I might know who, but I can'T sAy

I might know who, but I can'T sAy
Shaun Carlson?
I might know who, but I can'T sAy
TA would be huge to WJ.
Alan if this is true (and I have no reason to doubt you) that is VERY interesting news. I think he could get a stick car down a dirt track in the 6s. Been watching him since Factory Modified. I would watch for KJ to pick up as well if this is the case.
Didn't he struggle at Cagnazzi's?
TA was with the Enders team wasnt he?
TA was with the Enders team wasnt he?
I thought Shoe was his last employer.
Didn't he struggle at Cagnazzi's?
drawing a mind block here- who is T A?
Rumor has it that he's hired a top guy who knows P/S and how to get a car down the track. WJ has the steam but the setup has been a little off but if this works out,watch out He will also be assisting KJ too,this will free WJ/KJ up and give them more time in the HP dept. P/S has evolved into an absolute dog fight and the more help the better. WJ's woes last year was inpart to losing a lot of braintrust when Pat Barrett retired. WJ had some very good young guys but not a lot of P/S experience. Stay tuned.