Bobby, I'll help..
Please, stop this silly cheerleading of yours. You are acting like you have a motive, and looking for some dollars to fall your way. Your brown nosing may be sport to you, but there are some fine people out there who just had a cigar snuffed out on their forehead, and I'm sure it hurts deeply.
Imagine yourself in debt and suddenly not having the cash promised?
Oh yeah....
Your tune sure would change 180 degrees if you were one of the people affected, that is unless mommy & daddy are there to pick up the pieces for you...
We are from different worlds of thinking my friend. I'm not in Torco's universe of capital generated for which I have emmense respect for, but I have done pretty good all by myself, without a lot of help, all without leaving an obligation unattended, and there isn't a person in this world who can say different. I am very passionate about my character, and it drives me to be a better man, husband and father, and I'll be damned if I stray from that for any reason..
BTW, I have just a 12th grade education..
I apologized, not because of what I said, but because I thought he deserved the benefit of the doubt before anybody, including me could intelligently comment on the facts.
I don't know the man, I don't claim to know him, or his business, and I certainly have not a clue about what his health problems involve. I've never met him and I don't claim to know anybody who does. Therefore, these are strictly my opinions and observations.
I was quietly waiting and expecting a businesslike, professional response to explain just what happened, and why. We do deserve to know why folks.
I guess I expected more from someone touting the Ernst & Young award. (Gotta wonder how those guys would react to the tirade)
What we got was something extremely revealing about his character.
This profanity filled tirade IMO answered absolutely nothing about those effected other than they are now S-O-L for 2008. The only thing he did was to serve himself.
He told us he's rich, he's a bad-ass, he's a "B"illionaire, but stopped paying what he promised to dozens of businessmen and women.
Um, geez, I kind of have a problem with that from anybody who walks the Earth..
Then, he included God several times, as if that was some sort of devine justification for his uncontrolled reactions.

I hope God doesn't have an ego, or needs it stroked like that.
Read a little bit of this from the NHRA website:
What about this fine man and his team Bobby?
Are "you" sending him a check instead, therefore his business and employees aren't harmed?
Should he go bankrupt, is that just fine with you?
Nah, doesn't affect you at all.....
If his employees have young children they need to support, are you good with that while you comment on the bandwagoneers?
Do you think words like "Inspriational", Testicular Fortitude" "B" as in Billionaire, or better yet, "Refreshing Straight Talk" are appropriate to fix his problems or give him viable short term solutions?
I just can't believe what I read out of this subject.....
I would bet that any well run team with the proper ownership will take a second look at who and what kind of person they are deal with in the future, and some will probably not choose to deal with a flawed entity again.
The one thing I take from all of this is what a wonderful professional Mike Ashley is. Sir, you handled this well, with class and dignity. When the chips fell, and we ALL know what you are feeling. You are in the same professional catagory as Kenny Bernstein, and that I feel is the highest compliment I can give you. Props to the rest of the effected teams, and may your landing be soft and successful.
I certainly wish him a quick and speedy recovery and a healthy future. Everybody should treasure good health, but I think I've seen enough to know what I don't want to see in the future of the NHRA.
As the Bible says, "His judgement cometh, and that right soon"...
And, maybe sooner..