John force (2 Viewers)

Then of course there are these brain scans:

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You bring up a point if john is dealing with TBI. Things happen in different lobes, and lets pretend Driving occurs where the top pic shows. If that part is not impacted, he can pass a driving physical, even if speech or hearing is impacted. All we can do is hope for is 100% recovery and its all gravy.
As someone who lives with an Anoxic brain injury as a result of an accident where my brain went without oxygen for close to 10 mins. While the science around how the brain works has certainly gotten better over the years most top neurologist and neurosurgeons almost all agree no two injuries are the same and there are still a ton of unknowns in the field and they truly don't know how it all comes together. I would imagine a 75 year old hitting a wall at 300+ was not something any of them have seen before at that trauma center. Hoping for a recovery that can be the best possible and most importantly he can get back to living a life that isn't impacted each and every day. He's proven to be the best, amazing for the sport, the King in many ways. Hopefully he puts his recovery and family first and if that means no more time in the drivers seat. We were lucky to have him there as long as we have. Fingers crossed for a full recovery which will take a long long time to achieve.
I hate to say it, but I think we all knew this was how it was going to end for him. It's a bummer he couldn't have bowed out gracefully, like many begged him to do; but, rather, on fire and medevac'd out.
Did John want to go out “gracefully”? I don’t think so, but all any of us have are our own opinions. Every man is allowed to decide how they want to live their life and he chose racing. God bless John and I hope he pulls through.
I tend to agree with you on his driving days most likely being over. Head injuries are pretty serious and being he is still in the hospital means it is more than a light concussion. The last images we saw from him was getting out of the car with some assistance and being awake while being loaded into an ambulance. While those are positive signs for survival, there could be numerous long term effects. The body doesn’t heal at 75 like it does at 25 or 55. It worries me that Brittany won’t be running this weekend. If I can remember correctly, all of his team cars competed in the next race after his Dallas accident. I also believe that all of the improved safety measures since Medlin’s accident probably saved John’s life.
Eric Medlen Project!
I hate to say it, but I think we all knew this was how it was going to end for him. It's a bummer he couldn't have bowed out gracefully, like many begged him to do; but, rather, on fire and medevac'd out.
I find your post offensive and very poor timing, being the first to say I told you so is so important that you make statements like that when he is in huge trouble, to imply that the explosion is because he should have quit, who are you, not impressed
If I recall correctly, Joe Amato retired after concerns about damaging his retinas and eyesight because of the parachutes hitting. After a long and very successful career we still see him as a great hero of the sport and enjoy his insights when he gives them. If John Force comes out of this with no serious brain damage I hope he retires and enjoys coming to the races with his family, enjoying time with the fans, doing commentary, and loving life. He has absolutely NOTHING to prove. Another crash could take this opportunity away for good. We still love and respect Garlits, Amato, Karamesines, and the others who retired and we'll feel the same about John.
I just don't understand the Force bashing. Everybody seemed to think it was great having The Greek racing into his 80's. I don't think anybody younger or older would have had any different outcome to that explosion. After the explosion, the driver was pretty much along for the ride.

Personally, I hope he has a full recovery and plants his ass right back in that seat. My second choice is, he has a full recovery and is still an ambassador for the sport.
@Darrell Foley @Mark Jones I can't help if stating the obvious hurts your sensibilities. Just because some doesn't think their done, or doesn't want to stop doesn't mean they shouldn't. I'm not going to be sorry if pointing out someone's bad judgement offends you...
It was a massive explosion and accident. How was this bad judgement on Force's part. What offends me is people making dumb comments.
It was a massive explosion and accident. How was this bad judgement on Force's part. What offends me is people making dumb comments.

I agree with you. Wasn't like Force planned this.

I'd be curious to hear from the tech-oriented and knowledge folks here - I wonder what kind of additional safety improvements might result from this. Maybe a re-designed HANS device? Or, maybe, is there not much left to do for driver safety in something like this that happened? Maybe some kind of "shock absorber" on the sides of cars that can absord effects of hitting the wall some?

I'm in the dark about engineering things like this but I'm sure many here might have ideas. Would be interested to hear them.
I just don't understand the Force bashing. Everybody seemed to think it was great having The Greek racing into his 80's. I don't think anybody younger or older would have had any different outcome to that explosion. After the explosion, the driver was pretty much along for the ride.

Personally, I hope he has a full recovery and plants his ass right back in that seat. My second choice is, he has a full recovery and is still an ambassador for the sport.
the thing you need to consider is his well being. I hope he follows his Doctors advise.
I agree with you. Wasn't like Force planned this.

I'd be curious to hear from the tech-oriented and knowledge folks here - I wonder what kind of additional safety improvements might result from this. Maybe a re-designed HANS device? Or, maybe, is there not much left to do for driver safety in something like this that happened? Maybe some kind of "shock absorber" on the sides of cars that can absord effects of hitting the wall some?

I'm in the dark about engineering things like this but I'm sure many here might have ideas. Would be interested to hear them.
they need to consider soft wall side barriers that can absorb some of the shock from the impact and find out what went wrong with the parachutes and fix it.
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