Mad Mark
Nitro Member
The accident may not have happened at a drag race, but it most definitely does have something to do with drag racing. The highly identifiable drag racing car involved in the accident bears the logo of the series name sponsor for the Pro Modified exhibition series that runs in conjunction with the NHRA POWERade series and it was driven by one of the two AMS team drivers competing in that series. Drag racing can't get much more involved than that.
The repercussions of this accident will affect drag racing, drag racing sponsorships, and peoples' attitudes toward drag racing for months, maybe years to come. Don't be surprised if there are movements toward enacting laws designed to restrict the activities associated with drag racing, perhaps in ways that adversely affect the sport. The fact that it happened somewhere other than a dragstrip won't deter opportunistic lawyers and politicians from attacking drag racing in general through lawsuits and legislation.
Grab your socks, boys and girls, it's going to be tough sledding because this is way too high-profile to go away quietly or soon.
I hate to say it, but i'm afraid you're exactly right Larry.