Jesse- understand this. The "sub-par" surfaces that everyone states the ATL track was is no worse than any racing surface that thousands of drivers ran on for decades before every driver needed their lane "groomed" and a perfect match of the opposite lane- as we have been bamboozled to believe makes a great drag race. Not every track can be fly paper sticky and bowling lane smooth, and any good tuner will know that and any good driver will know whether or not they will be able to negotiate it. Bob had so much supposedly going against him in that round that had he given it any thought, he would have considered taking the pass at all. He chose to hit the gas- his decision. I have put my kid on quote "sub-par" tracks, but not because they were unsafe, but because the track just sucked. Tune accordingly and have confidence your driver can do their job and if that doesn't make you feel comfortable, put it back on the trailer. E-town is just an example of great racing in the day that took place in the same "sub-par" conditions.
one of the smoothest tracks on the tour, no bumps in transition from concrete to asphalt.