It also seems that NHRA wants to be in total control and Don is making it difficult for them with all the technology innovations they are doing. Maybe NHRA resents DSR pushing the envelope because it makes life difficult for them.
If that's the case, then maybe the NHRA should focus some effort on getting their technical department on-par with the folks that are currently making it difficult for them. Then maybe we could also have:
-Super Class racing without all the electronic bullsh!t,
Just another class of racing, and it was created with equality in mind- lots of classes are created with how much of an engineer you are or can hire (Comp, Super Stock)... Super Classes, for all their faults, puts more entries in the pits, because everyone knows that they all came with 6 bullets in the chamber. Its probably the most equal classes in racing because of the electronic advantage.
-more affordable fuel racing and
Who say's it's not affordable? It's not for everybody- those that can be at that summit in this sport, are.
-EFI under the hoods of Pro Stockers.
If there weren't so many brilliant minds in PS that have historically been the smartest people in the room when it comes to knowing how to turn the rules into an origami dragon, EFI would have been under the hoods a long time ago. But, as we know, not everyone plays by the rules- and the class would suffer if the electronic demon was turned loose. They can't even keep a grip on electronic shock absorbers- what are the odds that something electronic in the powerplant is not going to take a turn twords evil-for-profit given the open door. I for one am entirely impressed at the performance that is achieved on 2 carbs and gasoline. Stunned, and proud that it happens in THIS sport.
Sean D
facts please.
@Jbindy4: "Today is the day to resolve TURBOGATE! I hope @IndyCar gets their act together. It has been embarrassing."
I'm gonna go with: because he's their golden goose.Seems that JFR focuses more on safety innovations than performance so they don't hassle JFR as much.
If I recall correctly, it wasn't that long ago either. I think it was with Courtney in the car and they fired it up in the lanes on a Mon. or Tues after an event so she could get used to the car.Force has been fined in the past, and it was reported just as this is.
Is it just me or does this seem like the first time NHRA would front page dirty laundry? I always thought fines were more of a if you heard about it you know it happend and not something so easy as the main story on There is also a 100% lack of facts outside of the fine. Yes, this should be reported but it should be something you read on a third party site and cant find on, I just look down on the NHRA on something that happend outside of the public eye and making it front page news and possibly letting the maybe 100,000 now get to form an opinion about DSR when the article only tells 25% of the story. This should not be front page business.
......but came here to the Mater for the real story.
In the words of the immortal Sgt. Hulka - lighten up Francis....
back atcha, Sean
Or, maybe its more like a guy who ran his mouth to the wrong guy and had to break his wallet out because of it.Maybe its like a story about a man who paid $5000 to have lunch with then Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill; then unload on him at then end.