Man, in just two posts Alan went from a national celebrity to "even if it was Alan" .... tough crowd.
Could you bring a Pizza with you?Eugene, I'll stop by later so you can take a selfie and I'll give you an autograph. You're Welcome......
And the "Randy" guy, the name is familiar, but I can't quite place it. Did you used to be somebody?
Man, in just two posts Alan went from a national celebrity to "even if it was Alan" .... tough crowd.
And the "Randy" guy, the name is familiar, but I can't quite place it. Did you used to be somebody?
There is no point trying to be made, they just like to bitch lol.I'm trying to figure out what point you guys are trying to make. Was it a packed house? Nope! Not even close, there were a few hundred spectators. That picture was taken while Super Street was running as you can see out the window and that's a time when many of the fans are either in the pits, or at the snack stand, even if it was during the Nationals. As was pointed out, for the average fan a Regional Event doesn't have much appeal the week after the Nationals, but the ones that did come saw a heck of a race.
And if I am at an event I don't care if there's a sellout crowd or three people watching, I'm going to do my best to be entertaining and informative because I believe that the fans that are there deserve the best show we can give them. I regularly have people ask me why I put so much energy into Class runs on Friday or Saturday morning when there not any crowd to speak of and it's simple. I get paid to do a job and I'm going to do it. I get excited about cool cars and good racing. I don't get more or less excited based on the size of the crowd.
You mean Fat Cat The Crew Cheif(Puts on hat and glasses)
I disagree with all of the comments here. I was at the race and whoever this Alan guy was said nothing of value and insulted my cat. A free cat that was given to me by Scott Palmer.
I'm not giving you my name here but I can ASSURE YOU that it is not Brian Lohnes.
Agreed All Access is great. Only problem is we cant hear the cars and it takes to long for the VOD's to get posted up.Alan, Brian, Joe, etc. are the reason I buy All Access ... Alan and Bob Frey are the best in the business and make being in the pits, your shop at home, or your commute from work highly enjoyable. I appreciate them all and LOVE the humor!
As the sportsman's points battles heat up towards the end of the year, I love the idea of sponsoring as many different bounties as possible, if we are in the top 5 I'd gladly pay $50 or $100 to have those other 4 folks knocked out .... and it would be great fun to have a bounty on our head too ... this is a hobby, its competitive, but we are all out there to have fun.
2 of the best in the Biz however I feel Moto'sThe other announcers were Warren Apger and the many personalities of Johnny Moto, both who are our regular announcers at WHP. This is Alan and Johnny up in the booth Sunday.
I’ve come full spectrum. For most of my adult years, I’d only go to national meets and only watch pro classes. Now I enjoy a mix of sportsman classes, gasser exhibitions, pro mod etc. because of the variety of cars. In all the pro classes, cars are virtually alike. Went to the muscle car meet this year in Bradenton and it was great. Like the old days at Niagara. Don’t need crowds.For anyone who enjoys the full spectrum of classes, and doesn't want to fight the crowds, the points events are awesome.
The Heritage series doesn’t include the fuel cars?The NHRA Heritage series is like that. We get all the classes except AA/FD and AA/FC. They put on a great show. Rambler wagon w/ a blown rat motor. How many of those do you see at the drags?