Nitro Member
Alan don't forget the priming system on the capsule boats.....Drag Boat racing never stopped. Just because Top Fuel wasn't being contested doesn't mean racing stopped. As a matter of fact one of my shop neighbors has a Hydro that he races 6-8 times a year.
Just as with land racing Top Fuel requires more of a safety team and insurance to run, and they have been inactive the last couple of years, but the Southern Drag Boat Association (SDBA) and the Kentucky Drag Boat Association (KDBA) seem to be the front runners in trying to get Top Fuel back in action. They have run an extensive series, even using Forrest's Lake Lucas at Wheatland for some events.
The boats are self starting, the starter mounts on the front and drives the lower pulley (Crankshaft) then just kicks out exactly like the starter they use on Dragsters, then just rides along.
A Top Fuel Hydro has twin props and uses a W Drive which is basically a V Drive with two output shafts. One rotates clockwise one counter and when the boat is on plane only one prop ear is in the water. The prop shaft is actually out of the water when the boat is "Set" They are amazing machines.
Former crew on Toxic Rocket TFH