I`ll give her a little credit for cutting a decent light in the final (.099). Of course it helps that Pops decide to read the Sports page up there after he lit the second bulb.Congrat's to Ashley and team!
She really needs to work on her reation times though not a bash just a fact!
I`ll give her a little credit for cutting a decent light in the final (.099). Of course it helps that Pops decide to read the Sports page up there after he lit the second bulb.
Then she must`ve have cut the .099 in the semi. A .110 is still a good light for her. I`m sure she`ll only get better!It was a .110!
Thank you for your "positive" idiot accusation. Think logically and not emotionally. Dont let these facts get in the way of your opinion.Do either of you know John or anyone at JFR? Probably not. I watched Ashley make a very shaky start in Super Comp several years ago at Firebird with a very nervous Dad watching. Your thoughts that this was a dive are total BS.
You might want to take notice that Ashley has extended her #1 position in FC after two previous final round performances without any evidence of JFR diving.
I try to keep my replies here positive, but you are idiots -
Papa Force was in a dammed if you do, dammed if you don't situation in the finals. He was going to get criticized no matter what happened, if he would have won, people would be saying how dumb it was of him to beat Ashley since she needs her first win and to protect/extend her points lead. If he lost, people would be crying about a dive. If the fix was in, Coil could certainly have put a 5.00 tuneup on it and let Ashley pull away with her .83. I think Papa Force was embarrassed the car didn't go 100 feet because he knows it is going to create doubt and suspicion. In any event, nothing but positives can come out of Ashley winning. Ashley did get some Sportscenter play, they actually put up a graphic comparing her to Danica and it was duly noted that Ashley got the W in half the races it took Danica.
Congrats to Ashley! Here's to many more!
Any jury would find "reasonable doubt". Obviously nothing close to "total BS" as you alluded to.If you're going to use the "reasonable doubt" analogy, that would mean that John would be found "not guilty". If a jury has a reasonable doubt, they must give a not guilty verdict, not a guilty one.
Uh yeah Im thinking John was going out there for the win...Did any of you see the interview after the race?? Im half thinking it wasnt very nice of him to act the way he did during the interview...he seemed like he wasnt even happy for her. I'd say any of you to think that was staged are CRAZY!