Like I said Joe, I still dont believe we need 1000 ft drag racing as I believe as you do the tuners will compensate and we will still be blowing stuff up whether we are back to 90-95 percent nitro and no rev limiters etc.
I think there main concern is the tire since most horrific accidents occur past the 1000 ft mark. So basically for safety reasons is why, b/c they are still going to blow stuff up. I would rather watch 1000ft drag racing than none at all. Especially if the likes of Julie Russell sue everytime an ACCIDENT happens then why would Goodyear put themselves at risk for that kinda liability. But I think it has to stop at 1000 ft, 1/8th mile fuel racing isint my cup of tea.
Justin your just proving my point earlier in this thread, once someone gets hurt on a 1000' track and it WILL Happen. Here comes 1/8 mile! Blaine Johnson was going Just(?) 309 when his Motor exploded thus blowing the Tires. Had the Drag racing Messageboards been around then, how many would cry for a shorter track?? Please get over it people, THIS SPORT IS DANGEROUS! Want safe drag racing, go back to Super comp!