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Vandergriff Fined $20k by NHRA

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In what manner? He took a verbal complaint to the ONE person on site that could do something about Bob's safety concern.
'BERATE'...i've yet to hear any audio of the conversation. (Did I Miss it??) No one knows what, or how Bob said anything to G.L.......
For that matter we don't know how G.L. adressed Bob on his concerns either.......
The manner being getting out of his car, leaving it sit in the middle of the track and walking back to the starting line.

Look, its fine for him to have a complaint. Take it up to the powers that be, I agree. But you don't walk away from the car and leave it sit on the racing surface.

Another salient point that needs to be made, did he mention his reservations PRIOR to making a pass? Because if he didn't (after 3 other pairs had went up in smoke, then this simply looks as though he is using it as an excuse.

Bottom line is, him calling out NHRA about safety, while not only ignoring his, but Millican's as well, is the real joke in this. If I were Clay, I would be pretty upset with Griff for staging a car and stepping on the loud pedal when he could not safely (or so he says) see the tree.

1st two things I learned when I first got into a race car.
1. Walk the track and know what you are driving in to.
2. Never, EVER, make a pass if you don't feel like you are in complete control of the car.

Number 1 may not be applicable here, but number 2 sure the hell is.
And actually, number 1 is as well, because if he, or his chief walked the track prior to the round starting and he didn't raise a ruckus then, then he is the one who looks hypocritical when stomping around after his run went bad.
1) Walking the track prior would be a good idea, I'll give you that. BUT, no one can be sure of the track untill you try it.
Obviously the Safety Safari, & NHRA thought it was worth a try. BOB, I would think was strapping in and did'nt see the few
pairs ahead of him all have big trouble. Bob like the others, was trusting NHRA to do the right thing.
1) Walking the track prior would be a good idea, I'll give you that. BUT, no one can be sure of the track untill you try it.
Obviously the Safety Safari, & NHRA thought it was worth a try. BOB, I would think was strapping in and did'nt see the few
pairs ahead of him all have big trouble. Bob like the others, was trusting NHRA to do the right thing.

"Would have been a good idea"? Seriously?

And perhaps the 3rd rule I learned was, never trust a track, or an organization with your safety. If you can't vouch for what you are going to get into, then don't strap in. That is pretty simple.

And given your staunch defense of Griff in this deal, how do you possibly justify him hitting the throttle when he could not even see? And how the hell can he blame NHRA for that?
"Would have been a good idea"? Seriously?
And given your staunch defense of Griff in this deal, how do you possibly justify him hitting the throttle when he could not even see? And how the hell can he blame NHRA for that?

Because NHRA controls the race thats how. Why did they not delay the race 15 min or so, for the sun to not be in the driver eyes.
Great discution but I have to leave now. Have a safe & great holiday.

(to b continued.....)
The track was slippery but not unsafe. Tuners needed to tune for the conditions, drivers needed to use common sense in their decision making on the run. No body had a terrible light except for BV. No body over drove their car to the point of getting in trouble except BV. BV's bad decisions started when he chose the right lane for the run and continued right on down to the point where he made a complete a** of himself and got the race stopped because of his inabilities and bad decisions. Nothing that happened on BV's run was the fault of anyone but BV.

NHRA did the right thing for the fans, race teams and themselves in trying to complete the race Sunday evening. It makes the races more exciting when the track presents a challenge rather than the usual over prepared track where you just keep throwing new parts at it with all the power you can produce. Adjustments would have been made and the times would come close to normal in very little time.
I totaly agree with you Virgil. Look at the front wheels he wasn't driving he was hanging on. the side kanard panel kept the car from going over, that was pure luck. No driving crybaby. grow a sack or pack it up and go home. BTW i don't care who does not like my post
I saw a ton of coverage on the controversy on all the sports networks.... :rolleyes:
I would be interested in knowing which sports channels have been showing all of this coverage, because I have been watching non stop racing ever since i got home on from Atlanta on Thursday, of Nascar, Indy car, F1, plus Womens soft ball, and I haven't seen anything about it except here on a couple of chat forums. I know most of the race teams were already over it before they left Atlanta. If you tell me where you saw it, i can catch it on re-air.
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Because NHRA controls the race thats how. Why did they not delay the race 15 min or so, for the sun to not be in the driver eyes.
Great discution but I have to leave now. Have a safe & great holiday.

