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Is Knoll done?

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I have been reading this thread and others and I am blown away by people that think they are owed an explanation of what happened and way. Since when did any of this become your business???? The only people who know are those directly affected and what they do about it is their business.

Yes as a fan I am interested in what happens. I feel for the teams and what they are going through as I have had the senario where you come to work on Monday and the place is closed. It happens. In this case there is a big WHY that we don't know about and maybe will never learn but usually it does find a way to come out. Why the rush to judgement??? The only people who know ALL the facts are at Torco.

Right now the best thing would to be supportive of Evan and his health problems and give the situation some time to sort itself out. For all of you that are bashing Torco perhaps you are right and we will find out eventually but consider if you are wrong how much damage have you done because you were so eager to condem Evan and Torco without knowing all the facts?????

The deed is done regardless of why and we will find out eventually but I prefer to be glad that the medical news about Evan's surgury is positive. But that is just me.
What amazes me is that each business deal is a simply a business deal. Whether it be by handshake or written contract is is only what it is.

The key person involved has health problems. A statement was issued. Business is business.

Speculation helps nothing.

I wish nothing but a speedy recovery and retun to health for Evan Knoll. He has been gratious enough to provide me input from time to time and his business dealings are his business, not mine.

This is not the first time a company has decided to take a break, change direction, put things on hold, or whatever... It happens in all walks of life and all industries. As much of a fan, racer, and supporter of this sport as I am I feel absolutely zero need to question the events that have transpired as I have zero basis to question them.

I simply wish to express my sincere desire for Evan to return to health as soon as possible and wish to extend whatever support I can for him and his family, no questions asked.
Take care of yourself Evan and our team prays for your speedy and full recovery.

All of us at one time or another, have fretted over making an important decision in our life. Our heart says one thing and our common sense tells us another. The bigger the decision, the harder it is to make and the longer we take until it arrives at a critical state. I think the Torco decision was like this. Whether it is just because of Evan's health, or there were outside pressure (IRS audit, board of directors, new COO,), or just a revelation (We're spending how much?), the decision has been made and it is nobody's business why except for those that made it.

Our team was one of the teams that benefited from Evan's generousity. Several teams received monetary help about the same time we did. All of us needed it to continue. I know that I was/am very thankful for the help, and the others said the same at the time.

I look at how many drivers now have careers because of Evan's help, how many milllions in assets many teams have because of Evan, and how many competitors and fans have benefited from his help at the race and association levels. How many fuel funny cars are running at IHRA events because of Evan? (a clue, all of them that run IHRA are now competeing because Evan paid for the class).

Well run teams take this decision in stride, have planned for this day and are moving forward. Teams that are having trouble with the decision, probably were doomed anyway. And if you didn't receive full payment in 2007, why in the world would you invest in more equipment to run 2008? Is that a good business decision? I think manufacturers that have product made and the order cancelled are much happier than when they ship parts to a team and never get paid, and this happens many times with teams that spend money like they have it, but really don't. There are plenty of jobs out there for "qualified" employees, and every one of the displaced employees were looking for a job when they started at their recent place of employment.

To sum it up, THANKS EVAN and GET WELL SOON!!
Take care of yourself Evan and our team prays for your speedy and full recovery.

All of us at one time or another, have fretted over making an important decision in our life. Our heart says one thing and our common sense tells us another. The bigger the decision, the harder it is to make and the longer we take until it arrives at a critical state. I think the Torco decision was like this. Whether it is just because of Evan's health, or there were outside pressure (IRS audit, board of directors, new COO,), or just a revelation (We're spending how much?), the decision has been made and it is nobody's business why except for those that made it.

Our team was one of the teams that benefited from Evan's generousity. Several teams received monetary help about the same time we did. All of us needed it to continue. I know that I was/am very thankful for the help, and the others said the same at the time.

I look at how many drivers now have careers because of Evan's help, how many milllions in assets many teams have because of Evan, and how many competitors and fans have benefited from his help at the race and association levels. How many fuel funny cars are running at IHRA events because of Evan? (a clue, all of them that run IHRA are now competeing because Evan paid for the class).

