Would you pay?? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Would you pay for your face on a nitro funnycar for the weekend? It would be a 3"x3" size so not very big. How much would to pay to have it on price per day and the whole weekend? So an example would be $10 friday/saturday $15 sunday or $25 for the weekend something like that. Trying to get some input so give me some reasons for why or why not stuff like that.
This is just me, but I wouldn't. If I was spending any money on a car that wasn't mine, it would be for 1 of 2 reasons: To advertise my company or a product I want to promote, or, for an ego trip. Meaning, we would all love to see our name on a race car. I'd rather spend more, and have my name somewhere, than spend a little bit to have a pic of my mug, the size of a business card on a car. I'm assuming you would need a lot of faces to make this a worthwhile endeavor? Either way, good luck, and at least you're thinking outside the box! Who knows, I may be way off and thousands of people would be willing to do this...
Sorry I wouldn't be willing to spend any money on a 3x3 spot on a car. First off there is no exposure in a 3x3 graphic. Out of curiosity what does it cost to run a Funny Car for a weekend?
The cost is out of control and I am trying to think outside the box. Ok next question, fans buy things from teams like shirts and hats, what other things would you like to see a team offer that isn't out there?
The cost is out of control and I am trying to think outside the box. Ok next question, fans buy things from teams like shirts and hats, what other things would you like to see a team offer that isn't out there?

I'd pay for a spec sheet on the car that told all the pertinent mechanical details about the valve sizes, cam specs, duration at .050", gross lift, amount of boost, intake area, cam manufacturer, rocker arm ratio, type of injectors, amount of spark advance and compression ratio.

Some of that may be "proprietary information" but it is likely pretty much all "standard" on the cookie-cutter cars running, today, so, I doubt theat there are any "speed secrets" that would be divulged with a simple list like mine.

I'd think it would be educational and even fascinating! Worth a few bucks, for sure!
The cost is out of control and I am trying to think outside the box. Ok next question, fans buy things from teams like shirts and hats, what other things would you like to see a team offer that isn't out there?

I think you might make a little money with a drag racing "fantasy camp" approach.

For a grand or 2, fans can buy a day as a team crew member, they get to wear a team uniform, have some useful function for the day (maybe packing the chutes isn't a good idea), basically get to be an assistant team member for a day. Sell it separately for Frid., Sat and Sun.

Paul T.
Power Technology
Would you pay for your face on a nitro funnycar for the weekend? It would be a 3"x3" size so not very big. How much would to pay to have it on price per day and the whole weekend? So an example would be $10 friday/saturday $15 sunday or $25 for the weekend something like that. Trying to get some input so give me some reasons for why or why not stuff like that.

If its $25 for a weekend, sign me up.
I heard $140,000 per race, including ALL expenses, but dont know about busted parts. Anyone have another number in mind???

I heard $140,000 per race, including ALL expenses, but dont know about busted parts. Anyone have another number in mind???


I think that is a bit on the HIGH side. I thought I read once that it cost 8,000 dollars per run. If that still holds true and you win the race. That is 64,000 for the weekend not including other expenses. Never have heard what the total expenses of a weekend is. Maybe we can get Virgil or Alan to chime in with some rough estimates.

Sure I'd give them permission to have my face on a 3X3 graphic on a car for $25 , Any larger than that though and I would have to charge by the square inch.
My suggestion - only offer whole weekend options, it makes wrapping the car much easier.

$25 for the weekend, $40 for the weekend with an autographed picture of the driver, standing by where your picture is on the car. That could be accomplished with a half dozen or so shots, then sent to the people in each grid.

Kenny Wallace did this in nationwide two years ago, but he used names, not pictures. . I had no interest in doing it for myself, but I bought each of my kids a square, and they got a big kick out of it.

I like the picture idea better, and I think it would go over well with fans - give people the option of using a picture, or picking from a couple of charities, then you can use the charity's logo in a scalable version to take up the space not sold to fans.
only a guess........for a national event weekend
low profile team/car: $5-7k for approx. up to 2 sq. ft. decal
high profile team/car: double it
Hi Steven,
I'm a long time fan of your dad's. I grew up in Lakewood, CA - now living in Pittsburgh, PA (why, I'm not sure!) Also, a long time fan of Nitromater although I haven't posted for a very long time - I lurk alot! (I even have a couple of the infamous Mater "lammies" from back in the day!)

I've been thinking about your 3"x3" face/photo idea. I think you're on to something.

Here's a couple of ideas to build on:

First - there are two organizations that would be a perfect fit for this:

facebook - A funny car covered in smiling faces on TV has to peak some interest in their marketing department. Put a big facebook "f" logo on each side and the name FACEBOOK on the front and rear spoiler. Throw in some hero cards and i'm sure ESPN would give it a little extra air time not to mention some of the other networks.

Get some pop culture websites involved, get it on "youtube", and there's gotta be a Guinness World Record in their somewhere.

Advertise the promotion/donation on facebook and you'll have an instant audience of 500 million people.

The second part of this involves a charity. If you donate a portion of the proceeds received to a charity, it'll most certainly increase the number of donations. You'll get more press, more air time, and a tax write-off. It will probably help in selling the folks at facebook on this.

So where am I going with this - Operation Smile.

Operation Smile is a charity that provides operations for kids with cleft-palate
and other facial deformities. They provide operations for kids all over the world at an average cost of $250.00. (that's 10 3"x3" photos per kid at $25 bucks a pop) I have a cleft lip and have a mother, daughter and a nephew with a cleft lip and palate and know how much it means to these kids to be able to have the corrective surgery. (check them out at operationsmile dot org)

I'm sure the operation smile folks would be thrilled to get involved and I'm sure with their involvement it would be an attractive promotion for facebook.

I'm not sure how much real estate is on a funny car body but I bet when you divide it into 3 inch squares it's a bunch.

You could probably raise enough for a race or two and make a lot of kids happy as well. Oh yes, almost forgot, everybody who has a picture on the car has to smile!:D

Some additional promotional ideas -
create a website
youtube channel

If facebook has any photo site partners like photo bucket or flickr, another great place to promote!

Also, not sure what the relationship is between facebook and the studio that released "The Social Network" but there may be some cross promotion in there somewhere - maybe a DVD release?

I'm a marketing guy - can you tell?

Hope to see a facebook/operation smile funny car at an NHRA event soon!


p.s. - feel free to contact me with any questions or to talk about this in more detail.
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Bill, Paul, Doug, and Gary,

Thank you for posting your thoughts on what a team can offer that isn't already out there. Keeping a nitro team running is extremely hard so I am trying to find an edge to keep our team out there. Thanks for all the input again.
Best of luck with what ever you do to get more funding. I love the ideas with Facebook and You Tube. Even a regular ET racer like me could benefit from exploiting those ideas. Utilizing them would be very inexpensive too.
Ways To Support Nitromater

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