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Richard Hogan Relieved of His Duties

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hey all,

I really appreciate your support on this subject.:rolleyes: It means so much to me that you care. There is two sides to every story.
Morgan Lucas

Morgan you are RIGHT! There are two sides and the "Truth" this will all pan out and the final result will be known by all...
We all try very hard to put things in neat little boxes. I'm right, your wrong. He is a dope... oops, no you were the dope. Rarely is it absolutely one or the other.

Life is pretty easy to understand and very difficult to execute. In the execution, usually both sides fall short in the others expectations. Is it the expectation or the performance that is to blame?

This board loves to rush to judgment. And with each new piece of evidence comes a radical mood swing in the pendulum. After time, the pendulum usually swings nearer towards the middle... way before any real truth emerges. And we move on to the next drama because unless there is drama, there is no real reason to come here.

The best drama is on the track. A close finish. A record gets broken. A competitor gets his 1st win after 10 years of competing. We embrace these. This is what we live for. But while waiting for these real dramas to happen, the temptation is to fill the time with manufactured drama. Or drama created from the least bit of information.

I watched this board mood-swing wildly on the announcement that Torco was pulling sponsorship. With each new piece of info, opinions radically changed, changed back, and changed back again. It seems pretty quiet now.

These are all people that are trying their hardest to do their best in this sport. Maybe there is a "story behind the story" here. But unless a smoking gun shows up, the "bench racing" pits integrity vs. integrity. Good vs. evil.

I wonder if it is ever quite that simple.


Who knows if it's ever quite that simple Jim. But, you are right. The pendulum does swing drastically. Sometimes I want to comment on some of this stuff, but I usually refrain. The Torco deal that you mentioned is a good example. But, someone would post something and I'd agree with them, then someone else would post something that I also agreed with. I was so confused, I just stayed out of it. It did make for interesting "drama" though!

I guess the bottom line is, the Lucas Family owns that team, and they can do with it as they please. They live with their decisions, and the fans can choose to support them, or find another team to root for if they don't agree. They want a certain chemistry, and it looks like they are going to keep making changes until they get it. That is their right.

While not all of the opinions on here are accurate, or even respectful sometimes, that is the great thing about America. We can voice our opinions, right or wrong. I appreciate the information and opinions I get here, even if I don't agree with them. If there were nothing but vanilla here, it would be awful boring. Sometimes I think the Mod's try too hard to keep it vanilla.

Jim, I don't know if you still own Oakley, or not. I have heard you sold it off, or maybe still own a portion of it. I just purchased my first two pairs of prescription Oakley's. My Wife and Sons have both had several pairs of the non-prescription sunglasses, but I have never owned any. I have a lot of the other Oakley gear, but not glasses. I bought these two pairs of glasses because of your support for Drag Racing. I don't know how involved you still are with the racing, or the company, but I sure do appreciate what you have done, and hopefully my support of Oakley somehow benefits you still. Believe it or not, your candid posts, and visibility around this site, has led me to buy a lot more Oakley products than I probably ever would have. Now just make sure if you are still involved with the Company, that you continue the Hockey direction! Thanks Jim!

We on this site may not always be as respectful as we should be. Or know as much as we think we know. But one thing is for sure. We are a damn loyal bunch. We SUPPORT the people that support Drag Racing!
Morgan Lucas, Jim Jannard, so where the hell is Richard Hogan on all this? If the guy is a friggin' nitro crew cheif he sure has enuf smarts to be able to use the internets!

I'm being facetious here, but Richard's participation would make for one ultra interesting thread, wouldn't it?

Respect is key. How can any us of not show respect to those living the nitro life? I've been a fan for 44 years and I'm still in awe of the people going out there and doing it!

-90% Jimmy
hey all,

I really appreciate your support on this subject.:rolleyes: It means so much to me that you care. There is two sides to every story. The competition plus article was posted before anyone here could even respond. We will have a press release out tonight. Maybe that way we can give you all something else to gripe about. This sport is complex and it comes with harsh decisions all the time. I guess I lost some peoples "respect" but one thing is for sure my father isnt an "ahole". He has done a lot for this sport. You can slam me all you want but please leave him out of it. We work at putting on a good show for you the fans of this sport. The least you can do is have a little respect.


Morgan Lucas
Nice response ,Morgan. Sometimes WE as fans don,t have the ability or behind the scene insight as to the inner workings of a team. It is a business and sometimes business isn,t nice .It happens in a lot of teams ,That's Racing .
Sounds like it all will work out for the best for everyone. Morgan will find a crew chief that he is comfortable with and will be better off for it. Hogan will find a team and will be better off also. Not sure why we really have to blame one side or the other, sometimes, despite the best efforts, things just don't work out and you just have to start over. Best wishes to all in the future.
I've never met Morgan or Richard, but I have been a team manager on a Top Fuel Team (which I believe is Morgan's title), and I can tell you, personality has a lot to do with it. I came to the conclusion (although I never acted on it) that I would rather be on a team that never qualified but had a lot of fun together versus being on a team that fought all of the time and went some rounds.

