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Team orders, payoffs, and flukey races will have a higher chance of occurring. Without an entire season to catch up and grab points, I can see the potential of fewer true races between race teams. Say at race 17, one teammate solidly in the top eight lines up against another who is at 9th or 10th. This is going to put incredible pressure on the teams to advance their second car so that both car sponsors are fully represented for the remaining races. I can also see non-championship contending opponents mysteriously 'breaking' or going up in smoke against well funded opponents as the funded teams attempt to hit those eight spots. Even if it's an innocent occurrence, it's going to be seen as scripted.......

It's sort of that way now isn't it Bill?? Seems every time a team member loses to another team member, they're accused of having a "puke the motor" button on the steering butterfly. (Someone used that earlier this year, and I thought it was funny as hell.) But I can definitely see some of this happening next year as the season moves into the eight team stage of the season. Some untimely breakages or up in smoke runs or perplexing lane choices, and I'll be expecting to log onto the Mater here and see all sorts of consternation and people who are all a-twitter about "all this diving going on!"

I myself have decided to take a wait-and-see attitude about the new points system. Unless something dramatic happens and Glendora decides to pull the plug on the new format, there's certainly nothing I'm going to be able to do about it. So all I'm left with is to try and make the best of the situation and see how it all works out next year. I'm certainly not going to quit watching and going to the races. I love drag racing too much to do that. And It will be interesting to see how it works out. It sure got a lot of people, both writers and fans and racers alike talking up a storm about the sport. The fact it's on so many people's radar screens at the moment can't be a bad thing.
Some other points of view for the long weekend at home...

Jeff Wolf

Jeff Burk

Louis Brewster

Don't you wish you were in INDY? Me2!

I LOVE the Jeff Wolf column. My favorite lines:

"The announcement couldn't have come at a worse time, just before this weekend's U.S. Nationals near Indianapolis, as the NHRA brain bust showed how much it wants to be NASCAR. It didn't even credit NASCAR for creating a playoff format in racing."

"NASCAR remains the 800-pound gorilla and always will be, while NHRA, because of its leadership, continues to be perceived by many in drag racing as a 200-pound jackass.'

"NHRA president Tom Compton said he understands the basics of NASCAR's Chase but doesn't know all its intricacies. He said he left the job of studying the Chase to Graham Light, NHRA senior vice president of racing operations.

What did Light do after those 10 minutes? The Chase is something most 12-year-olds can figure out in 10 minutes or less, but the leader of drag racing had to delegate the task?"

"NHRA succeeded in keeping its "Clown-down to 1" secret from most pro drivers, team owners and track operators."

Too funny!!:D :rolleyes:

WOW! You are right. You are NOT a racer.

And probably do not know the Strasburgs, Bill Miller, or The Creasy family. Yes! I absolutely set my TIVO to see if they get in. That is the ONLY reason I watch the qualifying show. If you wanna go run SuperComp, then GO! But don't tell them they should because you do not understand their love of the sport.
Can't wait to see the TV ratings when 10 top fuel cars show up because almighty David Lamm says they are not "professional" enough and are only allowed to run supercomp. Glad you didn't make Force quit when he did it for the love of the sport, with very little sponsorship. Or anyone who has now made it, but once fought tooth and nail to get the big sponsorships, the round wins, and that earned success.
I personally feel that your statement is as closed minded as the decisions that started this post. But what would I know. . . I am not the ruler of who can and cannot race.
Should I sell my stuff Dave? Just gotta know.
That's not fair Buzz, he was mearly pointing out the truth, NHRA IS all about the all mighty dollar. It IS all about the top tier teams, and it's all about growing the fan base, period. Like it or not, the average fans come for the top tier teams, not the underdogs.
The Good Old days of Drag racing went away many moons ago..........sure anyone with a big enough wallet can try and run the big leagues, but it's an uphill battle against corporate america. Sad, but still the truth.
Big difference between an uphill battle and telling them they should run supercomp beacuse they are not professional enough to run top fuel.
That is lower than any groin-kicking insult that I could think of.
I understand that the NHRA has changed violently. The mighty dollar is the ruler. But I still follow it because it is the ultimate American dream. Hard work, dedication, knowhow and as much ingenuity as they will let you use can still earn you a ticket to the top. It has and will continue to do so, as long as teams that don't look professional enough don't get sent home.
Now- back to the topic at hand. . .
Well you might not like what David Lamm the Almighty said, but its the truth. And I know, the truth hurts. NHRA could care less about any of the field fillers really. Its all about the $$$. And like he said, people dont come to see
the guys who are bottom half guys. NHRA has to look at it thru a fan standpoint, not a racer/team standpoint. Just like I hate that drivers get fined and lose pts over oildowns, but I will say this, while at the race watching I sure dont mind not have every "leaker" (as Shirley called them) make me have to wait 20 minutes between every pass so the safety safari can clean up their crap. I like the underdog, hell I even pull for them alot, but the NHRA doesnt care, and the average Joe Blow fan coudl care less if they showed up or not. David was just speaking the truth. I didnt take it as him personally saying to go run Super Comp, but that thats the way the NHRA really feels about it.
<INSERT ANY SANCTIONING BODY HERE> could care less about any of the field fillers really. Its all about the $$$. And like he said, people dont come to see the guys who are bottom half guys.
There. That's a little more accurate. It's not just NHRA, its EVERY sanctioning body of every sport on the planet. The ONLY time a sanctioning body cares about a back marker is when they make an improbable run to a championship. In general, F1 fans don't care about Sauber, Nascar fans don't care about Ash Motorsports, and NHRA fans don't care about #9 this year. The people who post here are the exception. Like most people here, I have some favorites who are not front runners. However, we are not the target audience. Joe Public who would probably think NHRA racing is pretty cool is the target. Welcome to marketing to the casual fan.

