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national gas price boycott

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No Fees, No Hassle, just simple and effective Ads. won't work that way. BUT, I think it will work this way.

The highest priced gas company, in a given area, should be found (Shell, Mobil, Conoco, etc) and NO ONE should buy gas from them until they drop their prices below the next highest company. If they drop their prices, then you find the new highest price company and boycott them until they lower their prices. And it just keeps going. This way we can keep buying the gas that we need but not from the highest priced company (and there will always be one company higher than the others). Hopefully, the price will start to come down as no company will want to be the highest priced company (and not have any customers). And that's the one which no one will patronize.

BUT...LOTS of people will have to participate.

Is there an echo in here?
from page one:
I believe it would take a global supplier boycott. If everyone boycotted one major company/supplier until they are in jeopardy of folding, the other companies would step up and take note knowing they could be next.

Seems like we think alike. I know this would work if the masses would agree.
If you really want to drop the price of fuel, get rid of the federal and state taxes, THEY are the biggest profiteers.

Fuel prices are derived from the price of oil and right now OPEC is in control.

The bigger question is, why doesn't the US drill for oil?

Because the the same political party who won't allow it also complains about the US dependence on imported oil, and, wants even higher taxes on fuel.

The other political party doesn't have the testicles to stop them.
Is there an echo in here?
from page one:
I believe it would take a global supplier boycott. If everyone boycotted one major company/supplier until they are in jeopardy of folding, the other companies would step up and take note knowing they could be next.

Seems like we think alike. I know this would work if the masses would agree.

BUT, the biggest challenge would be to get this message out to the masses. Maybe a radio talk show, newspaper, billboard, internet (like this website), etc. Would require some creative ways to fund some of these. Some radio shows might do it for free. And then it would depend on how serious people want to be about getting theses prices lower.
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If you really want to drop the price of fuel, get rid of the federal and state taxes, THEY are the biggest profiteers.

Fuel prices are derived from the price of oil and right now OPEC is in control.

The bigger question is, why doesn't the US drill for oil?

Because the the same political party who won't allow it also complains about the US dependence on imported oil, and, wants even higher taxes on fuel.

The other political party doesn't have the testicles to stop them.

I live in Texas. Believe me, drilling is so happening right now that restaurants cannot get enough employees to work, stores cannot get enough employees to work, there are numerous jobs in town and on the rigs. What we are missing are refineries. There has not been a new refinery opened in a long time and several had been shut down due to EPA regs and other issues.
Last edited: won't work that way. BUT, I think it will work this way.

The highest priced gas company, in a given area, should be found (Shell, Mobil, Conoco, etc) and NO ONE should buy gas from them until they drop their prices below the next highest company. If they drop their prices, then you find the new highest price company and boycott them until they lower their prices. And it just keeps going. This way we can keep buying the gas that we need but not from the highest priced company (and there will always be one company higher than the others). Hopefully, the price will start to come down as no company will want to be the highest priced company (and not have any customers). And that's the one which no one will patronize.

BUT...LOTS of people will have to participate.

This sounds good but the extra driving you make getting to the cheaper price won't balance. But i will admit I'll drive out of my way to not buy from Citco and i believe everyone should. The best thing we can do is reduce our dependency on foreign oil and that means drilling and refining our own resources, but there is one big problem, oil companies are making huge profits so they're happy the way it is. Bottom line, go out and vote so we can get people in office to help us. NO SHORT TERM FIX. won't work that way. BUT, I think it will work this way.

The highest priced gas company, in a given area, should be found (Shell, Mobil, Conoco, etc) and NO ONE should buy gas from them until they drop their prices below the next highest company. If they drop their prices, then you find the new highest price company and boycott them until they lower their prices. And it just keeps going. This way we can keep buying the gas that we need but not from the highest priced company (and there will always be one company higher than the others). Hopefully, the price will start to come down as no company will want to be the highest priced company (and not have any customers). And that's the one which no one will patronize.

BUT...LOTS of people will have to participate.

The problem with this plan is that these companies (Shell, Mobil, Conoco, etc) supply thousands of other fuel stations that you would be purchasing your fuel from. The only way to bring the price down is for the entire nation to cut back on fuel consumption. Bottom line.
record profits......simple math.
last year my net cost was $100 and my profit was $200
this year my net cost was $200 and my profit was $400
both years same product, same amount, higher prices.

