Lighten it up! The current color scheme is dark and gloomy - and extremely hard to read on a laptop screen. Might be fine on a 19-inch desktop, but light gray on black is impossible to see on my laptop's screen.
Text ought to be black on white for easiest readability - the text definitely should be the darker of the two colors used.
The current color scheme looks like something out of Dungeons and Dragons or Doom.
Also, bring back the New Messages button - the only one I can find takes you back to the old board's redirect page.
I finally got in but cant get my avatar to work..
I like the new format.. but I cant get ANY avatar.. any suggestions..
Hi John,
When you say you can't get any avatar what exactly do you mean? What happens when you click on "Edit Avatar"?
Would you believe that I just started a thread in the Lounge admitting that my ol' peepers were having a great deal of difficulty reading the gray on black printing? (And I have a 21 inch (Imax) monitor. )
I'm pretty sure Shannon has his hands full getting folks back on with the New Mater. Some like the new colors.