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Response from Evan Knoll

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Now, I was quietly waiting and expecting a businesslike, professional response to explain just what happened, and why. We do deserve to know why folks. What we got was something extremely revealing about his character.
This tirade IMO answered absolutely nothing about those effected other than they are now S-O-L for 2008.
He told us he's rich, he's a "B"illionaire, but stopped paying what he promised to dozens of businessmen and women. Then, he included God several times, as if that was some sort of devine justification for his reactions. :confused:
I hope God doesn't have an ego, or need it stroked like that.

don't forget he threaten to fight anyone who questioned him in person.

george, that post was spot on. mike ashley is THE MAN. he exemplifies the class seen in guys like larry dixon, the bernsteins, and the snake.
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This is a unique situation as there have never been a company in NHRA history to sponsor so many cars, but Evan or anyone else with those kinds of dollars can do that if they wish and it's a free country to do so. And kudo's to Evan's big heart and I for one hope that he will have a full and speedy recovery.

Having said that, most of us just see the multiple sponsorship announcements and then see the whole program stop on a dime and wonder what happened. This, or any similar situation involving another company or sponsor would open the same door to questions or speculation as that's just human nature to do. It's a story so big that it's can't be ignored. It doesn't mean that those on Nitromater that are asking questions hate or have animosity towards Evan or Torco.
I will just say what I have said all along, Evan get healthy, thanks to Torco for all they have done over the last few years, everybody stop blaming the 'Mater for their problems, hopefully Torco will come back bigger and better in '09 and my heart goes out to all of those teams affected by this decision. They are a classy and hopefully resilient bunch.

EDIT: Thanks to Rich Bailey for finding the words I was trying to say:
"It's a story so big that it's can't be ignored. It doesn't mean that those on Nitromater that are asking questions hate or have animosity towards Evan or Torco."
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Bobby, I'll help..
Please, stop this silly cheerleading of yours. You are acting like you have a motive, and looking for some dollars to fall your way. Your brown nosing may be sport to you, but there are some fine people out there who just had a cigar snuffed out on their forehead, and I'm sure it hurts deeply.
Imagine yourself in debt and suddenly not having the cash promised?
Oh yeah....
Your tune sure would change 180 degrees if you were one of the people affected, that is unless mommy & daddy are there to pick up the pieces for you...
We are from different worlds of thinking my friend. I'm not in Torco's universe of capital generated for which I have emmense respect for, but I have done pretty good all by myself, without a lot of help, all without leaving an obligation unattended, and there isn't a person in this world who can say different. I am very passionate about my character, and it drives me to be a better man, husband and father, and I'll be damned if I stray from that for any reason..
BTW, I have just a 12th grade education..

I apologized, not because of what I said, but because I thought he deserved the benefit of the doubt before anybody, including me could intelligently comment on the facts.
I don't know the man, I don't claim to know him, or his business, and I certainly have not a clue about what his health problems involve. I've never met him and I don't claim to know anybody who does. Therefore, these are strictly my opinions and observations.

I was quietly waiting and expecting a businesslike, professional response to explain just what happened, and why. We do deserve to know why folks.
I guess I expected more from someone touting the Ernst & Young award. (Gotta wonder how those guys would react to the tirade)
What we got was something extremely revealing about his character.
This profanity filled tirade IMO answered absolutely nothing about those effected other than they are now S-O-L for 2008. The only thing he did was to serve himself.
He told us he's rich, he's a bad-ass, he's a "B"illionaire, but stopped paying what he promised to dozens of businessmen and women.
Um, geez, I kind of have a problem with that from anybody who walks the Earth..
Then, he included God several times, as if that was some sort of devine justification for his uncontrolled reactions. :confused:
I hope God doesn't have an ego, or needs it stroked like that.

Read a little bit of this from the NHRA website:

What about this fine man and his team Bobby?
Are "you" sending him a check instead, therefore his business and employees aren't harmed?
Should he go bankrupt, is that just fine with you?
Nah, doesn't affect you at all.....
If his employees have young children they need to support, are you good with that while you comment on the bandwagoneers?
Do you think words like "Inspriational", Testicular Fortitude" "B" as in Billionaire, or better yet, "Refreshing Straight Talk" are appropriate to fix his problems or give him viable short term solutions?
I just can't believe what I read out of this subject.....

I would bet that any well run team with the proper ownership will take a second look at who and what kind of person they are deal with in the future, and some will probably not choose to deal with a flawed entity again.
The one thing I take from all of this is what a wonderful professional Mike Ashley is. Sir, you handled this well, with class and dignity. When the chips fell, and we ALL know what you are feeling. You are in the same professional catagory as Kenny Bernstein, and that I feel is the highest compliment I can give you. Props to the rest of the effected teams, and may your landing be soft and successful.