Well run teams take this decision in stride, have planned for this day and are moving forward. Teams that are having trouble with the decision, probably were doomed anyway. And if you didn't receive full payment in 2007, why in the world would you invest in more equipment to run 2008? Is that a good business decision? I think manufacturers that have product made and the order cancelled are much happier than when they ship parts to a team and never get paid, and this happens many times with teams that spend money like they have it, but really don't. There are plenty of jobs out there for "qualified" employees, and every one of the displaced employees were looking for a job when they started at their recent place of employment.

To sum it up, THANKS EVAN and GET WELL SOON!!

My thoughts excactly Virgil!

Running my own business for 14 years, you always have to be prepared for Murphy's law because Murphy WILL show up sooner or later! The sad part is alot of us who have this drag racing disease (been their, done that, and got alot of t -shirts over the years :o ) don't always think clearly, rationaly and spend our families finances pursuing drag racing dreams that really won't matter in a thousand years, except for the eternal impact our lives have on others. Its seems to me that Mike Ashley and John Force get this :cool: and those racers affected by this challenge will grow and mature as well.

As far as my thoughts on Evan...growing up in Wisconsin, there is a old Indian proverb that goes like this; " Never judge a man untill you walk a mile in his moccasin's!"
I feel the same.
On Saturday I went to the Supercross race in Phoenix. Team Honda has Torco oil on half of the trailer. I asked one of the Team Honda guys if they were affected with the events at Torco? He said not to his knowledge, and he just herd about it that morning.
Torco Oil is not the same company as Torco Racing Fuels. In fact there was a law suit over the naming rights a while back.
Lets just hope that when the dust settles, everybody involved in this deal are up on their feet and moving forward at full steam.. Let's also hope and pray that above everything else, Evan Knoll regains his health. We are nothing without good health. He may be suffering from a head injury, but it seems that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his heart, as Virgil explained.

As for Mr. Knoll's intentions, is seems that he possessed a huge heart, and that may have been what created this situation.
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By the time Evan gets better and can explain the situation publicly he will know who his friends really are, or aren't.
Registered member said:
" Never judge a man untill you walk a mile in his moccasin's!"[/SIZE]

One of my Favorite all time quotes and I grew up in Cali.

Get well Soon Evan, hopefully Julia (his daughter) or Bobby Bennett or anyone who is in the know can give us some updates when they become available.
I seem to remember a thread around a year or so ago regarding the concerns of Torco sponsoring too many cars and races. The fear (then) was that if something ever happened to Torco's involvement in NHRA that the fallout could be devastating.

I love big sponsorships as much as anyone, but I've learned in 25 years of Radio sponsorship and advertising sales that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Evidently our fears from a while back are coming true.

I believe that I was the one who voiced concern about the number of cars sponsored by Torco because of the potential fallout. I think Evan is a great guy and has done so much for the sport, but whenever so many teams are dependant on one source of support, be it the sponsor or the team owner, you get into dangerous territory. NHRA has limited the number of cars on one team and they may need to think about the same with sponsors. We always hear that teams won't take dives because of different sposnorship, but if the sponsor is the same who would call the shot if the sponsor wants a championship.

I am surprised reading through the postings that no one has said anything about how HD Partners feels about this and if it could have an impact on finalizing the purchase. I sure would not think it was as good a deal as I was led to believe if there were not going to be full fields at all of the events.
My question is...if Torco knew it was having money trouble, then why add a second funny car (Troxel), add a second top fuel car to the Millican operation, and buy JR Todds team from Tuttle...all this off season??? Not to mention the Cessna Citation X!!! Only time will tell whats really going on.
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Get Well Soon Evan Knoll

And thank you for your sponsoring some of my favorite sportsman racers and breathing life into the alky and a/fuel classes (blown tad in particular) even if you are never again able to return you have done more to elevate the sport through your passion than anyone i can remember. it is my loss for never having met you. Thanks again and get well soon. Mine and my family's prayers are with you.
This is a very big story and naturally there will be speculation, questions and concerns. I think it's fair to say that everyone here holds Mr. Knoll in the highest regard and cares about his wellbeing. That said, I believe racers and fans a like are going to ask questions regardless. It doesn't mean they will get anwsers but curiosity is a strong human trait. As everyone here knows, when just one sponsor pulls out it becomes a topic on Nitromater and is good for a thread or two. So when a company that sponsord half the sport pulls out just prior to the season, that's naturally going to generate some good healthy discussion. Thats what this board is here for.
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I wonder if any drag racers drink Miller Lite now that they've pulled up stakes?
For that matter did any of these critics jump on the 100+ companies that used to be active sponsors in the NHRA/IHRA or any other HRA when they discontinued their sponsorship programs? Timing seems to be some of these folks' problem so I have to ask:
Were you able to time your family's health issues?

