Disclaimer? Try this one on for size, printed on the back of a NASCAR ticket. Please note that I have added paragraph spaces to make the whole thing a bit more readable.
NASCAR owns the rights to all images, sounds, and data from this NASCAR event,. For more information, contact NASCAR Broadcasting, 2049 Century Park East, Suite 3000, Los Angeles, CA 90067.
The bearer of this ticket agrees not to take any action, or cause others to take any action, which would infringe upon NASCAR's rights. Use of this ticket constitutes acceptance of these terms.
NASCAR owns all rights to broadcast, transmit, film, tape, capture, overhear, photograph, collect or record by any means (including but not limited to television, cable television, radio, pay-per-view, closed circuit television, satellite signal, digital signal, and the Internet) all images, sounds, and data arising from or during any NASCAR event and NASCAR shall be the sole owner of any and all copyright, intellectual property rights, and proprietary rights worldwide in and to these works and in and to any other works, copyrightable or otherwise, created from the images sounds and data arising from or during any NASCAR event.
The bearer of any tickets purchased via this document agrees not to take any action, or cause others to take any action, which would contravene, diminsh, encroach or infringe upon these NASCAR rights.
I especially like the "overhear" part.