How right you are Michele. I remember a few years back, Whit had just won a round over John & I believe it was Alan Reinhart interviewing him in the turn-around area when up walks John babbling on & on about the race & takes the mike from Alan. Well Whit grabs the mike & says something to the effect of shut up & "this is my interview" & grins. Well I fell in the floor, John laughed, Alan laughed & the interview went on. Well you would not believe the people who jumped down his throat for disrespecting ol' John. That was the first time I can remember the Whit bashing & it has continued to this day, & mostly by people who don't know him at all. Some can't wait to get on here & literally pick at any least little thing. But it's the personal bashing that angers me most. Not just about Whit but with any other driver. Whit just seems to get the most & it's after nearly every race. There is simply no need for it but it sure does keep his name out before the public. Like someone said, where's the thread about Eric winning last week's race? Yet this one goes on & on. Maybe that's not a bad thing in the vast scheme of things.............."HIP"