Nitro Member
I don't know, I like WJ speaking his mind. So much better than
"Man this K-motion car was all over the track, I about had to call AAA to tow my 200k car off the track because Gieco will surely total it out...thank God I have arrangements made with Bob's Funeral Service and their $9.99 burials on Tuesdays"
I'm about sick of smiley little boble talky plugy spokesperson heads. I remember when Force would hop out of his car and in the same emotion he talks about Ford now he talked about the race...the track...the NHRA...his late father. I pine for those days like a 90yo man for the old days...but it really doesn't happen anymore and for the most part I look at my computer during the races and don't hear a word except for looking up at the actual passes. Bazemore was kind of a pain but at least he said something every once in a while.
Yea your car says Ford on the side...I get it...what does that have to do with you ending up on your lid....or why your car keeps pitching blower belts...but I don't even get to hear about the whys, the struggles of the teams...the obstacles that you are facing today...I just get a synopsis of what is already painted on your car, printed on your shirts, and embroidered on that hat the guy just jerked onto your head in the middle of the interview. We now have a decline in sponsors partly due to decline in viewership because there is no story lines or emotions any you watch commercials when you have a chance or just turn the channel...well thats what the interviews have become...not about the race but a commercial and people are flipping the channel.
WOW...I just totally WJ'd that post...what I meant to say was "That was a great but controversial post on Nitro Matter brought to you in conjunction with Competition go watch some NHRA racing brought to us by Poweraid"
By the way...x2...WJ vs GA was the differance between almost flipping your car and watching a car in front of you almost flip a car.
"Man this K-motion car was all over the track, I about had to call AAA to tow my 200k car off the track because Gieco will surely total it out...thank God I have arrangements made with Bob's Funeral Service and their $9.99 burials on Tuesdays"
I'm about sick of smiley little boble talky plugy spokesperson heads. I remember when Force would hop out of his car and in the same emotion he talks about Ford now he talked about the race...the track...the NHRA...his late father. I pine for those days like a 90yo man for the old days...but it really doesn't happen anymore and for the most part I look at my computer during the races and don't hear a word except for looking up at the actual passes. Bazemore was kind of a pain but at least he said something every once in a while.
Yea your car says Ford on the side...I get it...what does that have to do with you ending up on your lid....or why your car keeps pitching blower belts...but I don't even get to hear about the whys, the struggles of the teams...the obstacles that you are facing today...I just get a synopsis of what is already painted on your car, printed on your shirts, and embroidered on that hat the guy just jerked onto your head in the middle of the interview. We now have a decline in sponsors partly due to decline in viewership because there is no story lines or emotions any you watch commercials when you have a chance or just turn the channel...well thats what the interviews have become...not about the race but a commercial and people are flipping the channel.
WOW...I just totally WJ'd that post...what I meant to say was "That was a great but controversial post on Nitro Matter brought to you in conjunction with Competition go watch some NHRA racing brought to us by Poweraid"

By the way...x2...WJ vs GA was the differance between almost flipping your car and watching a car in front of you almost flip a car.