22 lbs. and counting... (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
During the Vegas and Chi-town drags I couldn't walk the pits for more than 20minutes without my Back hurting something fierce. And the only remedy was squating down and stretching it, but that would last minutes maybe. It was obvious the only thing to do was lose some weight! The heaviest I ever weighed was 252 and as of this weekend I'm down to 230!:D I haven't had a Dunkin Donut (LOVED Those!) in about 5-6 weeks, same with just about Junk (Candy bars, Ice cream, etc...).

My goal is between 210-215, I got down to 195 lbs. back around 1995, and I looked really skinny in the pics..
You deserve the "Mater of the Month" award! There are very few folks who have the intestinal fortitude to actually cut back on the intake and pick up on the exercise to the point that they actually like everything about themselves. Way to go Joe!!!! You're my hero-again!
You deserve the "Mater of the Month" award! There are very few folks who have the intestinal fortitude to actually cut back on the intake and pick up on the exercise to the point that they actually like everything about themselves. Way to go Joe!!!! You're my hero-again!


36lbs. since thanksgiving '07

214 down to 178:D;)

My legs weigh 178 apiece! Well maybe not quite!
Congrats go to you as well Rex!

Thanks Bobby.

Doc said (not you....my "Doc;))..........DO IT.

I'm 5'9", I have a medium to heavy frame.

I went from a 38" waist down to a 34" that fits comfortably now.

The trick is to lose it slowly, Otherwise you'll gain it back.

I simply cut my food intake in half. Cut out sugar, did not bother with fat, sugar makes you fat.

I'm a physical laborer anyway (chimney mason) that sets up staging and mixes occasionally, and I work all day outside in heat and New England humidity.

At the rate I'm at, around a pound a week, I'm gonna' level off at about 170-175, preferably 172.

That'll give me a 32" waist, my blood pressure is 118 over 70, and resting heart rate of 59. At 53 years old.

There is only so much time in your life to take care of yourself, before problems develop.

Then, alas, it just could be too late.

So congrats Joe, we may be the last to see eye to eye on ANYTHING:rolleyes:, but good to see you are getting healthy so we can argue for YEARS and YEARS.................. :p

Rex, I am sorry I missed yours... big congratulations to you too! :) At this rate, you will be at your goal very soon.
Rex, I am sorry I missed yours... big congratulations to you too! :) At this rate, you will be at your goal very soon.

Thanks Georginna, in the beginning it ain't easy, and I had my doubts, seriously.

I will just need to maintain, and then the key is not to become complacent, and let the weight creep back on.

I'll tell you what, I feel much better, and if I can do it, anyone can:)

This whole thread makes me feel like a blob of blubber! I'm 250 but I do wear 38" jeans so it can't be all bad. (6'4") I could use some of the redistribution the years have given me corrected. Hey, I was on the weight bench today again and I cycle about four days a week. That might help. At least I feel healthy?

I can't wait to see Joe and now to meet Rex!
Unfortunately, you sound dehydrated.

Get some fluids in you, and you'll feel better.


I kind of don't think I am dehydrated though. I wondered that myself because of a headache, but I have a 16 ounce water bottle that I have been filling up at least five times a day of water. Lots of juice, tea, honey and lemon, couple shots of rum to knock me out.

My urine is clear (shouldn't it be dark if it's dehydration?).
This whole thread makes me feel like a blob of blubber! I'm 250 but I do wear 38" jeans so it can't be all bad. (6'4") I could use some of the redistribution the years have given me corrected. Hey, I was on the weight bench today again and I cycle about four days a week. That might help. At least I feel healthy?

I can't wait to see Joe and now to meet Rex!

Who knows maybe some day I'll stow away in Ron's rig when he's headin' out west:)

I don't think my wife will notice I'm gone for a week or two:D

The weights definitely help you lose better than anything.

If you build muscle, it's burning calories to keep it alive even while you sleep.

Fat is just dead residue that drags you down and poses serious health risks.

