Jan. 19, 2008 –
“First-off forgive my writing and some speaking, I am not seeing the best and also I am a 10th grade drop out; I had to work full time to help my mom when my dad past away,” stated Knoll. “No excuses from me, just stating a point and fact.”
“I know there are a lot of unanswered questions out there for my people that stand behind me, and even the Evan haters who think they know what’s going on,” said a frustrated Knoll, “Let me tell you something, you do not wear my shoes or my loved ones shoes first off. Now then, the teams, most of which I know will be racing, period. When something happens at the last minute, and you fall into not knowing crap due to HEAD injurys, my in-house business team picked up the ball and ran with it. Right, wrong or indifferent, it was their call and they did the best by me not knowing what’s going on with my health NOT AT ALL even my daughters dint know I don’t need them to worry they have life to worry about. ONLY IF YOU KNEW and a good call they did. After my surgery that I have been out for due to illness, some of you want to question my business my operations, my legal staff, CPA’s, and the IRS? I don’t think so! We get audited all the time. When you can go out and gross in the BILLIONS of dollars, yes that’s B as in BOY, then you can talk my lingo. I have over 1300 full time employees and PRIVATE HELD COMPANY'S that are not PUBLIC and will never be along with other investments and plus the personal investments. I DONT NEED ANY MONEY I HAVE PLENTY Thanks you! Now, I hope you are getting the picture a bit. I do this as a HOBBY Torco is a HOBBIE to me;. I have spent 40 million plus a year. Some of it is my PERSONAL money for the different charities that I do and love to do. You know, all of my in-house race teams are all on payroll and benefits, and will be except Melanie Troxel that Mike Ashley wanted to have under his umbrella. I retain all of my other drivers and my in-house teams know this. I read somewhere that Torco Racing Fuels is late on 2007 payments. You kill me! Latrell makes up all the payment forms and pays when he does, and anything that is owed from 2007 the fourth quarter is not due until NOW, JANUARY 2008, and or 30 days afterwards. That’s just the common business practice we use and I believe the industry does as well. Now, talking about past due, I heard there were supposed to be two manufacturers waiting for their money. This is coming off NitroMater. I can tell you it’s not from my companies. You must have that mixed up with a private team. My teams pay all their bills, per team, so check it out before you open your mouth; okay, know the source first off. Teams are ready to race and again. I WILL STICK WITH MY TEAMS CHOICE FOR 2008, and Latrell and my in-house team said that we will be back in 2009. Now my question is, WHAT THE HELL DONT YOU UNDERSTAND? I will never over ride my business team’s decision at all when they come to say this. I have one of the largest accounting firms that back us, Ernst and Young worldwide, and YES I did WIN the Entrepreneur of the Year in California this past November. So, does this make any sense that we’re in trouble? HELL NO! Give me a break. I am here in business and have the best legal team you can ask for. Since some of you want to talk about lawsuits, I can’t further answer anymore questions like I wanted to, since you speculated that and that’s what is in writing on some board. I have about 7 million dollars out to racers this year 2008 that was paid way back early fall. All my stuff is paid for. Add about another 4.5-5 million on payroll for just racing sitting on the sidelines as of today, and benefits, taxes and overhead just sitting to take care of my people, along with about 5.5 million in IHRA alone, and $700,000 PLUS or so in two Nationals Events in NHRA. So, go add it up okay? Now, about my trash talk fans that to hide behind the computer. People come on out to the track and tell me who you are, and if you have the guts you’ll tell me to my face. Let’s take care of it there and now. Otherwise, I don’t care about you. I’ll pray for you, but I don’t know if you have anything left to pray for or not. You can change the way you act, so come on and think and look around. It could be worse. If you don’t like me I don’t give a sh*t; that’s the bottom line. God, family and my loved ones come first, and we will see you at the track or around. By the way, this again is a hobby for me and I don’t even have five friends that I can count on; and guess what I AM RICH!!!! I do know I have a lot of loved ones, family and” racing family” that’s different from the so called friends and few friends that stand behind me, so go beat off and get a life for a FEW ONLY jerks that are out there. If you like me you do and if you don’t like me, you don’t because I won’t give a sh*t about you then!!!!!!!!!! So, saying that you can see who I care for God, my family and loved ones, and if that pisses some of you off BITE ME cause it doesn’t matter. WANT SOME, COME AND GET SOME - IT’S ALL HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Live your life for yourself, God, family and loved ones. It ain’t a hard rule to remember. Be yourself and if someone has a problem with you being you GOOD FOR THEM, F*@K EM!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!”