That is what everyone is always whining about isn't it? Everyone wants the sport to grow so payouts can increase right?
F1's pure? That's why Rubens Barrichello pulled over to let this teammate Michael Schumacher win a race in the last hundred yards. :confused:

it's one thing to have this kind of crap within a team. FIA trys their best to stop it. it is explicity against the rules. where are the team order rules in nhra? that's right they don't exist. the teams themselves have cleaned up that mess and good for them. You would never see F1 play these kind of games with the points.
You are right, I am not a racer. I do respect those that do race and work very hard to finish where they do. On the other side of the coin, although the NHRA was founded on grass roots racing, those days are long gone. Sorry we are not living in the past where the US Nationals were run on an abandoned air strip with a flag starter. Now that we have TV cameras everywhere and huge sponsors that need massaging. The struggling racer was pushed aside for corporate suites and Top Eliminator Club ticket holders years ago.

Alan Bradshaw, Mike Strasburg, Terry Haddock and others are not the ones bringing in the fans and the TV ratings. Sure, they are working just as hard (if not harder because their funds are less than the big boys) to make the top ten and I can respect that. In reality is anyone setting their Tivo to see if Doug Foley makes Sunday's show and can go a few rounds?

The NHRA is not about "doing it for the love of drag racing" anymore. If you are drag racing for the love of the sport, the competition and camaraderie, run Super Comp or Super Stock. The POWERade series is reserved for those who are professionals and who make their living off of drag racing. Wealthy privateers who have a small fortune to waste on running in the Powerade series are of no one's concern in Glendora. They do not get people excited about coming to the races. So if they serve little to no purpose to the NHRA other than filling the field to 16, why should the Glendora brass be concerned about them being shut out of possibly moving up or two spot in the standings?

You have to look at the big picture, David. You can't sh!tcan the entire drag racing community because you feel that all the public wants to see is the top tier teams!! Bring them along with it..don't forget what got all this going in the first place. I'm on Buzz's just doesn't sit well to think that where the big boys came from doesn't mean anything. You can't get in a TF/FC without basically paying your dues!! That's the same as any series..jeez..I saw many champions go through Knoxville Iowa on their way to the big time..Stewart..Unser..Gordon, etc..

Another analogy is minor league baseball..where do you think the pros come from? The list is long with that.

Just because the dollar is ruling now..don't be a dic (no disrespect..figure of speech) and forget who paid their dues so you can enjoy the top tier teams, eh!!!
I guess either way we look at it, there are positives and negatives you can put a spin on. It will prevent runaway titles, which could be good. And there's a the rest of the stuff mentioned above.

What if you've "earned" your runaway title by being better than everyone else? Let's give someone who hasn't done as well another chance to beat you. Let's achieve parity for the fans' benefit at the expense of someone else's achievement. This just looks like more "NHRA affirmative action" like the four team limit rule (which I still say should be one team or no limit if you're applying any kind of reason. It's right or wrong and it shouldn't be based on a number that "feels good" to you today).
I'm sure that they will, and you may just be surprised at the answer. I have talked to a few of the racers and so far my count is six to one in favor of the new system.


they paying for my ticket?

this new system is nothing but insulting. I keep reading about how this will make it more exciting for the 'fans' . what do you think I am. I've been a fan since I was 10 years old and that's 35 years ago.