I certainly wish him a quick and speedy recovery and a healthy future. Everybody should treasure good health, but I think I've seen enough to know what I don't want to see in the future of the NHRA.
As the Bible says, "His judgement cometh, and that right soon"...
And, maybe sooner..

George,well said,nice job.
It sounds like Evan has plenty of money for these teams to race on, but they wont be getting it unless he is at the track to watch them run???
#1.......I DONT NEED ANY MONEY I HAVE PLENTY......, all of my in-house race teams are all on payroll and benefits, and will be....

.#2.... Latrell makes up all the payment forms and pays when he does, and anything that is owed from 2007 the fourth quarter is not due until NOW, JANUARY 2008, and or 30 days afterwards. That’s just the common business practice we use and I believe the industry does as well.

#3.... Now, talking about past due.. ...I can tell you it’s not from my companies..... . .... ..know the source first off.

#4....I will never over ride my business team’s decision at all when they come to say this. I have about 7 million dollars out to racers this year 2008 that was paid way back early fall....... ...... and guess what I AM RICH.....

#5... with Evan Knoll eventually back on top and in charge of his business. Unless I decide to go a different rout and if I do something different ....

Thanks for the response to the concerns of many fans & past or present racers. There seems to be still some confusion about the past, and future dealings by the Torco "business team".
Maybe you could help clear them up?:confused:

#1 Most people thought that the Dale Creasy jr F/C,and Scotty Cannon T/F (now Bobby jr.) cars were part of your in-house teams? Will they still be paid salary and benefits, along with the crew members ? How about everybody on the two Millican cars?

#2 Please review those payment terms with your business team, there seems to be a difference of opinion on the payment dates. Most racing businesses that I'm aware of get payments before the season starts ,and for sure by the last race unless it's a multi-year deal.

#3 Unfortunately some of the vendors in the industry are saying something different, maybe review this with your business team?

#4 Maybe your business team needs to to review the policy of paying for 2008 before all the 2007 commitments are satisfied.? Or maybe because you are rich ,you could help the 2007 racers without them waiting for Latrell ,and the 30+ days deal?

#5 Thank you again for all you have done for the small teams,and Drag Racing, but please understand that the statement "unless I decide to go a different route" makes people worry that you might not be back. name is on the post, I've been involved in private industry with Billion+ dollar companies , and 40+ years of drag racing businesses.
Plus I've stayed at hundreds of Holiday Inns. ;)
"I hope God doesn't have an ego, or needs it stroked like that."

Thankfully He doesn't. What is man that He is even mindful of him. Yet He is mindful of us, even when we question Him (our circumstances or His very existence) and offers us a way to be free from guilt and worldly enticements. How many examples do we need that money and earthly power does not satisfy. And how many times do we see someone claim to know Him but not walk in His ways. A good tree can not produce bad fruit and a bad tree can not produce good fruit. You will know them by what they produce.
I think the Evan Knoll/Torco Race Fuels in drag racing was a Most Excellent production!

When the Grim Reeper comes for Evan Knoll, I think he will alllow Evan to challange him, to a Top Fuel Drag Race, best 2 out of 3 maybe? For a second chance! Rock On Evan Knoll!
"I hope God doesn't have an ego, or needs it stroked like that."

Thankfully He doesn't. What is man that He is even mindful of him. Yet He is mindful of us, even when we question Him (our circumstances or His very existence) and offers us a way to be free from guilt and worldly enticements. How many examples do we need that money and earthly power does not satisfy. And how many times do we see someone claim to know Him but not walk in His ways. A good tree can not produce bad fruit and a bad tree can not produce good fruit. You will know them by what they produce.

Thank you, Russ. Appropriate to say the least.

I prefer this verse to do business by:

All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break em' for nobody"
Tony Montana..

