Nitro Member
Thats funny that some people's ears hurt for the alcohol cars. I can tolerate the alcohol cars (blown alcohol), but I always plug them for injected nitro and the fuel cars. I guess recently though, I've been plugging them for the alcohol cars too... older and wiser I guess.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever tried to not to plug for a nitro car. I've always just assumed that they were louder. Just imagine, if they are loud enough for you to feel the vibrations 100 yards away and clear your sinuses if you have a cold, I would think that it would destroy your eardrum.
I can see maybe not plugging your ears if your in the stands, I just don't get the guy who stands 5 feet from a Kalitta car warmup, no shirt, no earplugs, arms folded, directly in the nitro mist (only protection is a pair of sunglasses) while they whomp the throttle. Ive stood in his position, it literally blows you back... I can't imagine how bad it would hurt your ears. Some macho thing I guess.....
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever tried to not to plug for a nitro car. I've always just assumed that they were louder. Just imagine, if they are loud enough for you to feel the vibrations 100 yards away and clear your sinuses if you have a cold, I would think that it would destroy your eardrum.
I can see maybe not plugging your ears if your in the stands, I just don't get the guy who stands 5 feet from a Kalitta car warmup, no shirt, no earplugs, arms folded, directly in the nitro mist (only protection is a pair of sunglasses) while they whomp the throttle. Ive stood in his position, it literally blows you back... I can't imagine how bad it would hurt your ears. Some macho thing I guess.....