it is a cut and paste and I didn't even notice that.If that's a cut and paste of the actual release, they didn't even get Pyro right...they have it spelled Pryo!
The union rat bastards have posted a press release on their main page how they have "organized Disneyland Pyro Technics" They didn't organize anything. They have bamboozzled us. -||- IATSE National -||
The press release follows:
The stupid union f#&ks don't even know how to spell the name of our department. It's Pyrotechnics, not Pyro Technics. I realize that them splitting up the name of our department by adding a space is trivial, but it proves to me that they don't know us, what we do or that they give a crap about us at all. They don't know a thing about the safe handling of explosives and yet they feel that they are qualified to represent us.
This press release indicates that they want us as a "trophy unit" since the Disneyland name carries alot of clout and Disneyland is well known for top notch fireworks shows on a consistent basis.
Notice how in the press release it says that we have requested union representation and have selected iatse as our bargining unit. Pure B.S. We were told that signing the cards merely expresses our interest in listening to the union's sales pitch, and is not a vote in favor of union representation and that a vote will come after we hear what the union has to say.
Our case is moving forward and I have gotten the return receipt back from the post office indicating that the union received my letter demanding that they nullify and return my card. Several other members in the department have also sent in similar letters demanding their cards back.
"For the first time in their history,.........have requested union representation.....
With the media being mostly biased to the liberal Democrat side, and with unions being strong Democrat supporters, would anyone hold their breath to see this paper print corrections, including the apparently dishonest tactics by the union? It definitely looks like they're giving a rosey impression where they want to.
I mean, from what you've told us, how much more wrong could this sentence be?
Ron, the release has nothing to do with politics or even the media.. Its their in-house publication for their Union members...
You're right. I'm guilty of skimming over it and thought I was reading something that had been printed in a newspaper. I guess it's another month of cleaning Yugo parts?![]()
Since you're in cleaning mode, I've got some puppy land mines that could use some attention in the yard..![]()
You guys are so funny...Yo 're bre king up.
Having four dogs, we learn to watch our steps very closely in the yard.![]()
For the employees of Disneyland's pyro deal that should be encouraging as I know if they could get away from paying you guys min wage w/out union involvement they would....
I've been watching this for a few days now Mike and I was really hoping it wasn't IATSE..
I'm sure the House of Mouse will have their own press release soon (especially if you guys ride them Mike) that say that negotiations have taken a turn into the legal arena.. You are absolutely right in the fact that your department and Disney in general are being looked at as a "trophy" for that particular Local, and nothing good will come about of this for the image of the Union, especially with all the legal problems they have had in the past few years (Mike, refer to Local 720 in Vegas and their almost 4 year battle in the casinos- BIG black eye for the organization as a whole)..
It really disturbs me the typo was in a critical portion of the press release, further adding to the image that your department is a publicity grab for them, as well as an attempt to back-door their way into the Disney organization (which, for other departments such as Electrics would be a good idea, IMHO).
IATSE works- don't let this particular Local's actions sour you or anyone else's opinion of that Union... Locals 1 (NY) and 33 (LA) are some of the finest technicians I have the pleasure of working with in my industry... But I am highly dissapointed by the underhanded tactics of 44 and their business agents.
Stiff upper lip Mike- the battle is just getting started, and if Vegas is any example, that bulldog won't be letting go of your pants leg anytime soon... They have deep pockets (they WILL get National funding for their fight- what a sh!tty way to spend members dues), but your department has the HoM over a barrell where they have to fight back just as strong- you licenced (BATF) and experienced guys are a VERY small group, and I don't think the park wants a week of dark 9 o'clocks if too many of you are "distraught" as to being unable to perform your duties that week..
... Remember- this is the height of the summer touring season- the rest of the good pyro guys are out on the road or working for other parks already..
Hold your ground and stay tough, buddy!!
It sounds like you have some experience with iatse Martin.
iatse currently has a presence in Disneyland in the form of local 504. I work alongside 504 stage techs all the time on both the "Remember Dreams Come True" fireworks show as well as on Fantasmic! .
One of our biggest concerns is that we will be transfered to 504 even though local 44 swears we will not. If this happens, we might lose our ability to perform maintenance on our pyro systems since we will be under the umbrella of 504. We fear that the stage techs will want to take responsibility for our systems to guarantee them more hours. Our aerial fireworks system is a one of a kind system designed and built by Disneyland (we use compressed air cannons to launch the shells rather than traditional black powder lift charges). We know our system inside and out. We are responsible for the safety and quality of the show and do not want a non pyro person working on these systems who doesn't have the training or experience in pyrotechnics as we do.
Money and benefits is not the issue with us. For many of us (myself included) this is a 2nd job. I have great salary and benefits at my first job and got into this for the fun of it. Now it appears that an outside force is trying to move in and muck up a department that was working fine for 99% of the members.
There is some tension in the department over this situation but all of the members are able to put aside personal differences and work in a professional manner to provide safe and quality fireworks shows everynight.
A final update to this sage...
As I was pulling into work last Friday at Disneyland, I got a call from one of my co-workers who said the union has decided to walk away from our department and give up their claims that they are the exclusive bargaining agent for us.
Earlier this month our case with the Los Angeles office of the NLRB got kicked up to Washington DC for further investigation and it seems the union was nervous that if they were found in fault they would not only be out as our bargaining agent but also get a black mark in the government's book as well as face punishment for their unlawful practices. They decided to cut their losses and walk away.
Needless to say, the overwhelming majority of our department is extremely pleased about the outcome of this and can now put our full efforts into making magic in the skys over Disneyland every night rather than be distracted by the union nonsense.