Hey Jim!
...Posting real names was never an issue with real people!
The 'mater... as most things, has changed over the years and
truly serves different people overtime...for different reasons.
The political correctness is fine, but the ignorance is sometimes not.
After discussin this with everybody's "MA' Green,...(I found the
tape Ma.!)...she is only on the mater to make sure the players have it right
when it comes to her sons race teams.
Before it was officially annouced by Joe Hartley Racing that they were going on FULL tour (well funded!), I broke the news on the mater ONE WEEK bfore there was an official annoucement...(pulled my thread-with NO comments, 2 days before official anncmnt)...Just told me ALOT about the crowd...
.....There are also alot of new free'er speaking boards out there!
PS-...Hows the RETIREMENT Jim....?!!!