This is a pipe dream. The two "virgin" lanes will have nowhere near enough prep or rubber, the teams will have little or no data on them, and you'll end up making a mess of it. Would you go back to the original lanes when they are cleaned up? How do you justify that to the teams that got sent down the virgin lanes? What happens when there are two oil-downs, in the original lanes and the virgin lanes?
I can even imagine a multi-car team in a points battle sending out a car to spew on purpose, just to send the next pair down the virgin lanes, while they sit back in staging lanes watching what happens and adjusting their cars.
just spitballing, but their doesnt have to be any 'virgin lanes'. prep all 4 lanes and split the classes between to 2 sets of lanes. i realize this would be a mess but if live racing resulted in higher ratings than it would be worth it !!
....... and if both sets lanes get oiled down than we scrap the idea and wait until somebody builds a 6 lane strip and try it again !!