The manner being getting out of his car, leaving it sit in the middle of the track and walking back to the starting line.In what manner? He took a verbal complaint to the ONE person on site that could do something about Bob's safety concern.
'BERATE'...i've yet to hear any audio of the conversation. (Did I Miss it??) No one knows what, or how Bob said anything to G.L.......
For that matter we don't know how G.L. adressed Bob on his concerns either.......
Look, its fine for him to have a complaint. Take it up to the powers that be, I agree. But you don't walk away from the car and leave it sit on the racing surface.
Another salient point that needs to be made, did he mention his reservations PRIOR to making a pass? Because if he didn't (after 3 other pairs had went up in smoke, then this simply looks as though he is using it as an excuse.
Bottom line is, him calling out NHRA about safety, while not only ignoring his, but Millican's as well, is the real joke in this. If I were Clay, I would be pretty upset with Griff for staging a car and stepping on the loud pedal when he could not safely (or so he says) see the tree.
1st two things I learned when I first got into a race car.
1. Walk the track and know what you are driving in to.
2. Never, EVER, make a pass if you don't feel like you are in complete control of the car.
Number 1 may not be applicable here, but number 2 sure the hell is.
And actually, number 1 is as well, because if he, or his chief walked the track prior to the round starting and he didn't raise a ruckus then, then he is the one who looks hypocritical when stomping around after his run went bad.