The official "Team Statement" is a load of HORSE SHIT.
"when a scheduled exhibition burnout performed in the Jackhammer Pro Modified Corvette turned tragic when road conditions caused the car to unexpectedly lose traction and strike a utility pole which then re-directed the car into the nearby crowd, severely injuring several fans"
Road conditions?! Road conditions my ass. What DID cause that wreck was plain and simple, showboating in a dangerous, crowded situation. What the hell was Troy thinking? In the video he was haulin' ass through that crowd. I realize that he was trying to help out the cause by putting on a good show for the fans, and that is very noble and commendable, but the extent he pushed that burnout (and his luck) was ridiculously irresponsible. He never once lifted, just kept his leg in it.
Flame away at me all you guys want, but this was a STUPID stunt. The video shows how dumb it really was. I like Troy. He's a no bullshit, hardcore racer, but his ego overran his brains and unfortunately it cost 4 people their lives, scarred countless witnesses, is going to create a major shit storm for the sport and for all the great advancements that professional drag racing has made over the years, this is going to set it back into the stone age. We'll suffer the ramifications of this silly stunt for years to come.