The one thing that's sure in life beyond death and taxes is change. Just hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
Evan Knoll's latest myspace bulletin:

Disturbing...Evan Knoll

I've seen and heard ALOT of nasty negative stuff directed at Evan Knoll. WHY? A serious health issue has made it imperative that the man get rest to help his injuries heal and to try and get back to some normalcy. A decision by himself and his company was made, now some have tried to brand him a traitor, a liar and that's some of the nicer ones I've seen! Enough is Enough!!! His company knows how this impacts alot of people. I ask people to look at what he has done for drag racing. For all he has poured into it to support it, why in the hell do some feel they have all the information to crucify him? I don't have all the info, but I do know the man needs a break and everyone should respect that. To all who have berated him with name calling and such....GO PISS UP A ROPE!
I wonder if any drag racers drink Miller Lite now that they've pulled up stakes?
For that matter did any of these critics jump on the 100+ companies that used to be active sponsors in the NHRA/IHRA or any other HRA when they discontinued their sponsorship programs? Timing seems to be some of these folks' problem so I have to ask:
Were you able to time your family's health issues?

The one thing that's sure in life beyond death and taxes is change. Just hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

It's posts like this that make me wonder about common sense and preception of right and wrong of the general public.
Please do not insult mine...
First off, Miller brewing just didn't "pull the plug" in an unprofessional manner, so using Miller Brerwing is an incredibly poor reach for comparison. They chose to not renew their contract. A company as large as Miller, I am SURE legal team wrote their language clear and concise.. So, all involved knew the variables and potential timing.

Second, business and health have nothing to do with one another. My business will keep on plugging away, and my employees will still draw a paycheck whether I'm alive or dead. Do I expect my employees to go home or my mortgage payments to just "suspend" because of my personal health issues?
I remember a man who was knee deep into construction of a new, groundbreaking project when his health outlook was terminal. He just didn't drop out of sight, fire all employees and stop paying the bills.
His name was Walt Disney.
I am sure the same can be said for the millions of small businessman who run a "mom & pop" business all over this country who enter some challenging times....
So, the reasoning that's been offered doesn't reconcile in my book.
I'm not trying to be unreasonable or non caring here, this is just the reality of business.

Third, I doubt a race team's successes or failures depend on the sponosr's presence. Give me a break here.....
If Joe Gibbs takes a break to spend some time with his family and ill grandchild, trust me, Tony Stewart & Co. will race on Sunday.
People get ill, injured, mamed and die everyday. The world just doesn't stop when someone dies, or gets sick..
You make a financial promise, you go forward with a deal and you honor it.
I'm sorry if I seem a little hard, but please, some of the excuse-making here is total garbage... I would just love to see some old fashioned honesty that I am sure everybody can understand and respect, other than what has been offered.

As far as some of the effected teams voicing their displeasure, do you really think any aspiring race team will? That would be race team suicide.
It would be an extremely poor business decision to air dirty laundry in public because any potential suiter would not touch any race team that doesn't keep everything, and I mean EVERYTHING positive.. But I guarantee you that there are plenty of tears, Pepto Bismol and Prozac use out there as we speak.

If the reasons are financial, which I personally believe they could be, I could fully understand and respect that reasoning. If it is, just say it and close this thing properly..
The one thing that trumps a fall, is a comeback.
One thing is for sure, people LOVE and respect a comeback...
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nothing but common sense from george.

my father owns the company i work for. he had a massive heart attack last year. but the business went on. we stepped up and got things done, and did not lose $1 in profits, nor did we not honor any of our obligations.

again, my heart goes out to evan, and i hope a speedy and full recovery for him. i can not reiterate this enough.
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