Now, I can understand if some people don't get this, even billionaires, but to me, it's something that I live by.
It may also be the reason I'm not a Billionaire either.
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How much further would you like you insert your head up Evan's ass Bobby?? Keep kissing it mate, maybe you'll become best friends. Grow up Keyboard warrior!
I've always respected your work and appreciated your point of view. They're both commendable in my view. I'll respectfully disagree with your assessment of me since I've never met Mr. Knoll nor do I ever expect to meet him or hear from him. I also have no need for any of his money since I fund my own team of currently four sportsman cars with no sponsorship help whatsoever and have for over a decade. I'll even leave your grammar alone since this is just an internet message board and we all get caught up in the moment at times. I'll just state that it is my opinion that Evan Knoll is NOT bad for drag racing. In fact, I believe him to be a very good thing unlike many others here. I am also waiting for the actual sponsored teams to chime in against him before I participate in his current crucifixion. I do know Randy Goodwin has been under his sponsorship and seemed to be grateful for such rather than critical. Have we heard disparaging remarks from anyone under his sponsorship? I know there have been more things than I could casually sit by and watch stated by so many against his character, business practices, timing and even, God forbid, questioning his health.

Lastly, I'll gladly take such posts as yours along with the other bandwagon riders which seem to remove the heat from a man just fresh from brain surgery and transfer the heat to myself who has quite broad shoulders.

Again, I have nothing ill to say about you, I just feel Evan needs greater appreciation for his contributions and less criticism for his current condition. If that seems to be me placing my head somewhere unspeakable to you, I'll simply respectfully disagree. Is this an appropriate response for such a keyboard warriors or will I next be accused by you of doing something else unspeakable in your eyes?
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How naive you are Bobby, and it should be hitting you right between the eyes like a V-8, but maybe you are just not equipped.
Have you ever heard of any team or person who lost sponsorship dollars risk future programs by opening their mouths in a negative way?
The flip side is this, do we see these affected teams lined up to say it's OK to stick it in and break it off, while the owner openly and deliberately brags about how rich he is, and what a tough guy he is?
That alone did it for me, and I'm sure for the rest of the 99%..

I think you are either conveniently blind, or you think some $$$ may be mined from all of this a$$ kissing.
Since you have such broad shoulders for a man who can take care of himself, how about extending some of that good will in the form of dollars to those left in the lurch?
Just how broad are your shoulders, or is it just easy to give lip service to someone who doesn't need it, or where it doesn't cost you one red cent?
I am drawing a clear picture of your character, and it's sad to see one racer openly and happily dumping on other racers who are screwed right now. .

Wind, wind, wind, that's your game here, and it makes me sad for the others....
How naive you are Bobby, and it should be hitting you right between the eyes like a V-8, but maybe you are just not equipped.
I think you are either conveniently blind, or you think some $$$ may be mined from all of this a$$ kissing.
Wind, wind, wind, that's your game here, and it makes me sad for the others....

I think this thread needs to be stopped. Yes, Evan has some major problems and many teams have been severely hurt, but with all of this confusion NO ONE knows what is really happening. Bobby is one of the most honorable men I have ever met and is entitled to his opinion. If you disagree, state your opinion in a respectful way - DON'T attack another Mater!
Moderators, where in the hell are you? - :mad:
...Have you ever heard of any team or person who lost sponsorship dollars risk future programs by opening their mouths in a negative way?...

ABSOLUTELY. A LOT more times than once. And by some very famous names in the sport.

Some folks are a bit dense sometimes....:rolleyes:
I (along with a lot of others) have refrained from any comment on this on going saga. Until now. This thing is being beat to death.

The whole thing speaks for itself.

I agree with the latest posters. Mods, please put this thread out of it's misery.
Thanks for the response to the concerns of many fans & past or present racers. There seems to be still some confusion about the past, and future dealings by the Torco "business team".
Maybe you could help clear them up?:confused:

#1 Most people thought that the Dale Creasy jr F/C,and Scotty Cannon T/F (now Bobby jr.) cars were part of your in-house teams? Will they still be paid salary and benefits, along with the crew members ? How about everybody on the two Millican cars?

#2 Please review those payment terms with your business team, there seems to be a difference of opinion on the payment dates. Most racing businesses that I'm aware of get payments before the season starts ,and for sure by the last race unless it's a multi-year deal.

#3 Unfortunately some of the vendors in the industry are saying something different, maybe review this with your business team?

#4 Maybe your business team needs to to review the policy of paying for 2008 before all the 2007 commitments are satisfied.? Or maybe because you are rich ,you could help the 2007 racers without them waiting for Latrell ,and the 30+ days deal?

#5 Thank you again for all you have done for the small teams,and Drag Racing, but please understand that the statement "unless I decide to go a different route" makes people worry that you might not be back. name is on the post, I've been involved in private industry with Billion+ dollar companies , and 40+ years of drag racing businesses.
Plus I've stayed at hundreds of Holiday Inns. ;)

I'll lighten up and stop with the secondary crap, but I think this post may be the second most valid on this thread.
It deserves an answer. So, I'm going to give this thread the respect it deserves and wait for an answer.
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