At 250, even at 6'4", I hate to say you are somewhat......well.....cherubic?;)

Probably 220 for you and you would feel great, better than you do now.

Just a suggestion.

Who on here complained about the recipe section with all that food when I was right in the middle of my diet benge.
I said publicly I thought it was a all a conspiracy to twart my efforts.
My ire is partially aimed at the coconut cream pie recipe.

Yes loosing the weight is hard and you just can't rest on your lard ER Laural's to maintain it.

I was quoted as feeling more kindred to the lowly cow because around 5:00 PM I have a tendency to Moo and head for the troff .
Down fifty Lb's up 8 and down 4 and that last was just from smelling fattening food.
It's amazing how much better you feel and the desire to buy and work on hot rods just comes back.
I can slide in and out of a Corvette without looking like I am getting out of a girdle.

I did discover I'm really 60 and not 25 anymore.
So I got more aches and pains than than Carter has carburetors but I am into loosing and keeping off the weight on my low fat , low carbohydrate diet.
I read labels eat little but 4 times a day but I'm going to cut down cause at 244 I ain't there yet.
This whole thread makes me feel like a blob of blubber! I'm 250 but I do wear 38" jeans so it can't be all bad. (6'4") I could use some of the redistribution the years have given me corrected. Hey, I was on the weight bench today again and I cycle about four days a week. That might help. At least I feel healthy?

I can't wait to see Joe and now to meet Rex!

I don't think wearing 38" jeans is so unusual. That's what I wear.


I'm goin' as far west as Dallas every other week now. Cabinets fell off and now there's more money in Rent A Center loads! Poor people walking into stores basically saying "I can have $3000 worth of furniture/crap NOW if I just sign and agree to spend five years paying $6000 for it? :D

Speaking of weight! I saw more pounds of peoples' body parts in one week of a Rent A Center load than I saw in the last year in the rest of the world! If there's a poor neighborhood, there's a Rent A Center store right in the middle of it!

Man! I love spicy food but, don't get it that often anymore. I spent two days having it in Dallas, then it spent two days having me! :eek: Taco Cabana!

Ya know, I just called Rex the other week to let him know that if he ever got the chance to go out there, he should. Then, by the time we play phone tag back and forth and it's 1,000 ft drag racing this and 1,000 ft drag racing that, I forgot what I initially called him about! :D
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I kind of don't think I am dehydrated though. I wondered that myself because of a headache, but I have a 16 ounce water bottle that I have been filling up at least five times a day of water. Lots of juice, tea, honey and lemon, couple shots of rum to knock me out.

My urine is clear (shouldn't it be dark if it's dehydration?).

The rum ain't helpin' alcohol will dry you out.

Clear urine just means that there is not much waste or residue being flushed out by your kidneys.

I drink a ton of fluids every day while working, and it comes out clear unless I've took my vitamins in the morning.

You do not have to be extremely dehydrated, but 7lbs in one week is probably H20.

You MAY have dropped some weight, maybe 30% of the total or so.

Hurry up to Rex's place. Get him in your truck and bring him out to stay in the Mater Motel we have here so I can discuss this "cherubic" look he's talking about. I"m thinking I can get him to retract the statement despite the possibility of truth.
Hurry up to Rex's place. Get him in your truck and bring him out to stay in the Mater Motel we have here so I can discuss this "cherubic" look he's talking about. I"m thinking I can get him to retract the statement despite the possibility of truth.

I can get him as far as Dallas! I was going to suggest to him that we should try to plan on making Phoenix next year. You guys would really get along.

Plus, he's as big of a coffee addict as I am! You guys will have TWO people to laugh at when they have headaches by noon! :D

That's all you'll have to do to get a retraction out of Rex. Just don't go anywhere for half a day so he can't hitch a ride for coffee.

Ron (knows all about the Miller detox house) in Bristol. :D
"cherubic," I could have lived without that visual and Bobby in the same sentence. This is just going to make is so hard to talk without cracking up. :eek: :D :p
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