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EE offs sponsor?

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Some of you are missing the point...
Official Sponsor- i.e. Craftsman, Has nothing at all to do with MAC, MATCO, SNAP-ON, or any other tool company from being in NHRA... Danaher corp actually makes most of these companies tools anyhow and how many of you ever heard of them??

Please read Jay Rathman's post # 16 and my last post #34, and you will see what and why this is a non issue...
I hope Jay posts tonight what he finds on Revive, this guy knows alot about these issues... He also convey's his words better then I...
But it really is not that hard to understand a

From an ENERGY DRINK- FULL THROTTLE/MONSTER/RED BULL/ROCKSTAR etc.etc. etc. They do not conflict with NHRA's SERIES SPONSOR- POWERADE!! a sports drink...

I know I'll be back to explain again, it's 101 folks... Read your rule book..Just trying to help everyone understand...;)

Now I am confused... Comp Plus is saying that PURE ENERGY DRINK by Revive is in conflict with Full Throttle??
This makes no sense at all, as it is POWERADE that is the only SPORTS DRINK that should be in question... Not ENERGY DRINKS!! And there is a difference...

Jay, Help us out here buddy...
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William .. not disputing you but .....i'm going off of what the local Budweiser Distributor says... "We own the sole distribution rights".... to me that counts since they are doing all the PR and ditrabution for the product as well... AB doesn't do anything that they don't 100% control.... Bud Dist.. have to get aproval for janitors from

i knew someone else started the beverage and produced it... just didn't know who.....

oh . Busch line of products is pulling from the NASCAR Busch series title sponsor... mostly because the bill went from 10 mill to 30 mill... They are staying with the Pole Award and the Bud Shootout at Daytona...and i was told that Dale Jr 's team is getting a increase... and they are preparing for the next contract negotiation that is headed next year....which will more than likley go up.....

I dont see Budweiser ever leaving Dale Jr. Maybe stepping down as primary sponsor one day but never totally leaving him. Thats probably the biggest and most recognizable marketing partnership in motorsports.
Budweiser would drop Kenny & the NHRA in a heartbeat if it came down to choosing either NHRA or NASCAR.
Like Billy Weeks said, Bud is getting out of the Busch Series side of NASCAR not NASCAR itself.
My guess would be that the Pure Energy Drink from Revive would be in conflict with the Full throttle energy drink since they are the sponsor of the pit crew championship and also listed as the official energy drink of the NHRA only my guess i may be way off base here!
Official sponsors do not mean a thing...
I.E. Beer Co.
Auto Parts Stores
Tool Co.
Diaper Co.
Official trailer, etc. etc. etc.
I do not understand the Revive issue though as it is an ENERGY drink and not a SPORTS DRINK which POWERADE, the SERIES SPONSOR is...
That is the difference, OFFICIAL SPONSOR means nothing to a point...
SERIES SPONSOR is a whole other deal...
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Official sponsors do not mean a thing...
I.E. Beer Co.
Auto Parts Stores
Tool Co.
Diaper Co.
Official trailer, etc. etc. etc.
I do not understand the Revive issue though as it is an ENERGY drink and not a SPORTS DRINK which POWERADE, the SERIES SPONSOR is...
That is the difference, OFFICIAL SPONSOR means nothing to a point...
SERIES SPONSOR is a hole other deal...

Ray, Coke owns Powerade and Coke also owns Full Throttle which means it is a series sponsor.
Ray, Coke owns Powerade and Coke also owns Full Throttle which means it is a series sponsor.
I understand what you are thinking, but our series is called NHRA POWERADE DRAG RACING SERIES... Not Coke or Full Throttle DRS... When Powerade first came on board, it was made clear that Gatorade was not even allowed in the pits so to speak... NOTHING has ever been mentioned about RC cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, let alone ENERGY DRINKS, i.e. Monster, Red Bull and on and on...
This is a change in the way things have been done in the past, and I am more confused than ever now myself...
Some of you are missing the point...
Official Sponsor- i.e. Craftsman, Has nothing at all to do with MAC, MATCO, SNAP-ON, or any other tool company from being in NHRA... Danaher corp actually makes most of these companies tools anyhow and how many of you ever heard of them??

Please read Jay Rathman's post # 16 and my last post #34, and you will see what and why this is a non issue...
I hope Jay posts tonight what he finds on Revive, this guy knows alot about these issues... He also convey's his words better then I...
But it really is not that hard to understand a

From an ENERGY DRINK- FULL THROTTLE/MONSTER/RED BULL/ROCKSTAR etc.etc. etc. They do not conflict with NHRA's SERIES SPONSOR- POWERADE!! a sports drink...

I know I'll be back to explain again, it's 101 folks... Read your rule book..Just trying to help everyone understand...;)

Now I am confused... Comp Plus is saying that PURE ENERGY DRINK by Revive is in conflict with Full Throttle??
This makes no sense at all, as it is POWERADE that is the only SPORTS DRINK that should be in question... Not ENERGY DRINKS!! And there is a difference...