(to b continued.....)
You are moving into crazyland now.

Next you are going to tell us that NHRA mandated that Griff hit the loud pedal even when he couldn't see. Face it, he made a conscious decision to do that, and you look absolutely insane to say that "NHRA controls the races" contributed to that. Clay was quite blunt when he said he had no problem seeing the tree.

Bottom line is, and you just continue to refuse to recognize it, is he strapped in, he fired up, and he staged, and he launched.

And it isn't to be continued. Its over. He paid (I assume, or he wouldn't be in Topeka) his fine, and has moved on. Those that despise NHRA and Graham Light are the ones that haven't moved on.
Well, the good thing about this is no other cars raced and nobody got hurt. It could be the best $20K ever spent because none of us wants to see anyone hurt or worse.
Well, if you TRULY feel Bob was wronged by NHRA, you can put your money where your mouth is. Bob has started a kick starter type online campaign where fans can donate to pay the fine.

See for the link.
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Well, if you TRULY feel Bob was wronged by NHRA, you can put your money where your mouth is. Bob has started a kick starter type online campaign where fans can donate to pay the fine.

See for the link.
What? donate to him to pay his fine? hahahaha so people are not buying Vandergrif t shirts anymore. The guy is a figgin millionaire he can pay his own fine. are kidding me. The guy wins two races in 20 years and now he's been done wrong by nhra because he lost a round simply because he can't drive his race car, and everyone needs to pay his way? Well If he staged and couldn't see the tree or track and couldn't controll the race car NHRA should pull his licence.
I would be interested in knowing which sports channels have been showing all of this coverage, because I have been watching non stop racing ever since i got home on from Atlanta on Thursday, of Nascar, Indy car, F1, plus Womens soft ball, and I haven't seen anything about it except here on a couple of chat forums. I know most of the race teams were already over it before they left Atlanta. If you tell me where you saw it, i can catch it on re-air.

That's my point- there has been none. It is a non-controversy except for on this and another board (with lots of former and current Maters over there).

The issue is a non-issue; your sarcasm meter is broken, Eugene...
I tend to agree with most of what Larry Fullerton said. If he couldn't see he never should have staged or left the starting line. He acted the fool by stopping on the track and walking beck to the starting line. I have no idea what he hoped to accomplish with his actions but acting like a spoiled 15 year old is not the way to accomplish anything. He's lucky he wasn't suspended for a few races and didn't go home with a broken jaw. Buster would have sent him home in a wheel chair.
Well, the good thing about this is no other cars raced and nobody got hurt. It could be the best $20K ever spent because none of us wants to see anyone hurt or worse.

If he felt that strongly about it he wouldn't have let 3 pairs ahead of him run. He would have went to the line and laid down across it and made a point.

Nor would he have gotten into his car, fired it up, staged it, and left.

His bluster is pure BS.
What? donate to him to pay his fine? hahahaha so people are not buying Vandergrif t shirts anymore. The guy is a figgin millionaire he can pay his own fine. are kidding me. The guy wins two races in 20 years and now he's been done wrong by nhra because he lost a round simply because he can't drive his race car, and everyone needs to pay his way? Well If he staged and couldn't see the tree or track and couldn't controll the race car NHRA should pull his licence.

I am pretty sure you have to pay your fine before you enter another event (see: Eckman, Jerry), so I think the fine is paid. So this does seem more like an effort to sell cheeky TShirts and capitalize on the attention this brouhaha has drawn. I wonder if NHRA will stop him like they did Larry Morgan?
Graham Lights response on today's qualifying show fell a little short on fact as well showing the professional level of leading a organization such as NHRA. Disappointing
That's my point- there has been none. It is a non-controversy except for on this and another board (with lots of former and current Maters over there).

The issue is a non-issue; your sarcasm meter is broken, Eugene...
Yep, you're right. It has been a long 10 days on the road , but now i'm on the same page.:D
Graham Lights response on today's qualifying show fell a little short on fact as well showing the professional level of leading a organization such as NHRA. Disappointing
Exactly on point, he pretty much showed his pompous demeanor. Not very professional, very weak explanation.
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