8/5 - 8/11 (online orders only) use code LEAH25 to get 25% off regular menu price orders.
Just ordered mine with the promo. Thank you and thanks PJ!
8/5 - 8/11 (online orders only) use code LEAH25 to get 25% off regular menu price orders.
The logo could be bigger and better, but the gold scheme is an ode to John's Camaro.please.....bigger, bolder, get logo to POP on the side of dragster.....IMO the only photo i've seen of it yet is weak......you can do better.
......(logo) + PAPA JOHNS down 2/3 the side.....1/3 left for other dsr contributors.
black background with red/white large copy......read a 1/4 mile away.......ok, 1000'![]()
Due to the Logo's design. I don't know how to make it anymore visible on the side of a dragster.
Like mentioned above the Gold color is homage to John's Z28. And he's writing the check.
Pretty sure that Papa John's logos are on all DSR cars, he always cross promotes his sponsors.Leah was out by the first round of racing, this cant be good if your campaigning for a full time deal. I've always felt when your tryin' to land a sponsorship deal, present it as a team offer. this way if u should depart the race early, than a team car, in a different class could continue to carry the banner a little longer in the race day. Lets say, if Leah threw a few of her dollars to The Nobile team, then the "Popa Johns' Logo woulda been visible through out the whole broadcast and since Nobile doesn't have a sponsor, I cant imagine it woulda taken very much cash to convince them to do it. If your the guy who decides whether or not to green light the funding and there is no signs of your car after the first 20 minutes of a 3 hr broadcast than u cant be very impressed.
True, but this is kinda an audition phase of a potential sponsorship and if Leah should exit early on her next 'Popa John' race, than a PSC or PSM with the sponsor prominently displayed, wouldn't hurt the effort at all. I understand not as many eyes are on the Bike/Car classes as the nitro cars, but if a car/bike goes deep into eliminations on race day, they will garner more TV time than a TF loosing first round and something is better than nothing. I look at it as a kind of an insurance policy for getting some exposure
Mr. R I think some of your points are 'splitting hairs'James,
Your theory is great but here's how a sponsor and a competitor would look at. Using round numbers, if the deal is worth $100 and you kick $10 to Pro Stock Driver X:
The sponsor thinks he's paying you too much if you have spare cash to distribute to another team.
What if the sponsor has a deal with Ford for company cars and now you put their name on a Camaro?
Or if you involve a Motorcycle team and the sponsors brother was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident? Maybe he hates them. You better check.
If Driver X gets more results then you, they would either want more $ from you or go to said sponsor and make a pitch.
Does Driver X put the logo in the $100 space on the door? Or the $10 space on fender?
Does Driver X get his own promo code to track, or does he have to pitch Leah25 in his interview?
Does the sponsor expect top billing? Even though Driver X is still spending more of his own money?
Is Driver X now expected to make appearances for sponsor when in town?
Does Driver X now have to get new uniforms, firesuits, handout cards, press kits, and change the design on the car and hauler? Who pays for that?
What about liability? Do you know how much insurance a team has to have to cover that sponsor? Because if a race hauler is involved in an accident with company logo on the side, the company is drug into the issue. If Driver X doesn't have that then you have a problem.
That's just to start, there is SO much that goes into making a deal work, you really can't just decide to spread it around without going through all the possibilities. I guarantee that DSR went through a tremendous process and had communication with every other sponsor they have before ever even thinking about what the car might look like.
This game ain't as easy as just kicking a few buck to another car.
I'm baffled as to how this is viewed as a bad thing. First of all u wouldn't be viewed as 'spreading your funding around' if your initial proposal, up front, was a team effort instead of one nitro car. Secondly, using Strong is a bad example as he is beginner and only runs part time. Look up and down the starting lineup in PSC/PSB, there are at least 10 names, In each category that are full time/no sponsor and yet remain competitive. And no I don't know anything about securing sponsors but I have noticed countless 'one and done' sponsors over the years. Alan what's your best guess as to Why so many opt out ?? Bottom line is what's going on now is not working very well if u consider, well less than half of the 48 pro's have a full deal, that is not result of a B to B agreement or self sponsorship!