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EE offs sponsor?

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TA is great, Erica and I loved having him on the team. He was part of it when I bought the assets from DSR. David and I committed to keep him on through the end of the year and we did. If he lived in Houston we would still be together. No hard feelings or problems with that one far as I know. A new team doesnt need and cant afford 2 crew chiefs at the number it takes to get them as good as Terry or David Nickens. That was just a business decision, NOTHING personal. We will hate racing against him on any team.
I will say this, and I completely mean it. If this truly is a "we are trying to do the right thing" then good for you guys. You are a rare-breed in finding the one million dollar treasure and returning it to some guy who was visiting the country but since went back to wherever. (pardon the bad metaphor).

I can't argue with facts, so I won't try...but there seems to me to be more to the story. I guess the flesh part of me just won't believe that this was a decision solely based on "good ol' boy values" -- believe me, I want to believe's just hard.
I really hope you understand that no one at all has had anything bad or derogatory to say about you or Erica on this thread... We are all trying to figure out what is going on with this whole deal... I understand, many may not...
Keep your heads up and looking forward...
NOTHING has ever been mentioned about RC cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, let alone ENERGY DRINKS, i.e. Monster, Red Bull and on and on...

Actually, there has been, just not publicly. If you read my first post, NHRA/Powerade is not exactly happy that Del Worsham has Pepsi as an Associate Sponsor. They tried at one point to not let them have Pepsi products in their pit, but they caved because Del had the deal before Powerade was around.

I think the reason why KB was able to do the Monster deal is 2-fold.
1) It's Kenny Bernstien.
2) Monster is tied to AB.

Lots of money and press to be lost by the NHRA if they don't let it happen.

No one is bashing you or Erica for this decision...
It just does'nt make sense to many of us unless it is the fact that Revive is a SPORTS DRINK, and not an ENERGY DRINK which I believe is causing all the confusion...
We ALL wish you the best in finding a new sponsor we can and will continue to support not only you and Erica, but NHRA as well...
Thanks for the insight!!

It appears they have a fledgling sports drink called Power Quench that can compete with Powerade.

Who knew????:eek:
Actually, there has been, just not publicly. If you read my first post, NHRA/Powerade is not exactly happy that Del Worsham has Pepsi as an Associate Sponsor. They tried at one point to not let them have Pepsi products in their pit, but they caved because Del had the deal before Powerade was around.

I think the reason why KB was able to do the Monster deal is 2-fold.
1) It's Kenny Bernstien.
2) Monster is tied to AB.

Lots of money and press to be lost by the NHRA if they don't let it happen.

I got ya the first time, I understood what you said...
But did'nt Del blow up the Mountain Dew body when it was Powerade at the helm?? I'm sure that in this time of contracts, lawyers and ME-ME-ME... Things have got much worse... The issue is,
Now it's a cola war to??
I understand that Coke,Powerade and Full throttle along with other beverages are under one roof so to speak... But POWERADE, a SPORTS DRINK is the series sponsor... PERIOD
It appears they have a fledgling sports drink called Power Quench that can compete with Powerade.

Who knew????:eek:
I googled Revive-usa last night and saw all I needed to see... Power Quench is definatly a NO-NO in the POWERADE DRAG RACING SERIES, in as it IS a SPORTS DRINK...
Why it was not an issue last year is beyond me though...
Greg thanks for shedding light on this and i can agree that nobody is here to bash you or Erica in anyway we where all just curious to the facts being that it seems a lot of top teams are having a difficult time securing sponsorship one wonders why somebody would walk away from a deal but now that its all been cleared up i would like to wish you luck in the 2007 season and hope to see your team where it belongs!:D
Gregg, once again your candor is appreciated. You seem to be a standup guy, it was not my intention to denegrate your team or sponsor, I just found extraordinarily odd that someone would walk away from a sponsor in this economic climate. I sincerely hope that NHRA/Coke/POWERade will repay your loyalty in kind down the road.

Good luck in '07, the Pro Stock world is a better place with Erica in it!
Baca's December 31, 2006 Blog:
Any team owner will tell you that the goal of winning a championship begins with corporate funding. Unfortunately, I was notified at the conclusion of this race season that Mach 1 Air Services was going to pursue other teams to diversify their involvement in the sport and that we would need to find a new major sponsor.

Ender's January 03, 2007 Announcement:
The announcement leaves the 23-year-old rising star in search of a major sponsor for 2007 and beyond. However, the team is confident that the favorable return on investment it produced for Revive-USA and former sponsor Bravo! Foods and its Slammers Ultimate Milk brand will help it procure another corporate backer to complement associate sponsors Lupe Tortilla Mexican Restaurants, Snap-on Tools, Aeromotive, Mach 1 Air Services, Impact Race Products, and Mopar.

Baca's blog states Mach I told him they were going to diversify their involvement

So I don't see any coincidence..other than they are spreading it around..rather than being a major. I suspect you'll see Mach I on several rides this year. I hope so.

I also wish David the best.
Ahhh...And the fun continues.... :-)

First of all, kudos to Gregg and Erica for having the integrity that they do when it so lacks almost every where in the offices of the NHRA, oooops...did I say that? I meant professional

Anyway, here is the lowdown on a few items that I have seen posted today...

