Everyone who is thinking like Virgil that "drag racing is dying" needs to spend a few days at Norwalk with Bill Bader and his team. I've just spent all week here doing a timing system upgrade and the place, the Norwalk team, and the crowds are amazing. Just stunning. The place is modern, gorgeous, spotless, and runs like a Swiss watch. I was in awe the whole time.
We had to bust hump to get the timing system rebuilt in 2-1/2 days in time for their Wed night crowd. I thought, "oh, well, we'll get it working, but really how much will it matter?" They had 600 cars. For a Wed night "family fun night" (aka test and tune). The place was filled with cars, families, hangers-on, and so on. It was amazing. The Seattle national event doesn't have 600 cars.
And it's making money. The place is on the upswing, not the decline.
The problem with drag racing is not drag racing. It's the folks running the tracks, the teams, etc. They just don't get it. The Baders do. This summed it up for me: