Nitro Member
Truth hurts like hell, doesn't it Bob? I never said or even implied that, at least most of us, haven't earned what we have. What I said was: AMERICANS ARE SPOILED!! I stand by that statement.
Why is it that so many of you feel that you're ENTITLED to cheap gas? If the price of gas dropped tommorrow to $3/gal., you'd be happy for a while....but, before long, you'd start Bi*ching again that it was too much and you'd be screaming for govt. action so you could get $2/gal. gas. SPOILED!!
In this thread, as in others about gas prices, the prevailing theme is that gas prices are too high and that the govt. should do something about it. NO WHERE, I repeat, NO WHERE have I seen anyone suggest that you change your habits. Hell no!! We're ENTITLED to hop in our cars and go where we want to go, when we want to, and BY GOD, it ought to be cheap!! Don't you dare suggest to me that I change my habits and not drive as much or buy a more fuel efficient car. How dare you suggest that I walk, ride a bike, ride a bus, or just stay home!! I'm an American, and I'm entitled to what I want, when I want it!! And, it's the Government's JOB to make sure I get it!!!
Some of you people crack me up.
What truth? It's your opinion and we all know what opinion's are don't we?
I know oil is a commodity just like any other and market dictates price.
Now that countries like China and India are becoming industrilized (because of a lot of our industrial jobs being imported) which requires more oil and in turn drives the price up!
We are know competing with other nations that were not players before.
Our education system in this country is for chit and yes that I do blame on our government.
If you want to think that our government is doing a stellar job then you go right ahead our world needs its sheep too!
You my friend crack me up.....