The strange thing is that I remember seeing photo's of what appeared to be a Camaro FC body, with Nitro style spoiler and spill plates on the back at either the PRI or SEMA show, the pics were on Facebook. Definitely didn't appear to be an alky car, and it was around the same time that the first "major announcement" was due from JFR.
So if there is a (true) fuel Camaro Body floating about, a) Who has it and b) is it possible that there will be two specs of the Camaro Racing this year - The Mustamaro and the actual Camaro?
Oh, you can bet JFR will get the first 6+ bodies. Maybe even up to the first 12-15. Once that thing appears, Chevy won't want to go back to a hybrid of the two unless absolutely necessary, and most certainly won't allow a Mustang to be pulled out of mothballs and put on a JFR chassis. So yeah, there will be two sets of specs, but one will be temporary and will never see the light of day after JFR gets that first big order of Camaro bodies unless they just destroy body after body after body.
If anything, it may have been a mockup, probably with the wing area glassed on the alky version for visual effect. Heck, for all we know it may have been the hybrid version and JFR was doing all of that work prior to there even being an announcement.