March Meet, GOLF CARTS and thoughts (1 Viewer)

Gutter Brain

Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
Chicago, IL
I just got back to work this morning after my flight. I had a great time, great weather, great event, great cars.
Leah Pruett was amazing with the fans. Every time we walked by, she was out with the fans, always willing to sign something, pose for a pic, talk, whatever. And she did a pretty good job driving.
Rapid was as good with the fans. But, that is nothing we all didn't know. His pits were packed most every time we went by. He did a great, great job driving in round 1 on Sunday to get the win.

The only thing that we (my family, friends and some others) couldn't stand was the GOLF CARTS, scooters, and the like. They were everywhere. They were not usually patient, or paying attention. They were driving through the midway, show car area, swap meet, everywhere. When we tried to leave on Saturday night, they were weaving in and out of traffic trying to get out of the pits.

I will have more after I can get some things caught up at work and look around more. ;) I want the weather back!! And another In & Out burger!
I just got back to work this morning after my flight. I had a great time, great weather, great event, great cars.
Leah Pruett was amazing with the fans. Every time we walked by, she was out with the fans, always willing to sign something, pose for a pic, talk, whatever. And she did a pretty good job driving.
Rapid was as good with the fans. But, that is nothing we all didn't know. His pits were packed most every time we went by. He did a great, great job driving in round 1 on Sunday to get the win.

The only thing that we (my family, friends and some others) couldn't stand was the GOLF CARTS, scooters, and the like. They were everywhere. They were not usually patient, or paying attention. They were driving through the midway, show car area, swap meet, everywhere. When we tried to leave on Saturday night, they were weaving in and out of traffic trying to get out of the pits.

I will have more after I can get some things caught up at work and look around more. ;) I want the weather back!! And another In & Out burger!

your a lucky man! sounds fun...yeah the golfcarts/buggies at tracks are outta control, everybody has to have one to be cool like the other guy...lololol
Also, would it have killed them to have the pumper truck come by once-in-awhile and clean the portajohns? It was bad enough that there was no where near enough toilets onsite; the least they could have done is make an attempt to clean the ones that they had. They were clean every morning but by the end of the day, they were literally overflowing. As a dude, I can hold my nose and take care of business; however, I have no idea how a woman could get through the day there; no sane person should attempt to sit down on those things; my other gripe was the big umbrellas on those beer carts that were going back and forth in front of the stands; it was really nice of them to block peoples view of the track. Other than that BS, I had an awesome time!
I don't want to have this sound like I didn't have a good time or anything. Kevin, I completely agree with you about the porta potty's.
I had a great time all weekend. Just the golf carts during the day got to me.
The night qualifying on Saturday and fireworks was a nice added bonus too.
It was hard to come back to my cold Chicago reality after this weekend! Seeing family, friends and racing. It was lots of fun.
I was at the top of the stands so I had no problem seeing. But............... mid day Saturday a golf cart pulled up next to the stands and parked a little ahead of the front row and these 3 dolled up teens climbed up and sat on the top of the carts roof. A lady asked them politely to back the cart up a bit because it was blocking their view. One of the girls on top of the cart yells back at the lady "NO" in a really bratty tone. This lady comes out of the stands and screams at the young girl that she's a smart mouthed little bi+ch and she's going to kick the shi+ out of her. If it wasn't for her husband holding her back we'd have seen a cat fight. Finally the guy driving the cart did move it back. It's a shame that some people are just inconsiderate. And I do agree that there were way too many little gas powered mini-bikes and golf carts all over the place especially behind the pit side grandstands especially with the size of the crowds. Outside of the TF disaster and a couple of oil downs it was a really good day on Saturday. I met Eric and had a really nice conversation with Randy early Saturday morning around 9:30, before the crowds arrived.
I was at the top of the stands so I had no problem seeing. But............... mid day Saturday a golf cart pulled up next to the stands and parked a little ahead of the front row and these 3 dolled up teens climbed up and sat on the top of the carts roof. A lady asked them politely to back the cart up a bit because it was blocking their view. One of the girls on top of the cart yells back at the lady "NO" in a really bratty tone. This lady comes out of the stands and screams at the young girl that she's a smart mouthed little bi+ch and she's going to kick the shi+ out of her. If it wasn't for her husband holding her back we'd have seen a cat fight. Finally the guy driving the cart did move it back. It's a shame that some people are just inconsiderate. And I do agree that there were way too many little gas powered mini-bikes and golf carts all over the place especially behind the pit side grandstands especially with the size of the crowds. Outside of the TF disaster and a couple of oil downs it was a really good day on Saturday. I met Eric and had a really nice conversation with Randy early Saturday morning around 9:30, before the crowds arrived.