There are some very strong willed personalities on these teams, not just crew chiefs, but crew members as well, that can be very difficult to deal with. From issues as small as problems with the room at the hotel to fist fights in the pits. The trailer is only 53 feet long, and the pit space isn't much bigger. That is a small area for 8-10 guys that don't get along.

When a car smokes the tires in the first round, or kicks the rods out of it, don't assume that the team quietly goes back to the pits as a team. I have seen a crew member accuse the guy doing the clutch, that it was his fault. Or another accuse the diver of not torqueing the rods correctly. By the time everyone gets back to the trailer, parts and tools are being thrown around, guys are yelling at each other, it's a mess.

I understand why Richard wants to keep "his guys" together. But I have also seen owners and crew chiefs go at it. More money is being spent on new components that the crew chief "has to have to compete" although the guy in the other lane just beat you with the old stuff.

It's endless!

I now work on an underfunded team that doesn't get to race very often, but we have a great time when we do.

Jim Jannard is correct. The pendulum will start to center itself over time.

We will never know everything that has happened in that pit, and there will be a lot of stories, not just here, but traveling around the fuel pits as well.

I'm not taking sides on this one, I've seen it too many times, and I've had the opportunity to be in the middle on at least one. Morgan and Richard will both be O.K., they may not say much to each other in the staging lanes for awhile, but they will survive.

One final comment. I reported to the team owner, but he let me make 100% of the decisions. There were many times I went to him for his opinion, but the decision was mine. Attacking the team owner is definitely premature at this point.
The bottom line to all of this is that it is none of our business.

I think sometimes people on this board become personally involved in situations because we know so much about them. Because of the internet, we know about things as soon as they happen and sometimes don't have all the facts.

I totally respect the Lucas family and also Richard and wish them both the best.

Both are very talented and can survive the wrath of this board.
The bottom line to all of this is that it is none of our business.

Ding Ding Ding!
We have a winner!
We can speculate, but to make rash comments while hiding behind a keyboard, accusing someone we have never met of doing something we didn't witness, about a subject that we know very little about is pretty weak.
Sure it's our business!! It's been posted on a internet site and press releases have been made.If it was nobodys business,why let everyone know?? Maybe not to the nitty gritty details,but yeah,when you make it public,then it's the fans buisiness.

The fans pay the way,and the fans and racers can discuss this to their hearts content.

Enough of the ass kissing...tell the truth.
Sure it's our business!! It's been posted on a internet site and press releases have been made.If it was nobodys business,why let everyone know?? Maybe not to the nitty gritty details,but yeah,when you make it public,then it's the fans buisiness.

The fans pay the way,and the fans and racers can discuss this to their hearts content.

Enough of the ass kissing...tell the truth.

I am. It's not going to affect my day!

Information posted doesn't make it our business. Ask the government.
One key thing everyone needs to keep in mind is that it is hard to relay the context in which comments are made and the tone/inflection in which they are made.

By using two significantly different methods of delivery, the phrase "My Dad's pissed.... you're gone" can be presented as either sympathetic, or vindictive. We also don't know what else the conversation consisted of.

I have this trouble everyday sending emails at work and occasionally when posting on here. I may have intentions for some sarcastic humor, with absolutely no spite intended, but someone will sometimes take it as me having a shot at them. I understand that sometimes it is human nature to automatically get defensive.
I guess the bottom line is, the Lucas Family owns that team, and they can do with it as they please. They live with their decisions, and the fans can choose to support them, or find another team to root for if they don't agree. They want a certain chemistry, and it looks like they are going to keep making changes until they get it. That is their right.

That just about says it all in my opinion. If you don't like whats on TV, turn it off. If you don't like Howard Stern on the radio, change the station. If you don't like Morgan Lucas Racing root for someone else. I think that we all like and respect Richard Hogan. We all have to remember, this is a business. In business, changes happen regularly. Sometimes its personal, sometimes not, but its always the management's (in this case the owner's) decision.
There are some very strong willed personalities on these teams, not just crew chiefs, but crew members as well, that can be very difficult to deal with. From issues as small as problems with the room at the hotel to fist fights in the pits. The trailer is only 53 feet long, and the pit space isn't much bigger. That is a small area for 8-10 guys that don't get along.

When a car smokes the tires in the first round, or kicks the rods out of it, don't assume that the team quietly goes back to the pits as a team. I have seen a crew member accuse the guy doing the clutch, that it was his fault. Or another accuse the diver of not torqueing the rods correctly. By the time everyone gets back to the trailer, parts and tools are being thrown around, guys are yelling at each other, it's a mess.

Thanks for posting this. It's by far the most accurate description I've seen of what it's like working with a Pro team.

While thankfully most of my gigs were enjoyable, I did have some experiences that you described exactly. And I can guarantee you that the fans never knew what really went on, and that some of the really awful people are still held in high esteem.
Thanks Art! I needed that laugh this morning. I thought of how I could respond and I just couldn't do it without being brutally unkind.
I came in a little late or, I would have LOVED being the first to offer Chris condolences! :D I was trying to figure out the best non-tacky way to chime in.

I will say this! I think we need more government holidays. I came down I-95 through NYC at 5 PM yesterday and practically FLEW!!! :D
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