Jay, Help us out here buddy...

Ray, I appreciate your insight, however I'm confused as to why it's an issue to Enders, and not to Kenny Bernstein.

I mean, here's the bottom line for me. Good for Enders and team to come out and be noble about not wanting to have a sponsor that does anything in conflict with the NHRA, but it was never an issue for Bernstein.

Revive (subsidiaries)/Powerade (subsidiaries)/Monster are all in competition with one another.

There is something definitely fishy about this. Seriously.
I totally agree with you about this issue...
If Revive is a SPORTS DRINK, that is an issue...
But Revive is a ENERGY DRINK and POWERADE/COCA-COLA must be pulling the reigns in tight...
I do not understand how KB can bring in MONSTER and Erica cannot bring in Revive... It makes no sense... Red Bull is looking, Rockstar is looking at NHRA... This is a very interesting situation... And confusing at that...
Jay Rathman will set this straight I'm sure when he logs on...
Ray i can see your points the whole issue is very confusing guess we will never know the exact reasons we can only speculate, as for red bull and rockstar i would love to see them come aboard they already use a lot of there money for sponsorship in indy car and motorcross but im sure the whole issue of conflict would arise there as well!
Justin i think u caught what i was actually trying to say i guess i didnt word it so well but that was my point that coca cola owns full throttle and powerade which in turn is the series sponsor!
Ray...thanks for the nice words.....By the way, VitaminWater is marketed by GLACEAU, not Revive... I see no conflict with this deal on the surface...I will do some digging and see what I can come up with tomorrow for everyone on this...

Also, I'd like to address the sponsorship side of NHRA teams for a moment...I know that there are a LOT of you, myself included, that feel Erica is a VERY marketable driver..I agree...But it is important that you understand how much money it takes to go racing nowadays, and companies are VERY tight with budgets now, too...For T/F, once you have all of your equipment (cars, tractor trailers, 6-8 shortblocks, etc...) it takes about $2,3000,000-$2,700,00 per year to run them...This is a REAL number..And of course, this budget gives you the opportunity to run with the best of them if you hire the right crew chiefs, drivers, etc....Funny Cars are about $200,000 more because of the bodies. By the time you hang them and paint them are about $40,000, and then the wind tunnell time that you spend for each body just to make sure they are straight is another $10,000 to $12,000 per day, PLUS travel costs to get there, and you need a MINIMUM of one day for a new body at the beginning of the year, and another in the middle of the year, to make sure that it is straight after 100 runs or so...These are REAL numbers..

What does this have to do with Erica Enders you ask? A lot...! Similarly, to run a top PS team, you will spend $1,500,000-$1,800,000 to run well...Ken Black, my guess, spends $4,000,000-$5,000,000 on those cars...That is part of the reason that they run so well...They have more high-dollar people, parts, machine equipment, testing time, etc...

While it has been proven that NHRA is the "Best Bang For The Buck" to corporate America as far as motorsports go, it is still a VERY tough battle to get the money! We are in the MOST competitive venue for "specialty advertising" that there is...Long gone are the days of "Build your team and sponsors will come..." A lot of the reason for this, is that with so many teams in so many different types of racing, the sponsors realize a few things:

1.) They can get these teams to do a LOT for a little (money)...

2.) The reason for #1 is that if you won't do it, there are 1000 teams that will...

3.) Too many rich guys will subsidize the cost of this game and take $200,000deals for Fuel Cars for the entire season (some even less...) And I know of 3 right would NEVER guess who they

4.) Finally, ESPN2 could make things a LOT easier...In the few years that they have been broadcasting the races for NHRA, ask yourself this...How may promos have you seen to promote Division 2 and 3 college games as HUGE events...? And how many NHRA promos have you seen....Try ZERO...IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED...!!!

You only get out of something what you put into it...The idea here is that we 1,000,000 die-hard fans would tune in to SoapNet to watch these races if thats the only place to see them...Promos are supposed to attract new fans...and they DO if you run them....It has NOTHING todo with how much money comes into the sport...You can get all of the money handed to you if you have a sport that builds a very high profile with big TV viewership....Companies will seek out these teams...Our TV on ESPN has had the same ratings +/- for 6 years....Coincidence..? I don't think so....Sorry for ranting, but thanks for letting me get it all out....! whew...!

Thanks again..