1.) It is true...AB is out of NASCAR, but ONLY in the Busch Series....You see, the Dale, JR. program is a HUGE profit center for AB...They recieve an even share of a 3-way split in all of the licensing fees associated with ANY and ALL merchandise that is sold with their logo on it...Die-Casts, T-Shirts, Trinkets, etc...The $20,000,000+ that they spend annually on that sponsorship comes back to them dressed up like a nickel at the end of the year when you look at the revenues that they generate from this merchandise. Its like turing a profit on the dollars spent, and the sponsorship, in effect, is free advertising...Follow me..?

2.) KB and the Monster Energy drink deal...Here is the story...If Gregg is still lurking, I think he can share some thoughts on this as well...Gregg, Erica, and Revive COULD in fact become a Primary Team Sponsor in the NHRA because the ONLY sponsors that CANNOT come in are the ones that DIRECTLY compete with Powerade, like Gatorade or Vitamin Water...The others (energy drinks) like Red Bull, Rockstar, Revive, etc....can come in because the rules state that they are ALLOWED to...Its just the NHRA's position that they will not be supported. All this means is that they cannot but banners at the track, sampling programs, sponsor certain categories or events, etc...And lets all think about this for a second....Do you need to buy these activations from the NHRA anyway? If you are concentrated on only sampling to the 2,000,000 people who attend the races, according to the NHRA (which is ALSO B.S...! just ask them why they WON'T verify that...its quite simple...BECAUSE THEY CAN'T!!!)...sorry....ah'em...ok...back to what I was saying..If you only concentrate on marketing to the atendees of the events, then you cannot justify the expenditure of the sponsorship anyways...The general rule of thumb, is that for every dollar that a company invests into the sponsorship itself, they should spend an additional $1.50-$2.00 activating and promoting it....You CANNOT do that effectively in the NHRA alone..You need to call ESPN and buy spots during the broadcasts (which they CAN do....ever seen the Gatorade spots during the shows..?), you need to have parties with media and celebs there to greet your fans. How about sweepstakes with your retailers, get the idea....and so does Monster....THAT, my friends, is a PERFECT example of a company that has "Gorilla Marketing" down to a science...Notice that you have NEVER seen a Monster Energy Drink commercial before this year....And they STILL did over $600 Million last year...The point is, THEY do not NEED the NHRA....So when the NHRA told them that they would not be supported, they didn't care because they probably would NOT have made an investment with the NHRA as a sanctioning body anyhow...Does that clear it up..?

I hope so cause all this talking, I need a drink of water...OUT!
I have noticed for a very long time now, that most do not understand the difference between an OFFICIAL SPONSOR and a SERIES SPONSOR... Maybe you can clear that issue up a bit better then I can...
Also, Revive DOES sell a product called POWER QUENCH that while it is a WAFER that you could put in say your DASANI water, it is in the same catagory as a SPORTS DRINK... That is where I believe the negotiations so to speak seem to come from...
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I think any racing series in general makes a big mistake when they make agreements limiting other competitor's involvement. Sponsors are no longer a dime a dozen, and if they grew on trees that would be one thing. If Bernstien can bring out Monstor then I see no reason why other teams don't follow suit if opportunity knocks. Just my opinion.

Here's a little story, I was banned from displaying my dragster at two car shows this past summer because one of the sponsors of these events just happend to be another car dealer. In a way I took it as a compliment that my program is effective enough to be a thorn in the side of my sponsor's competitors. But since both these events were at publicly owned fairgrounds, I thought these two other dealers were being petty for keeping us out.

Rich Bailey
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No one is bashing you or Erica for this decision...
It just does'nt make sense to many of us unless it is the fact that Revive is a SPORTS DRINK, and not an ENERGY DRINK which I believe is causing all the confusion...
We ALL wish you the best in finding a new sponsor we can and will continue to support not only you and Erica, but NHRA as well...
Thanks for the insight!!

Actually, Ray, the only one it needs to make sense to is Enders Racing. No one on this board is owed an explanation from a team about a business decision it made.

God, I love message boards ! Where else can one go, read a statement issued by a team, then have the conspiracy theorists start to pick it apart, dissecting the terms and casting a shadow of doubt about the 'real' reason the decision was made, and just 'who' made the decision. :rolleyes: Some people will sell their souls for a penny in order to do what they love. Thankfully, not everyone. It's a sad commentary on society, when someone does not sell their soul, their motives are questioned and ulterior motives are suggested. Really! I've never seen anything like it.

Kudos to Enders Racing, for having a quality most folks don't have a clue about. Integrity. And for having the strength of character to live the courage of their convictions.

Hope 2007 is a great year for you!

P.S. Good to have you back Mr. Enders. Hope you'll feel comfortable enough to post here once in awhile, not just feel like you have to come on here to defend your business decisions. ;)
Hope 2007 is a great year for you!

P.S. Good to have you back Mr. Enders. Hope you'll feel comfortable enough to post here once in awhile, not just feel like you have to come on here to defend your business decisions. ;)[/QUOTE]

Amen Jackie ;)
It really does matter to more then the Enders team...
I need to know what the boundries are when knocking on doors for sponsorship $$... What if after negotiating for months if not a year and I get an o.k. from the higher ups, they give me a milllion dollars, my car and rig are painted and NHRA won't let me play in their sandbox because of a conflict of interest between my sponsor and a Powerade/NHRA sponsor... I am not the only one this should concern... Conspiracy? We never landed on the moon, (FACT)!! There were two Shooters, (FACT)!! Little green men, (?) The fact remains that something went horribly wrong here before it should have... And many are wondering why... THAT is the great thing about chat boards...
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