If anyone left early on Sat then they must have walked home, because their cars were still there when i arrived. Due to the fact that i was at a boat race in San Demas during the day I didn't get there until 6:00pm after all the fuel cars were done and the cars were still parked at least a mile on both sides of the road, and at least a half mile down the dirt road in the orange grove. I finally found one spot up by the gate. So if that was your spot then i thank you because i was running out of options. This was by far the largest crowd i have ever seen at Bakersfield. Only having 2 major races a year seems to be working out pretty good for them.Too many oil downs, too many drivers not knowing when to lift and taking out cones!
Those cars don't represent what we grew up watching they are starting to look like door wedges.
I understand the performance reasons but they should look like the cars we did watch back in the days. I went there Thursday and Friday to check it out but won't be going again!
They take way to long to clean up the track and when they oil them down the track it's all the way down the shutoff area!
Trust me I was in the stands a lot of people were bitchin about it and a lot of people left early because of it including me!
Better Joe- quarter mile racing with real, IDENTIFIABLE race cars... Best Weekend EVER! Thank you, BangShift.com!
I never go when newstalgia dragsters are running. They do oil the track, and famosa takes forever to do a clean up.Too many oil downs, too many drivers not knowing when to lift and taking out cones!
Those cars don't represent what we grew up watching they are starting to look like door wedges.
I understand the performance reasons but they should look like the cars we did watch back in the days. I went there Thursday and Friday to check it out but won't be going again!
They take way to long to clean up the track and when they oil them down the track it's all the way down the shutoff area!
Trust me I was in the stands a lot of people were bitchin about it and a lot of people left early because of it including me!
...and Famoso takes forever to do a clean up.
First, Ban all synthetic racing oils!
BTW, Jay, you try to clean up synthetic oil, there is NO easy, quick way.
Come by the Prolong/ Mandella Racing/ Shirley Muldowney pit on the midway and say hi.
Those cars don't represent what we grew up watching they are starting to look like door wedges.
Aw shucks , it was my pleasure.Loved the show you guys put on for the crowd!!!