Jay Rathman
J. Rathman Sports, LLC.

great post jay. your so right, espn is a thorn in the side of nhra drag racing, no promos ever, no pre race shows ever , no nhra commercials ever, when i watch a race on espn2 i see tons of commercials for lebron james, sneakers, football ect ect hwres the drag racing promos! its on the major channel if the had promos more sponsors would come. thats why nascar has so many sponsors, hell they have 2 hr prerace shows:mad:
Ray i can see your points the whole issue is very confusing guess we will never know the exact reasons we can only speculate, as for red bull and rockstar i would love to see them come aboard they already use a lot of there money for sponsorship in indy car and motorcross but im sure the whole issue of conflict would arise there as well!
This issue has never been brought up until now with the EE deal... Then KB brings in Monster... With rumors of other energy drinks wanting to sponsor drivers and cars, this means alot of competiton for Powerade which is not an energy drink... They can bring in the whole shelf of energy drinks at your local store and I will still drink Full Throttle orange because it tastes the best to me... And I will still drink a 12 pack of Coke a day... But Coke/NHRA are changing the way things have been done in the past...
If you read what they told Erica about not getting T.V. time and alike, why would any other Energy Drink Co. even think of coming NOW!! It will be interesting to see what kind of coverage Kenny gets... We will have to get answers soon... Maybe not the truth, but alot of spin on it...
First Hand, No speculation

OK, despite being advised against posting I think that you guys are going to speculate yourselves into a frenzy if I dont give you the facts.

I wouldnt sign off on a press release if it wasnt accurate and true. The fact is that Revive has several very good products. Two of them are in conflict with CCE products that support NHRA. Pure Energy is a direct although fledgeling competitor to Full Throttle as an energy drink. Power Quench is a clear and undeniable sports drink intended to provide benefits similar to Powerade as a sports drink. Revive-USA has decided to market the products directly to sports teams, health clubs and youth athletic organizations.

Both products will likely do well and tap into some portion of the CCE marketshare. Will they take over or dominate the segments? Probably not but they will compete which they have the right to do.

No one told us to drop the sponsor, NHRA is not the bad guy here, nor is CCE, Powerade or Full Throttle. We are loyal, monogamous people with integrity. NHRA and CCE have played a huge role in giving EE a place to chase her dreams and her career. We just made a decision to support the organization, the sport and the sponsors who back it. It is possible that we did the wrong thing financially or even from a pure business perspective but we are true to our values and principles. If that is a bad thing we will take our medicine. It is after all, our money, our efforts and our team. If it hurt any of ya'll we didn't mean it.

God willing, we will find the right marketing partner and see her career through to a successful conclusion. There is no underlying agenda, story or negative angle.

If we catch this much $%^& for doing a loyal and noble thing I am not looking forward to the day we make a political mistake.

Thanks for the interest and for following EE, this doesnt work without the fans, the media, NHRA, sponsors or the people who spend their "modest millions" (as one of you put it) to chase a fun dream. At this rate we will change EE's number from 430 to 401K for 2007.

Thanks for the update Gregg. Two ways to look at it... Either one, you are doing the right thing (values), or two you are crazy as money is not easy to come by. I hope that someone else is in line to support your effort. People, including myself, are always looking to speculate, it makes life interesting. Speculating and judging are two things.

Just as people will speculate why TA left and may be going to work for Warren. Hopefully they won't just state something they don't know is true.
No one is bashing you or Erica for this decision...
It just does'nt make sense to many of us unless it is the fact that Revive is a SPORTS DRINK, and not an ENERGY DRINK which I believe is causing all the confusion...
We ALL wish you the best in finding a new sponsor we can and will continue to support not only you and Erica, but NHRA as well...
Thanks for the insight!!
OK, despite being advised against posting I think that you guys are going to speculate yourselves into a frenzy if I dont give you the facts.

I wouldnt sign off on a press release if it wasnt accurate and true. The fact is that Revive has several very good products. Two of them are in conflict with CCE products that support NHRA. Pure Energy is a direct although fledgeling competitor to Full Throttle as an energy drink. Power Quench is a clear and undeniable sports drink intended to provide benefits similar to Powerade as a sports drink. Revive-USA has decided to market the products directly to sports teams, health clubs and youth athletic organizations.

Both products will likely do well and tap into some portion of the CCE marketshare. Will they take over or dominate the segments? Probably not but they will compete which they have the right to do.

No one told us to drop the sponsor, NHRA is not the bad guy here, nor is CCE, Powerade or Full Throttle. We are loyal, monogamous people with integrity. NHRA and CCE have played a huge role in giving EE a place to chase her dreams and her career. We just made a decision to support the organization, the sport and the sponsors who back it. It is possible that we did the wrong thing financially or even from a pure business perspective but we are true to our values and principles. If that is a bad thing we will take our medicine. It is after all, our money, our efforts and our team. If it hurt any of ya'll we didn't mean it.

God willing, we will find the right marketing partner and see her career through to a successful conclusion. There is no underlying agenda, story or negative angle.

If we catch this much $%^& for doing a loyal and noble thing I am not looking forward to the day we make a political mistake.

Thanks for the interest and for following EE, this doesnt work without the fans, the media, NHRA, sponsors or the people who spend their "modest millions" (as one of you put it) to chase a fun dream. At this rate we will change EE's number from 430 to 401K for 2007.


Gregg I dont think anyone was attacking Erica. They were attacking NHRA. I understand the conflict of interest and if thats what truly happened then I applaud you guys. But my question is if NHRA approved it to begin with, then why do you guys have a problem with it? and Why did you take the sponsorship in the first place if it was going to be a conflict of interest? By the way, love the 401k comment. That was funny.
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