it is not the fault of western oil co.'s for the spike in gas prices;
they are being locked out of countries where they would like
to expand oil and gas production.
oil is priced on the future's market; the future's price is set as a result
of known oil reserves looking forward into future.
(known reserves to replenish what is being drilled and extracted today)
presently 80% of the world's known reserves are controlled by state oil co.'s.
Higher demands by china and other dev. countries along withour appetite
for oil has increased demand but production has not kept pace with demand.
The problem is political instability within the nationalized countries.
Developing new oil fields is in the billions of dollars.
The western oil co'.s (BP, Chevron, Exxon-Mobil,Total, ConocoPhillips and
Royal Dutch-Shell) have the expertise and capital to extract the oil, but
due to political instability are gun-shy to invest equipment in countries that
for whatever reason someday may say "leave now, without your equipment",
or outright danger to the workers due to political instability.
Essentially, it is increasingly more difficult for the western oil co.'s to
reinvest their profits to maintain production while at the same time trying
to avoid risk in whatever country they may be drilling in.
'Safe' reserves such as the North Sea, the north slope of Alaska, and the
Gulf of Mexico are being depleted; with only 20% of known reserves not
controlled by states or gov't.'s, the cost to drill and develop is escalating;
example being the tar sands in canada.
another hot spot is the caspian sea area; breakoff countries from russia,
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are all huge players in today's
energy game - it remains to be seen how the western oil co.'s hand will
be dealt in the next decade or so, as Russia, once again fat from their own
oil & gas, is trying to influence these breakoff countries as much as possible.
Then there's iraq, iran and afghanistan - here again a political mess sitting
atop some the largest and under utilized oil reserves on the planet.
Ya'll are forgetting one thing. How much of the price of a gallon of fuel is TAXES. Feds bite into it several times along the way, then you have your state, county, and city taxes, all a percentage, not a fixed $. so as the price of fuel increases, so does the government profit at all levels.

Bottom line is we the people determine the price of fuel. A boycott would hurt the people of this country, the oil companies are in good shape, a one day boycott would not hurt them. Look at it this way, Bristol Speedway has 30,000 campers at this weeks race, last week a beautiful weekend boat ramps were full. As long as we keep spending $4.00 a gallon it will continue to go up. By the way it is $3.98 today in KC for diesel. We need to conserve and look for alternative fuels, nitrogen fuel in 800 cu in race motor, it sounds cool to me.:cool:

Bingo. Everything you don't buy one day, you just have to go out and buy more of the next day. Won't hurt them a bit.

I've been driving trucks for 22 years. I'm occasionally at truckstop coffee counters listening to younger drivers preaching the same things I heard 22 years ago! "If we just shut down for a day or a week." Won't happen.

Yeah, I thought the job of every business was to charge whatever they think the market will bear for whatever good or service it's selling. It's what I do. I'm currently in the most profitable segment of my industry that I know to be in. I'm making more money with a $10,000 truck than most guys do with $100,000 trucks. I must be a scammer! :D

Tell someone in England what you're paying for fuel and see how much sympathy you'll get.

I have questions for you folks. Do any of you drink soft drinks or any other kind of beverages at any kind of restaurant? How much do you pay per GALLON of liquid refreshment WHILE b*tching about the $3 a gallon gas you had to burn to get there? :D How many of you same people carry a credit car balance? How many of you finance your NEW personal vehicles? :D
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If you really want to drop the price of fuel, get rid of the federal and state taxes, THEY are the biggest profiteers.

Fuel prices are derived from the price of oil and right now OPEC is in control.

The bigger question is, why doesn't the US drill for oil?

Because the the same political party who won't allow it also complains about the US dependence on imported oil, and, wants even higher taxes on fuel.

The other political party doesn't have the testicles to stop them.

The same people who want us to all go back to living in caves. THEY don't want to go back to living in caves. They just want YOU to! :D

At least OPEC members can't trust each other not to cheat when they "agree" to cut production. :D

Yeah, it's funny. If a group of employees want to get together and engage in price fixing for their services, why, that gets the innocent, halo on it's head term of "collective bargaining."

If independent contractors in my industry want to get together to engage in "collective bargaining" why, we're EVIL PRICE FIXERS!!! Prosecutors will also tack on collusion, two crimes that make you eligible for the RICO Act to ENSURE that you get a sufficient amount of federal time. It was enacted to go after gangsters but, google it and see how the government has run wild with it.

If I wanted to buy a trailer load of generators and take them to Florida after a hurricane to sell them for double what I paid to people who would pay it, I'm a GOUGER!!!

If I want to start up a lottery, why, I'm a numbers game runner! If the government has a numbers game, why, that's just a lottery! :D
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I wish we could pay just $3 a gallon. The price for unleaded gas for my cheap local station today (converted to dollars and US gals) is $7.7571 per gallon!

Someone over there with a blown altered was just telling us a few weeks ago on another board that their travel expenses to get their hauler and RV to the track and back were around $500 converted to U.S. I forget the miles but, it wasn't that far. I'll look for the thread.

Here it is.

The fuel cost is crazy, in total our fuel cost for getting trailer, tow vehicles, and motorhome to Santa Pod costs $500 USD, and it's only 90 miles.

Gas is $8.27 USD a gallon, Diesel is $9.10 USD a gallon! As for methanol, we are getting it at $3.80 USD a gallon. Methanol is pretty good, but Gas and Diesel is horrendous!

iB::Topic::The rebuild is complete
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If you really want to drop the price of fuel, get rid of the federal and state taxes, THEY are the biggest profiteers.

Fuel prices are derived from the price of oil and right now OPEC is in control.

The bigger question is, why doesn't the US drill for oil?

