Pomona Pics! (1 Viewer)

Good stuff as usual Joe!! I love the Southern CA eye candy:D.
As usual Joey, these are great! Thanks for sharing and being everybody's eyes when they can't see everything themselves. I sure appreciate it. It was great seeing you again.
Great stuff Joe and you didn't disappoint the eye candy fans either.

Speaking of that... nice looking sister. :)

Too bad about the broken ass, hope it heals by Winternats time!
As usual Joey, these are great! Thanks for sharing and being everybody's eyes when they can't see everything themselves. I sure appreciate it. It was great seeing you again.

Bobby good seeing you for the Brief chat, Chris Cook, Chris Schoen and I were disappointed we didn't get a chance to run into you again. Joe
Any pics of the other skoal girl? God she had some incredible legs!

We lost track of you on Saturday. See ya in Feb for the Winters.
Great Pics as always Joe, you've been my connection to the races this year.

Joe, great stuff bud. I'd say that wagon is a race car, just going by the rear tyres, could be wrong though. And the driver against Herbert was Torrence, do I win a prize? :D

That Harker photo was cool too.

Thanks Joe.

I tell you, you take great night pictures and I think your are using the built in flash instead of an external flash. The contrast is excellent. Joe
Just great as always Joe....I forwarded a link to everyone on my list.
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