NHRA Review Panel upholds Schumacher findings, fine (1 Viewer)

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There is something going on here . What ever it is , Don has an army of true friends behind him . I will hate to see what happens in the long run if these type of nhra actions continue . I would also hate to be on the other side of the table with the brilliance of DSR on the opposite side .

I say the DON will have them begging for mercy later . This man has enough class , courage , business sense , success , and fortitude to make anyone worry . I guess the 100,000 could be divided as severence checks . Lets see how this pans out . Bet you DSR laughs last .

All the teams better stand up to these a holes , there is strength in numbers . Lets see what happens when the countdown ( locked in drivers in order ) and a stand down at a certain event when everyone in the final 10 are expected to show and then they dont , they could not lose their position if they all did it . Then they could use that point system , countdown crap against the nhra at the same time . They would also save the precious nitro they seem to have created a situation with . Wonder what the television show and commentary would say then ? It would be a pretty sad but telling show about what the nhra has become . The fans need to see it , right ? Works for me .

The fans also have a say in this . I will not buy any more tickets until these bungholes are out of office for one thing . By the way , I buy alot for a very large corporation . To the tune of about 50 tickets per event for about half of the events from the begining to the end of the year . I will spend the companies money on golf outings and other leisures for my customers and employees instead .

Jesus Christ. And I get called a NHRA brown noser.
This is not the place for me to fight this fight so please understand that I am reluctant to post the reasons here. Feel free to call me at Schumacher Electric on Monday and I will explaine things. The number is 847-385-1600, my extension is 203
Why is this not the place to fight this fight? Everyone (other than us accused NHRA brownnosers) have your back on this one around here. If you are going to make a favorable statement, this is the place to do it.

Before I call, can I ask about
A: Nitro situation
B Nitro fines
C: Loose shot in the FC's
D: Lack of PRO support in the nitro and loose shot violations.
E: Confirmed support from other teams. Key word, Confirmed. ( i have seen none so far) regarding boycotts, etc.

I will try to call on Monday, but due to my schedule, it may not happen till Tues AM. I very much look forward to a discussion.
Wouldn't it make a nice statement to the employees at NHRA if DSR "rested" his teams at a lightly attended race and NHRA had to explain why funny car and t/f had 3-4 open slots on race day. Wouldn't 3-4 first round byes look great on TV?

Wouldn't it make a nice statement to the employees at NHRA if DSR "rested" his teams at a lightly attended race and NHRA had to explain why funny car and t/f had 3-4 open slots on race day. Wouldn't 3-4 first round byes look great on TV?


The NHRA would survive quite nicely without DSR, just as they have survived without Evan Knoll. I don't see what all the fuss is about. When DSR voluntarily enters and attends an NHRA event, DSR agrees to abide by and follow the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures set forth by the NHRA. The NHRA rule book states that the team whose transporter contained the banned fuel could have been DQ'd from the event. I think they got off lightly with a monetary fine. I'm sure Mr. Schumacher has rules and policies in place for the vendors that do business with his various companies, and these vendors are expected to follow his rules.
All I have to say is if Kenny at ADRL decides to add fuel cars, NHRA should be very afraid. ADRL shows are awesome. Adding fuel cars would put it on nirvana level for gearheads the world over.

Slightly unrelated, but NHRA making more decisions like this will catch up with them.
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