this is not baseball, football, basketball, or hockey. trying to emulate their playoff system is ridiculous.

it may be that indianapolis was a better team than pittsburght most of last year, but at least they had their chance to play pittsburgh and they lost.
what happens when cory beats schumacher and then kallita wins.
and kallita and schu were #s 1 and 2. but never raced each other during the last 2 races.

it's just not the same. it doesn't make any sense, but as is the case in most corporate boardrooms in America, it really doesn't matter if it doesnt' make any sense, as long as it sounds good , no one can be blamed, and someone thinks they can sell it.
I have to agree with Yankee 100% on this one. Anyone can smoke the tires anytime and I'd rather see someone win their championship based on what they've averaged for an entire 23 races, not on what happened to happen at the last few. This is bullsh**.

Maybe the majority of drivers favor it because the majority of drivers aren't going to be that number one going into the "playoffs."
Didn't Whit Bazemore just win a race, then proceed to not qualify soon after? Do you really want to see someone who otherwise would have won a championship (and you know people will be tracking to see what would have happened under the old points system) throw a season away because they didn't do as well in the last few races as they did all season? $20 to our favorite charity says they change this back before it ever happens.
I'll take that bet

Didn't Whit Bazemore just win a race, then proceed to not qualify soon after? Do you really want to see someone who otherwise would have won a championship (and you know people will be tracking to see what would have happened under the old points system) throw a season away because they didn't do as well in the last few races as they did all season? $20 to our favorite charity says they change this back before it ever happens.

I'll give DRAW a crisp $20 bill when I go to the finals in Pomona in November if the NHRA folks change this thing back to the way it was. I'll grab one of the regulars on here (Reinhart, Bennett, etc.) to make sure they see me walk down to the DRAW trailer there and drop off my money. I am so confident this will be the rule when the season opens in 2007 I am willing to Lay $100 on it. I doubt many of you would be that confident to do that same. (And look on the bright side, the girls at DRAW will be getting some good donations no matter what comes of the NHRA's decison.)

I am not trying to ruffle any feathers in here, just trying to speak my mind and offer the truth as I see it. It is nice to see that although some people may not like the way the system has been created they recognize that I still live in reality and speak the truth. Thanks for the support...
I have no spare money unfortunately, but I'm quite sure that it will come off as planned, as well.

But people should still let NHRA know how they feel about it.
Didn't Whit Bazemore just win a race, then proceed to not qualify soon after? Do you really want to see someone who otherwise would have won a championship (and you know people will be tracking to see what would have happened under the old points system) throw a season away because they didn't do as well in the last few races as they did all season? $20 to our favorite charity says they change this back before it ever happens.

Like I said previously I don't like this system as a competetitor.but as a fan it will bring some drama and make me pay attention.As you say you'd hate to see someone throw away a championship because thay had a good run for most of the season.It just now means that they HAVE to keep having those good runs right up to the end.No will be interesting to to watch IMO.But still don't think is right for Drag racing.But it will make for a good SHOW.(professional sports is show business first)
Like I said previously I don't like this system as a competetitor.but as a fan it will bring some drama and make me pay attention.As you say you'd hate to see someone throw away a championship because thay had a good run for most of the season.It just now means that they HAVE to keep having those good runs right up to the end.No will be interesting to to watch IMO.But still don't think is right for Drag racing.But it will make for a good SHOW.(professional sports is show business first)

So you think some teams aren't giving it everything at every race? I'm sure that will be news to some of them. :)
I have to agree with most of you here, this is a rediculous concept that just doesn't apply to drag racing. You might get away with this when you 30+ car fields in races that run 500 miles. To me it's like they've made the points race almost into a bracket or index type race. Instead of just letting them run and the best team wins, even if he/she does run away with the title, they've found a way to reel 'em back in and let the others catch up. Then let them go and reel 'em back in and let the others catch up. It's like they've put a flipping throttle stop on the points race.
So you think some teams aren't giving it everything at every race? I'm sure that will be news to some of them. :)

You gonna tell me that with a big ol comfortable lead a team might not try something different a time or 2?Or a team in 5th with no championship hopes isn't gonna start testing early? What I am really saying is that now there is No room for will be interesting.Still think it sucks though.
The points battle in F/C wasnt go enough last year?

That was 1 class Mike.Now it will be like that in all 3(yeah yeah bikes) every year = Good for the SHOW! And good for the sponsors.Don't tell me that the 8th place car gets pleanty ov tv or print coverage year it will.and the #9 and on cars will still get the same low coverage they would have gotten with the current system.
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