You got that right Wayne. Be it political, religious, philosophical, practical we will completely disagree with everyone on some things. I believe the real test is how we handle those differences that defines us.Some time is life you have to "Agree to Disagree" Life is to short.![]()
Ditto! I'm with Tony on this one!![]()
You got that right Wayne. Be it political, religious, philosophical, practical we will completely disagree with everyone on some things. I believe the real test is how we handle those differences that defines us.
I'm choosing to move on from this thread and let people believe what they want. I'll personally choose to thank Evan for all he has done for our sport as a direct result of my opinion that he's helped more than he's hurt.
George...I completely agree w/ you on this subject...
On the same subject I think we all saw some of Mr Knolls 'true colors' when he explained how he passes a physical for the NHRA T/F license...
He said that you find any clinic w/ a PHD that has never seen you and he will fill out the forms and send em in..No rocket science....BUT...on the physical application there is boxes you check for such things like 'HEAD INJURIES/BACK INJURIES/ETC...Mr Knoll must have forgot to check the box regarding past head injuries requiring the attending physician to do further studies on the applicant...Some would call that 'fraud or a liar'....kind of like his sponsorship situation...
It does not matter if you are intoxicated/medicated/etc as behind everything we say as humans in whatever state of mind is a bit of your true colors...
Including myself...
Thanks for your support Terry, I appreciate it.
There is no such thing in my world as "standing behind something wrong".
If you make a promise, I hope you keep if my friend, or will you blame your welched deal onto someone or something else??
My dad told me years ago, "You can only lose your character once"
There are always choices Ron, and it's sometimes tougher to do the right thing. To deflect those wrong choices onto a "team" is weak, and a major league cop-out in my book. The more money and success you have, the easier it is to sell it to someone like Bobby or you..
Ultimately, through all of the mudslinging between us, we define character differently.
In regards to Bobby, that's exactly how I feel, sorry if you don't agree. I'm certainly not about "getting along" with anybody, and really don't care if you or anybody else likes me. I'm about what's right & wrong, and TOTALLY about doing the right thing in my life. If that's a character flaw in me, I think I can live with it....
Oh... Happy Birthday Ron
The battle is not against flesh and blood, but that is usually where we try to fight it. There is always a tension in drag racing between those who view or are involved with it as a hobby, or as a business. Those who are involved with abundant means and those who have sacrificed to compete. I come from the latter. When I see something like this, I tend to sympathize with those whose livelihood may be jepardized. There is no question that Mr. Knoll has been extremely generous to this sport, but it ultimately is a hobby for him. Maybe it's a microcosm of our indebted American society that has spent what it has not yet earned. You can't blame the credit card companies, you must look in the mirror.
I think we're blind and all in a big room, each one trying to describe the part of the elephant we are touching - none of us seeing the whole thing.
Move over and I'll buy the drinks.
I don't judge people based on how I FEEL about them. You don't publicly take pot shots at someone's name. You did it to Bobby based on your guesses. I did it to you based on exactly what you said about him.
...Most here are very predictable w/ the sucking up...and agreeing w/ everyone else...
If you want to call it personal, that's fine with me.
If you make a statement, or offer an opinion on such a personal subject like this, I would suggest that you quit hiding behind the "personal" shield when your motives are questioned, and answer the questions.
You're reasoning is weird to me, sorry if that's getting personal...
This whole situation will be remembered forever. Everybody who is anybody has peobably followed it.
The reason it will be remembered isn't primarliy because of what happened, or even "why" it happened, the truth will come out eventually, but rather by the unnecessary, unprofessional boastful and self serving response to spin an extremely negative action. Couple that with the physical threats, it's safe to say that most people find this strange enough to never forget.
I know this thread has run it's course. We (some) as good men and women look at our conscience as our guide.
I am out.
I think you are either conveniently blind, or you think some $$$ may be mined from all of this a$$ kissing.
Sorry Bobby if it seemed personal, but it truly wasn't,....
OK Ron, you have the right to feel the way you do, and I respect that.
I have learned a lot from you guys, I really have. In my own way, I want to thank you.
In fact, I think you guys have opened the eyes of many who have learned some new and valuable lessons about people, respect, business, contracts, interpretations, character, the power of celebrity, and it's affects on the weak minded.
Best of luck, and a safe 2008.
Live your life for yourself, God, family and loved ones. It ain’t a hard rule to remember. Be yourself and if someone has a problem with you being you GOOD FOR THEM, F*@K EM!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!”