. This guy has to spend the rest of his life knowing that the loved ones of four people have to suffer for the rest of their lives for his accident. Just what could you say that he doesn't already know? Anyone who would kick him right now is worthless, IMO.

I completely agree Ron
Re: Media Sucks!

thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those killed injured and the man behind the wheel. no doubt he and his family will have a very hard time getting over this.

this is definitely a big setback for drag racing in general, however, keep in mind some people lost a brother, sister, father, mother, son, daughter or friend, which makes a "black eye" on the drag racing industry pale in comparison.
Re: Media Sucks!

What if the street was a little slicker than they thought and a LINE LOCK didn't hold the FRONT TIRES the way they thought it would?
Sorry, it wasn't a good idea from the start. There was too much potential for things to go wrong and we can all see plain as day the end result. He stayed in it way to long when he shouldn't have, especially with hundreds of people lining the sides of the street. As bad as outcome is I think it's a miracle that there weren't many more people killed at the speed he was going. The news keeps mentioning that the car hit a power pole first...imagine if that pole hadn't been there and he'd plowed into the crowd at full speed.
Re: Media Sucks!

Sorry, it wasn't a good idea from the start. There was too much potential for things to go wrong and we can all see plain as day the end result. He stayed in it way to long when he shouldn't have, especially with hundreds of people lining the sides of the street. As bad as outcome is I think it's a miracle that there weren't many more people killed at the speed he was going. The news keeps mentioning that the car hit a power pole first...imagine if that pole hadn't been there and he'd plowed into the crowd at full speed.

Who the hell DOESN'T now know that it wasn't a good idea?

The official "Team Statement" is a load of HORSE SHIT.

"when a scheduled exhibition burnout performed in the Jackhammer Pro Modified Corvette turned tragic when road conditions caused the car to unexpectedly lose traction and strike a utility pole which then re-directed the car into the nearby crowd, severely injuring several fans"

Road conditions?! Road conditions my ass. What DID cause that wreck was plain and simple, showboating in a dangerous, crowded situation.

It may not have been a good idea regardless WHAT the road conditions were. Maybe they figured out something about the road conditions that DID contribute to this. I'd want to know more before I said that their statement was what you said it was.

Anyone who would say that what he did was stupid, I'm sure he'd be the first to agree with you. Would that make you happy?
Re: Media Sucks!

Since I haven't seen the footage of this deal, was it a normal parade down a Major thouroghfare(sp?) with the Car running? Or was it like a Carshow where they did a Burnout exhibition?
Re: Media Sucks!

Who the hell DOESN'T now know that it wasn't a good idea?

It may not have been a good idea regardless WHAT the road conditions were. Maybe they figured out something about the road conditions that DID contribute to this. I'd want to know more before I said that their statement was what you said it was.

Anyone who would say that what he did was stupid, I'm sure he'd be the first to agree with you. Would that make you happy?
Not to get into an pissing match with you, but...I think most people wouldn't think it was a good idea BEFORE seeing the outcome of this. Hell, I wouldn't try it in a 500 hp car with 10 people standing around, let alone a 3500 HP car with literally hundreds of people standing there. And it wasn't like he just lit up the tires real quick and did a little burnout, he put it on full boil like he was trying to do an 1/8th mile smokeshow at, what looks to my eyes, better than 60mph!
Re: Media Sucks!

I am sorry's sad to me that 4 people lost their lives and instead of feeling sorry for the families of those who are now living without someone, and grieving for loss of people, we are complaining about a stupid headline.

Absolutely correct. Jeremy.

Re: Media Sucks!

after seeing the raw, amateur video taken at the parade, he was going at a pretty good rate of speed when this happened. total mental breakdown on the parts of the parade organizers and the driver. probably will be considered criminal negligence/ wrongful death at the very least when all is said and done.

judge for yourself... » Camera Taping as Drag Racer Kills Four in Tennessee

Wow. I can't think of anything else to say... Just wow. I will be quiet now... Not my place to say anything.
Re: Media Sucks!

To me, if you watch the footage, he was getting loose before he hit any pole. I gotta agree with Brent. This was a bad idea from the get go.
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Re: Media Sucks!

Not to get into an pissing match with you, but...I think most people wouldn't think it was a good idea BEFORE seeing the outcome of this. Hell, I wouldn't try it in a 500 hp car with 10 people standing around, let alone a 3500 HP car with literally hundreds of people standing there. And it wasn't like he just lit up the tires real quick and did a little burnout, he put it on full boil like he was trying to do an 1/8th mile smokeshow at, what looks to my eyes, better than 60mph!

Had it not gone wrong, I'm sure we never would have even heard about it, or we would have just heard how great it was that he put on a show for charity. Of course his methods and results were screwed up. Everyone knows that. He probably can't even say that if he wants to because lawyers will use anything he says against him.

I'm sure Troy would give anything he could, including his own life, if he could go back and make it so that this hadn't happened.

I've been on this board attacking people when they were saying things with the intentions of hurting other people with their words and been attacked for it (especially if the villain was a "name" driver). Now someone had good intentions, their results sucked, and people are piling on them at what has to be the lowest point in their life. The guy was giving his time to try to help kids. When's the last time any of us did that?
Re: Media Sucks!

I read somewhere that a 5th person has now died. What a tragedy.

In hindsight, I'm sure everyone involved realizes this was not a very good idea. I feel bad for all of them. None of their lives will ever be the same. None of them.

I don't know what I was expecting when I clicked on that video link, but I know what I wasn't expecting. I wasn't expecting such a long burnout, with that rate of speed involved. I would like to think there was a mechanical failure, like the throttle sticking. But I know I heard it rev down once it started getting crossed up. Maybe there was some other failure.

It's easy to say what a horrible idea this was after the tragedy. But if it hadn't gone horribly wrong, and it had helped raise money for a cause and helped attract new fans to the sport, then we'd all be saying how cool it was. Well, maybe not all of us, but a lot of us would.

I have often thought somebody should bring out a Fuel car at the Woodward Dream Cruise so the people that have never had the experience, could see, feel and hear one of these things. I always thought there would be a safe way to do it. This video proves there isn't.
Re: Media Sucks!

I have often thought somebody should bring out a Fuel car at the Woodward Dream Cruise so the people that have never had the experience, could see, feel and hear one of these things. I always thought there would be a safe way to do it. This video proves there isn't.

One downtown area near me has started having an informal "car show" on Saturdays in which people are just showing up, parking along the street, and cruising through. It's been drawing around 300 cars. Some have been unloading race cars and idling through, with cops turning a blind eye, because that's ALL they're doing. I've got a nostalgia nitro funny that should be finished soon and we were talking about doing the same with it, probably saving a spot, parking it, and propping the body up. I can't say we still won't do it because it will all be at idle.
Re: Media Sucks!

Pro Mods do a rolling burnout and Critchley is known for making long, hard burnouts. No line lock involved, just really bad judgement on the part of a lot of people who should have known better.
Re: Media Sucks!

After finally viewing the Tape, he was carrying WAY to much speed! Looked like he was traveling an easy 70-80 MPH to me. Sad, Sad deal!
Re: Media Sucks!

absoluty tragic news. imagine how troy feels right now. our hearts go out to those families that lost loved ones. and prayers for those injured. lets hope no one ever tries this again. the media gives drag racing a bad name but this is tragic.
Re: Media Sucks!

Gosh, I feel so terrible for the families of those who were killed and injured. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
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