What does the second amendment say, and how has that worked out?
Is this really necessary? I could go on about the left and their views on entitlement and butt hurt on controversial subjects, but I don't.What is your right wing/redneck interpretation?
Randy, now days you come to my sandbox and I have to change the rules for you...
What is your right wing/redneck interpretation?
This message is hidden because Mark Breznay is on your ignore list.
Is this really necessary? I could go on about the left and their views on entitlement and butt hurt on controversial subjects, but I don't.
I thought this forum was to be about nitro racing not politics. Seems it has drifited into something else. No wonder there aren't many folks on it anymore.
Absolutely necessary.
Chris is correct.
Randy, "ignore" or "agitate" .... I think they are basically mutually exclusive choices.