Angelle DQ'd? (1 Viewer)

This is from Angelle's site, in it she says to pass it on the the mater so I have.

"I am still in shock,.. I just can't believe my luck. We went to the scales before the run and I weighed in a 615 with NO helmet. After the run,... 610 with the helmet. I weighed over and over and over and still only 610. I couldn't accept the answer from the scale guys,.. it was like a horrible dream and I couldn't wake up. When the tech official said "Thats it! I called it in,... you are disqualified!" I exploded with emotion. I was livid,.. I was hurt... I was embarrassed.... I was devasted and all of a sudden weak. I felt like someone just ripped my heart out and I just wanted to SCREAM and KICK and PUNCH! WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? That is all I could think. But then it hit me,... Antron is still in this race. We have to pull it together and get him to the winners circle. And like the TRUE CHAMPIONS that my guys are,... They did it. Going home with the points lead anyway was all that we needed to regain our confidence and get right back on track. I am going to have a special message on my bike in Memphis,... so keep your eyes open for it. I will NOT let this stop me from fighting with all of my heart and soul. I fell but I am back up and running! Thank you guys and gals for all of your support and especially your prayers. I couldn't do it without you.

I also wanted to add that I asked the camera crew to PLEASE NOT INTERVIEW me about this,... I was way to emotional to speak and they shoved the camera in my face right after the tech official called it for me. I had NO TIME to compose myself. I CAN NOT stop my emotions. I am more passionate about my racing than I have ever been about anything in my entire life and if those keyboard jockeys can't understand that then once again they can.... well you know where I am going with this. For those that are supporting me,... I thank GOD for you EVERYDAY!!!!

and YES,.. atleast 5 other bike racers came to me and told me they were lighter after the run and barely made it in. It WAS NOT JUST ME,... I just so happened to be the only one that didn't make the scales blink to 615. NHRA will let you slide it you can just make the scales flicker to 615 even if it is not a solid 615. I just got BIT. I was also told that this is NOT the first time or even the second or third,... this has happened to many people at Brainerd. In eliminations and qualifying. Three other racers that it happened to came to me and confirmed it.

We weighed on the same scale before the run that we weighed on after the run. I hope this answers everyones questions. If any of you are Nitromater members,.. please pass this on for me. I won't let myself go there anymore. Even if it's just one person hating and bashing,.. it just hurts too much.

That's it for now,... I have only one day at home and I am off to Memphis,... got lots of bills to pay and clothes to wash. Talk to you guys again soon.

God Bless


I can't wait to see what she puts on the bike and more importantly I can't wait to see her win.
..... If you weigh your car as far left and back it will weigh between 5 and 10lbs heavier than the exact center. ......
My two cents,

My son and I had a similar thing happen as this on the scales at the track in San Antonio a number of years ago. When we weighed the first time, we were light. So we added 20 lbs in the trunk to get to the minimum 3350 lbs. We had a ‘02 Corvette at that time. We thought it strange we had to get in the exact center before the weight jived with what was added. The scales showed no increase until we repositioned the car in the exact center of the scales.

The rules state that the racer has to adapt to the scales not the the scales have to adapt to a racer idea of what the scales should weigh.

I don't think anyone disagrees with your statement, but NHRA should insure that the scales can give the same weight twice.
Does NHRA bring their own scale to each event or is it the event track's scale that is used? Who calibrates it, and how often, track help, NHRA tech or the scale guy?
If the equipment isn't NHRA's it may be more difficult problem to police.

If the scale can't repeat it really isn't a scale anymore.
Does NHRA bring their own scale to each event or is it the event track's scale that is used? Who calibrates it, and how often, track help, NHRA tech or the scale guy?
If the equipment isn't NHRA's it may be more difficult problem to police.

If the scale can't repeat it really isn't a scale anymore.

At BIR they used the track scale. I don't know who is in charge of calibration.

The rules state that the racer has to adapt to the scales not the the scales have to adapt to a racer idea of what the scales should weigh.

Do the rules really say that you have to adapt to the scales?

I've seen where they require the bike to weigh 615 lbs... never saw anything about adapting to scales though.
NHRA should be ashamed of themselves for the fiascos they continually create because of their incompetence and neglect. Angelle got hosed and it's NHRA's fault because they can't even do simple things correctly. :rolleyes:
I think Angelle ought to come back......

if she reads this thread she'll see that most folks were pretty understanding.

(Frankly, I thought there'd be more bashing - but, I guess most folks understood her fire)
For the haters lol was searchin for an article on mike and came across it :cool:
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