Because the the same political party who won't allow it also complains about the US dependence on imported oil, and, wants even higher taxes on fuel.

The other political party doesn't have the testicles to stop them.

Even on the reservation where there aren't as many taxes imposed on the gas, it's still only a couple cents cheaper.

On the other hand, the credit card processors are probably making a mint as well. If the gas stations are like my company, it's a flat fee for authorizing the credit card plus an additional percentage (I think mine is about 1.3 %)

Now, if I were offered a cash discount, I might consider paying cash for my gas, but at the moment, I get cash back from my credit card. Plus by paying at the pump, I'm not likely to impulse buy when I walk into the store to pay for gas and figure I'll pick up a chocolate bar.

It makes very little difference to me if I pay cash or not. I don't charge to my card what I don't have the money to pay for anyway. I do use that in some stores to get a discount. If they knock of a sizeable amount, I'll pay cash. Or debit card which charges them a flat 65 cents regardless of the amount.
If you really want to drop the price of fuel, get rid of the federal and state taxes, THEY are the biggest profiteers.

Not quite. The average combination of state and federal taxes on gasoline in this country is 47 cents per gallon. That in no way accounts for prices approaching $4.00 per gallon.

Fuel prices are derived from the price of oil and right now OPEC is in control.[/COLOR]

Nope...OPEC is not setting the high prices for oil. Crude oil has been bid up on the commodities market by investors. As the value of the dollar around the world has dropped, investors have been looking to move their money out of dollars and into commodities. One of the results has been that they are bidding up the price of crude oil and other commodities. It's the same reason that the price of wheat and other grains has been going up so much lately. In case you haven't noticed, the price of flour has gone up about 50 percent over the past six months.

The Wall Street Journal has been reporting for several weeks now -- and no one else is reporting this -- that the demand for gasoline in this country has been dropping and as it does, the oil companies have been cutting production so that the price does not decline.

The Wall Street Journal has been reporting for several weeks now -- and no one else is reporting this -- that the demand for gasoline in this country has been dropping and as it does, the oil companies have been cutting production so that the price does not decline.

this is disheartening news.
It all depends on what side of the fence you are on in life...If you owned an oil company would you lower the price of oil cause people are upset? NOT..
People need to do a better job of budgeting their finances..Most people run their budget on a very tight scale but continue to spend...Get back to the basics and save your money and the price of fuel will not matter if you plan it out...
It all depends on what side of the fence you are on in life...If you owned an oil company would you lower the price of oil cause people are upset? NOT..
People need to do a better job of budgeting their finances..Most people run their budget on a very tight scale but continue to spend...Get back to the basics and save your money and the price of fuel will not matter if you plan it out...

First, the oil companies have created a monopoly, and the last time i looked at the law book that was illegal. So you say they should carry on as usual raise prices as they wish, and everyone else tighten their budget, cut back on eating,drinking,washing, don't put your hard earn money into the market and set in your chair at home and watch this great country lose its life as the country of opportunity. I have heard a few people say they would like this country to be ran as a socialistic country. Terry what your thinking and saying is scary, i hope your not leading that way. Our country is desperate need of new people to change the direction it is heading, same goes for NHRA as well.
Jesse....I understand your concerns but what product company has ever lowered their prices for the goodness of consumers? In the last 30 years oil prices have been pretty low in comparison to other suppliers margin increase.
I could make a huge list of things that have been hiked up alot more than oil..

I am amazed @ the amount of debt most Americans have..and it is not just for food/water/shelter/transportation/clothing. Look @ the number of flat screen TV's Americans own---more than the citizens from the countries that produce them..Look @ the number of vehicles leased by Americans...etc, etc. Credit card debt is not from survival but from wanting things yesterday for alot of people..Plan ahead and filling up your tank will not be that big a deal!
Remember the day when you only paid cash or personal check for things? It worked for the older generations so I follow suit.
Jesse....I understand your concerns but what product company has ever lowered their prices for the goodness of consumers? In the last 30 years oil prices have been pretty low in comparison to other suppliers margin increase.
I could make a huge list of things that have been hiked up alot more than oil..

I am amazed @ the amount of debt most Americans have..and it is not just for food/water/shelter/transportation/clothing. Look @ the number of flat screen TV's Americans own---more than the citizens from the countries that produce them..Look @ the number of vehicles leased by Americans...etc, etc. Credit card debt is not from survival but from wanting things yesterday for alot of people..Plan ahead and filling up your tank will not be that big a deal!
Remember the day when you only paid cash or personal check for things? It worked for the older generations so I follow suit.

What your talking about here is the American dream. When i got my drivers license in 1969 i wanted a SS/RS Camaro and I figured a way to pay for and bought it. This country is built on dreams and everyone should have a chance fullfill it rather it's cars, tv's, boats, motorcycles or racecars. The word is CREDIT, i believe that's used too much, but the BIG word is KILL THE DREAM and thats what the Mideast countries that hate us and our ideas are doing with oil. Until we stop depending on foreign oil we are going to have problems.
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