Bazemore sidelined again? (3 Viewers)

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baze sidelined again? reporting baze out of driver's seat - yet to be
named driver for LV race.
for this to happen with 2 races left? somehow i don't think
the 'real story' will appear anytime soon.
Re: Whit shown the door?

Since they will be at Vegas, maybe they should give Jessie Harris a call!

That is a real bummer for Whit.:(
Re: baze sidelined again?

This is plain CRAP!!!! Baze rocks. I hope he gets a ride real soon. Maybe in the 4th Evan Knoll dragster.
Re: baze sidelined again?

This does suck. And who knows if we ever will hear the whole story.

Here's a thought.....he cound drive Force's car for the last two races to give Castrol the exposure.
Re: baze sidelined again?

This does suck. And who knows if we ever will hear the whole story.

Here's a thought.....he cound drive Force's car for the last two races to give Castrol the exposure.

that would be like george bush and john kerry as running mates!
Re: baze sidelined again?

Well, this is a bad deal for Whit for sure. Sidelined early two seasons in a row.

Why wouldn't he drive Force's car?? :confused:

An opportunity is an opportunity.
Re: baze sidelined again?

Perhaps there was a "Lack of Chemistry" between the Team Owner and Driver?:eek:

This is really cool though, stay tuned, and let the speculating begin. Personally, I think he'll be in an Evan Knoll owned car.

"In the short time since this story broke, Bazemore has recieved numerous offers and called back to report that it appears he'll be driving in Las Vegas. More details on this breaking story will be available shortly through a team press release."
Re: baze sidelined again?

Perhaps there was a "Lack of Chemistry" between the Team Owner and Driver?:eek:

This is really cool though, stay tuned, and let the speculating begin. Personally, I think he'll be in an Evan Knoll owned car.

"In the short time since this story broke, Bazemore has recieved numerous offers and called back to report that it appears he'll be driving in Las Vegas. More details on this breaking story will be available shortly through a team press release."

Force has always said that he would absolutely be interested in hiring Bazemore if his services were ever available...they may have differing opinions often, but no two drivers respect each others abilities more
Re: baze sidelined again?

Someone from the alcohol ranks told me that Spencer Massey was going to be at DPM next year.
Re: baze sidelined again?

Damn. Sucks for Baze, hope he gets a steady gig.
Hang in there Baze.
Re: baze sidelined again?

This really sucks for Bazemore!!! I hope Whit lands in another top ride ASAP (DSR or Force?). Hang in there Whit, you have many fans who are behind you no matter where you end up.
I hope he gets back in a flopper; I still have trouble picturing him in a rail.
Even though Top Fuel is my favorite class, I sure would love to see Whit return to a Funny Car. You could tell he was just way happier in a flopper and it's where he really belongs, the guy truly loves funny car racing. Whatever the case though, like him or not, he's damn good for drag racing, is a very passionate competitor regardless of whether you agree with what he says or not and is a hard core racer. I think he'll land on his feet sooner rather than later. Very chicken sh-- of DPM though. I just lost a ton of respect for a team that I had the utmost respect for, but my girlfriend just reminded me that there had to have been *something* go down and of course, us mortals will never know what *really* happened. :rolleyes:
the story says that whit has had numerous people talk to him and a ride by vegas isnt out of the queation, imagine whit bazemore driving john forces car for the rest of the year- wow! i think that would be cool as hell. it would turn me into an instant baze fan, how about you baze fans that dis like force? anyhow i hope whit is back in a flopper soon.
First Force is out the last two races, now Bazemore. Some reason I`m not as stoked about going to Vegas 2 and the Finals as I usually am. The bullshit Countdown doesn`t help...Hope the Hiltons blackjack table is good to me.
You would have thought they would have waited until the end of the year unless there were some big personality conflicts.

Just me thinking thinking out loud.
Baze driving a Castrol car just aint right but I gotta say if its true he had no idea until 2 races left, then that does indeed suck. However, I am sure there are some "behind the scenes" stuff thats not known about or talked about that caused this.
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