I was sitting at the top as well; the guy sitting next to me looked like Tank Abbott from the UFC. Someone made the mistake of blocking our view once... the key word there is "once". I wish I could sit next to that guy at every race! Unfortunately, some people need intimidation in order to behave.
It looked like the Hatfields, McCoys & most of Kern Co. were riding something. On vendor row there were more near misses than missin' teeth at a nascar race.
What happen to 1 per RACECAR entry.
We had people parking in front of the booth and then shopping somewhere else. When you asked them to please move they would just look at you with that dumb a$$.....whaaaaaaaaaaat, look.
Something needs to be done before someone gets hurt bad. I didn't know that it was legal to drink and drive with an open container as long as it's just a golfcart, quad or minibike.
Okay I'm done, I'll get off the tire.
I would like to thank all of the Maters that stopped by to take advantage of the ice chest and say hello. It was great to meet all of you in person. Tough break for Randy, but Plueger & Bucky are customers:D
Ted how did you do?
I should disclose that I was one of those scooter riders.
I really try to be aware of my surroundings.

What pissed me off was the awnings/easy-ups allowed down track of the camping side bleachers.
They blocked the sight lines for those of us in those bleachers.
Don't get me wrong Paul. There are plenty of considerate riders at the track. But, should the average spectator have the right to ride them anywhere they want?
JMO, NO. They are spectators and should learn how to use their feet again.
I didn't see 5,000 scooters at Pomona.
Kevin, it was great seeing you. you have some great stuff there. It was cool seeing those I got to meet.
Was that Mike English that mentioned the Mater when Rapid ran? that was cool. It was cool talking to Dan. And, just watching Rapid. Those fans wouldn't allow him much hammock time though!!! :p
You must be the only one in IL. with a tan right now. Glad we got you some Ca. sun.:D
I am probably one of very few with real, not fake 'n bake tans.
I did see Paul on his scooter. I didn't recognize him until it was too late though. He was good. (not just b/c he is a fellow Mater. lol)
The only thing that we (my family, friends and some others) couldn't stand was the GOLF CARTS, scooters, and the like. They were everywhere. They were not usually patient, or paying attention. They were driving through the midway, show car area, swap meet, everywhere. When we tried to leave on Saturday night, they were weaving in and out of traffic trying to get out of the pits.

I will have more after I can get some things caught up at work and look around more. ;) I want the weather back!! And another In & Out burger!

It was really pretty tame compared to the CHRR. The entire fence is lined with those damned things and most of them are not kids, but racers or old geezers who used to race. I agree they are a pain in the arse and should be banned from the midway and the spectator areas. And then there are those huge off road utility thingies that are twice as big as the carts it seems. And the weather? Ah, the weather. How close to perfect could it be?
Ted how did you do?

Thanks for asking Kevin. Made it to the 3rd round of N/E before breaking out with a 7.560....ouch! The car had never run a .50 before, so I wasn't too worried about the break-out, just kept my size 10 burried....guess I tilted the can a little too long. All in all, it was our best weekend in 5 years of trying. Started off by striking the tires in Q1, worried that we wouldn't make the quick 32 (72 entrants!), but pulled out .67 in Q2. That earned me a first round meeting with the #1 qualifier!

Love the t-shirt designs Kevin, can't wait to sport them at the next stop on the Heritage Series tour.....will be in touch to finalize the deal.

Funniest story of the weekend-While in the staging lanes prior to round 2, I walked over to my opponent Rich Raymond and his crew sitting in the bed of their p/u. I asked jokingly, "Hey can we have your ice after your done?" Everyone laughed then, but it was even funnier when they actually delivered a chest full of ice after their defeat! Those guys are fun to pit next to!!!!

McDavitt Family Racing
Great Meeting everyone there. I had the time of my life for sure,,,,I am swamped with the "Hey Rapid isn't here, just put it on his desk until he gets back" paperwork! :p

It was cool to see alot of you out there. I didn't get time to go see Kevin, I even had a list to help make sure I got to see people. The car had other plans for me. ;)

Rapid {Can't remove the silly "Nitro Grin" of my face yet} :D
One more thought....

After our first round victory over the top qualifier, my team was obviously excited. My 4 year old son ran up and asked me if I had won the Piston Cup!

Those of you with kids should get the reference to the movie "Cars".
Great Meeting everyone there. I had the time of my life for sure,,,,I am swamped with the "Hey Rapid isn't here, just put it on his desk until he gets back" paperwork! :p

It was cool to see alot of you out there. I didn't get time to go see Kevin, I even had a list to help make sure I got to see people. The car had other plans for me. ;)

Rapid {Can't remove the silly "Nitro Grin" of my face yet} :D

You were definitely a hit with the crowd. Especially beating out the fire with your hands and having the steering wheel waving in the air.
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