How Old Is Too Old To Race (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Feb 8, 2008
Spring Hill, KS
I'm sure this has been discussed on Mater before but a racing buddy ruffled my feathers this weekend when he told me the *Greek* should be banned from racing. He even brought up Warren and a few others, he says older drivers are a danger for the racer in the other lane. Well I threatened to give his name out (but I wont'). The way I feel about it is, if a persons health is good (and can qualify for a license) they should be able to race, no matter what the age is. How do you feel about it?

That's completely up to the sanctioning body and the racer himself. Anybody who disagrees can go pound sand.

How many people have been endangered by these older drivers lately?

Your friend needs a good butt-whipping from an older guy.
As long as the driver can pass the physical and other requirements of the NHRA, they can drive forever.
to be honest, i do fear for Karamesines, when watching, cause i'm not sure if he could withstand a wreck that some of the younger drivers have gone thru and i'm not sure how WJ can be lumped in with Karamesines. WJ seems to handle his car just fine, he does get eat'n up on the tree alot but i wouldn't consider that any kind of hazard other than to his own ego !!
as long as a driver is not a danger to themselves or other drivers then they should be permitted to drive!!

...and as far as the Greek goes....I just turned 23 last week and he is 80 and i am almost positive that he is in better physical shape than me!
I agree with all above. Besides it being really cool to see the Greek out there, I have not seem him get in trouble with the car at all. The new car is giving him some fits with the tune up, but I have not seen him cross center or go off the end of the track, or anything like that. If you can pass the physical, game on.
to be honest, i do fear for Karamesines, when watching, cause i'm not sure if he could withstand a wreck that some of the younger drivers have gone thru...

I think this is an absolutely valid point. The bottom line is that the Greek knows the risks and has to make that decision.
There's a lot more to drag racing than Top Fuel.

I have friends (contemporaries of mine) who race as a hobby with 10- and 11-second cars, and they are having a ball, despite all being in their 70s.

A 300 MPH car puts a driver under a whole different dynamic, though, and if the question is "How old is to old to drive a 300 MPH Fuel car," my answer would be a lot different.

Dealing with 5-g acceleration and nearly double that on decelleration would require a lot more in terms of physical demands, than my friends' who race much slower cars.

Still, an 11-second car is a fun ride... if you haven't driven a 4-second car, I suppose.

I like mine... Bill (12/20/'38) :)
That should be answered by the driver, the team and those close to them.
When the particualr car they are driving reacts quicker than their sight, reflexes and subconscious can keep up with, it is time to vacate the seat. No matter the age, name or resume.
That must be how WJ got lumped in this group then huh? joking only

That should be answered by the driver, the team and those close to them.
When the particualr car they are driving reacts quicker than their sight, reflexes and subconscious can keep up with, it is time to vacate the seat. No matter the age, name or resume.
The Greek is amazing! He drives the truck, works on the car and drives it.
I remember back in the 90's he ran the quickest time in the Friday night session at Somoma (Infineon now) then had a sure win but the starter would not come off. As for his quiet laid back attitude, that's the way he's always been. BK Las Vegas
If you pass the required physicals, hold a valid license for your class, you're displaying the required amount of competence, go for it!

The overriding factor, at least to me, is: "If it isn't any fun anymore, it's time to quit!"

"Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." ~Samuel Ullman

To me, this means "The Golden Greek" is a pretty young dude.......;)
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As long as you pass the physical you should be good to go.

Does anyone know the details of the physical required by the NHRA for a TF license?

A top fuel license is good for one year and must be renewed annually. A medical FAA exam is required, and any driver over 55 years of age has to attach a copy of a current EKG to the medical portion of the renewal. To maintain a commercial truck drivers license at age 80 has a similar requirement. This means the doctors think the Greek is in good enough shape to drive whatever he wants. Connie is in his 70's and flies 747's. Is he too old, too?

Several drivers over the years have caught serious health problems early on because they may have never submitted themselves to a physical exam for any other reason than to renew thier competition license. I can think of one currently inactive driver that discovered he was in the early stages of cancer through an NHRA required physical exam. It probably saved his life.


I wouldn't bash the guy for asking the question. How many times have we've been stuck behind a slow driver on the road and when we pass make some comment about old people and how they shouldn't drive???

With that said, nhra has standards in place to ensure that drivers are able to drive in whatever class that the want. I think its awesome that the Greek is still out there at 80 I hope he's still driving at 100
A top fuel license is good for one year and must be renewed annually. A medical FAA exam is required, and any driver over 55 years of age has to attach a copy of a current EKG to the medical portion of the renewal. To maintain a commercial truck drivers license at age 80 has a similar requirement. This means the doctors think the Greek is in good enough shape to drive whatever he wants. Connie is in his 70's and flies 747's. Is he too old, too?

Several drivers over the years have caught serious health problems early on because they may have never submitted themselves to a physical exam for any other reason than to renew thier competition license. I can think of one currently inactive driver that discovered he was in the early stages of cancer through an NHRA required physical exam. It probably saved his life.



Randy, who was that Alky FC racer who died last year at Atlanta? I read somewhere that he had a Heart attack and was dead before he hit the sand. Is there anyway those kind of conditions will show up in a physical?? Suppose down the Road a racer has a collision with say a 70 year old driver, and decides to Sue NHRA over allowing an "Elderly" driver to compete? How would that scenario play out in court?:rolleyes:
I read somewhere that he had a Heart attack and was dead before he hit the sand. Is there anyway those kind of conditions will show up in a physical??

That's why they require and EKG (heart monitoring exam) for everyone over "a certain age". I know this because my next renewal will require one. :eek:

Doctors are familiar with this kind of exam. You need it for a pilot's license, many forms of motorsport, and so on. My doctor is quite professional about it, and doesn't just treat it like some paperwork. He's very thorough, and for what it's worth, he also treats Skipper Phil Harris (from The Deadliest Catch) and diagnosed his nasty condition last year. I see Phil in the waiting room now and then...
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