That’s my feeling after being at this past weekend’s race in Vegas. It’s a lot to take in. But, hearing and feeling four fuel cars going WOT all at once is a visceral experience that cannot be duplicated anywhere.Yeah, not a fan. Fortunately I have a race this weekend and won't be watching Charlotte.
After the first couple of seasons of 4-wide races when there was some significant confusion for drivers, there have not been that many races involving drivers timing out. But Langdon's situation made it more clear to me that 4-wide racing is much more complicated than just keeping track of your lane's staging bulbs. You also have to pay attention to when the first driver stages and then specifically ignore what's going on in the other two lanes. Then, once you are staged, you also have to totally ignore everything else but the amber because any other lane (or lanes) could potentially time out and the tree will activate at 7 seconds. Then, seeing the red light of an opponent who's timed out OR left early is probably a liability because instinct will tell you you've won, but you are actually still racing against two other lanes that don't have that distraction.thank you for the explanation corey, i kinda' thought the red light does not show to all lanes, but wasn't sure.
would it be a reach to suggest this situation creates an almost impossible scenario for remaining competitors to have a good race with normal reactions?
an extremely awkward task of looking at last of (4) stage lights, which doesn't come on, followed by amber/green that no one is ready for.
........the (3) r.t.'s in that race were .186 .244 .364
Torrence said something to the effect I don't know what funny games were being played, never mentioned Hart.Steve never mentioned anyone by name. Literally the first words out of Langdon's mouth in his interview were "Josh has been hanging people out."
The way she dismounted from her bike, I thought for sure somebody was getting punched.two 4wides in a row......zmax 1st rnd psb.....john hall is timed out in lane 3, leaving jianna evaristo sitting on line looking for 4th stage light
so she can rev her engine in anticipation of amber/green.
Hey Kyle, what is your first race this year?The Compulink AUTOSTART system will continue to be utilized at this event. However, unlike two-lane racing, the AUTOSTART system will not activate until all four vehicles are PRE-STAGED and one vehicle has STAGED.