I dunno where you are gettin' this on Manzo.........but you are wayyyyyyyyyyy off on that. Take it to the bank.
TPed knows the inner workings of these things, he was a crew member, and Prudhomme ain't no dummy either.
He's done some tuning in his day.
Admittedly Force is the least mechanical minded of all, but he sure could be of valuable input from the "show" perspective.
He's been through the mill, and even if he were not driving, Ashley is.
I think he has a great stake in this sport all around, and NOW........ realizes that it needs to adapt to change.
Maybe 1320 will need to come back for the sport to survive.
Or maybe not, like Armstrong says, and I am not ignorant enough to argue with THAT guy

,if he says they'll blow up at 800', OK.
I'm wrong. Takes a little effort to wrap your mind around a idea you cannot understand, but I'm not a fuel crew chief.
So maybe 1000', lower compression, less overdrive, and a boxier, more conventional, realistic shell, but as a concession, back to 95-98% Nitro.
The cars would slow down considerably, take longer to get from whatever A-B is, and still put on a tremendous show.
And we could get RID of that damned rev limiter.
I know enough about them that I would applaud the decision to remove them. bad juju, IMO
If we can go back to 1320', stop these horrendous explosions, keep them down to 300, high fours, lots of smoke and noise, less parts breakage and oildowns, I'll be happy too.
Fer cripes sakes. Going to a National event today, it's like watching the History channel, there is around the same success rate of getting a fuel car to make a clean pass, than there was to launch a rocket into orbit back in the late 50's
Boring, and terrifying.