Mike Ashley's Lend America (2 Viewers)

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Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
Brentwood, CA
I am looking at purchasing another property and was wondering if anyone had any experience with Mike Ashley's Lend America. They have very competitive interest rates and programs to help with closing cost.

Plus, I'd like to give my business to someone in the racing community if possible.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking at purchasing another property and was wondering if anyone had any experience with Mike Ashley's Lend America. They have very competitive interest rates and programs to help with closing cost.

Plus, I'd like to give my business to someone in the racing community if possible.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Greg my wife and I are looking at buying a new home and I called and talked to them and the person I talked to was super nice and very helpful. We have decided to hold off right now and see how the mortgage industry comes thru this hard time before we buy so I dont have any concrete evidence of using them but they were helpful and answered all my questions.

My concerns are with the cost of the loan outside the interest rate. If their primary business is in the sub-prime market, they aren't going to be competitive for someone like me.
Greg..........Ashley responded to the question of subprime loans and how much of his business was associated with said loans. If I remember correctly, he said that a very small percentage of his business was in the subprime market. Hope this helps.

I may be wrong, but I think the sub-prime problem created some headaches for Mike, I think I remember reading where he changed his biz model to work with FHA loans now. No matter what, give him a try.
We are foucsed on Government Insured FHA Loans and have been for some time. Sub-prime was less then 30% of our business model. In any event I want to thank you for considering Lend America. The company will do its best to help and give you the right deal. However, we are not perfect. If for some reason you are not satisfied please reach out to me directly and I will do my best to help. I can be reached at Lend America and talk to race fans/clients all the time. We have 500 plus employees now and as hard as we try it's not always possible to make everyone completely satisifed.

I wish everyone a great holiday season! I can't believe Christmas is almost here!:)

Expect to Win,

Mike Ashley
Mike, I am not quite ready to look at homes and such yet. But, I really appreciate you coming on here and answering these questions. I will check out Lend America when I am.
It is great to see you race, your personality is amazing. Thank you for all you do for drag racing and the fans. All while keeping family and important things first! Keep up the great work.
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Mike A..Glad to see your focus is w/ the FHA market as many years ago the program comprised of nearly 80% of all loans while today maybe 10-15% of loans are FHA....I really like FHA programs but w/ yesterdays market it almost killed it...I dig the market and makes things exciting and interesting...Keep up the good work...
I am looking at purchasing another property and was wondering if anyone had any experience with Mike Ashley's Lend America. They have very competitive interest rates and programs to help with closing cost.

Plus, I'd like to give my business to someone in the racing community if possible.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Greg...If you PM me your contact info I will get it to him in the morning...I'm sure that either he will call himself, or have one of his managers call if he is in meetings or something...

Mike is a really good guy...He'll be able to help you...
They've had the Christmas trees lit up for weeks in stores 'round here.
I work for Dollar Tree Inc., and we started getting christmas wrap at the end of June and our first X-mas push to the stores started 3 1/2 weeks ago.

Which means by the end of October, I'm already over X-mas.
I don't know if this helps, but I know personally of three crew guys from different teams that have gotten home loans from LA, and were very happy with the overall costs. Don't know the percentages vs. loan costs breakdowns, but all of them said it was as easy as any other loan they'd gotten, even for something as simple as a car.
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